Mar 03, 2025
Mar 03, 2025
A New Look at Ancient Histories - 7
Continued from “Ancient India in Italy and in Peru”
The Uru Civilisation of Australia has excited etymologists and anthropologists since as far back as the 1800s. A noted book “Oriental Fragments” by Edward Moor talks of the possibility of discovering traces and remains of Sanskrit, temples and images……
More recently genetic studies have completely overturned earlier estimates that Australia was first colonized 45000-50000 years and then by the Europeans in the eighteen century.
The study of the genes of Aboriginal tribals and their comparison now points to a wave of immigrants from India little more than 4000 years ago. This wave is believed to be one that sailed down from South India to Australia. That is in sharp contrast to the first ancient wave of aboriginals who are believed to have walked out of Africa, through the Arabia coast, across Asia and India before reaching Indonesia and New Guinea, to finally cross over an ancient land bridge into Australia. Probably the human species involved into such a long walkabout that was spread over several generations!
By the time the next wave of Indian settlers reached Australia the ancient land bridge was under water so they sailed. This is evidenced from lack of DNA traces along the overland route; whereas analysis of DNA samples from Aboriginal people living in the Northern Territories of Australia today shows that up to 11 per cent of their genetic heritage is Indian.
This Indian immigration has been traced to happened about 4,230 years ago, long before the first European sighted it from a passing ship in 1606. More than a century later Captain James Cook came with an armada of 53 vessels to claim the entire landmass in the name of Britain. They made it into a penal colony for their overload of criminals in the homeland.
Dr Irina Pugach, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, said the international research team calculated that the Indian DNA reached the Aboriginal population 141 generations ago.
Assuming that each generation is separated on average by 30 years the geneticists have concluded that the Indian population arrived on in Australia 4230 years ago. This was accompanied by notable changes in stone tool manufacture and planting processes, making for a likelihood of a link.
Mark Stoneking, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute who led the study: ‘Australia is thought to represent one of the earliest migrations for humans after they left Africa, but it seemed pretty isolated after that.’
Dr Raghavendra Rao from the Anthropological Survey of India, bears out these findings after his team used computer programs to predict that a common ancestor existed, between the Indian population and Aboriginal Australians, up to 50,000 years ago.
The entire word Australia decoded in Sanskrit = 'Arus' means the 'Sun', 'Taral' is the coastal route taken and surrounded by water – same logic similar as Australia and New Zealand being called Oceania. 'Alaya' means 'home' or a 'retreat'.
More by : Kusum Choppra