Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Earlier and now acquiring knowledge is not for employment sake. Fifty to sixty years of Indian independence has mauled the concept of education. Even though education is for acquiring knowledge, scholarship, and deep study and contribution to various disciplines; that spirit is completely killed by both Government policies and private players in providing"education".
Education is reduced to getting a certificate not caring for learning and then enter job market sans any employable skills or efficiency. And Brahmins and Brahmanism are attached for every social trouble especially in the provision of education. It is missing in the observation of many intellectuals and rationalists that; all engineering and technology; since civilisation and cultural living in India; have been with castes and social groups other than Brahmins.
Again I stress all engineering and technology has never been with Brahmins. They were distributed among various social groups known as castes. Brahmins are and have been erroneously blamed for not allowing other castes and social groups access to education. This is completely false, silly and discriminative against Brahmins. Today we know that only engineering and technology are job providers and we are all spending thousands to lakhs of rupees to make our children an engineer or technologist to get employed. And we all know that basic academic courses in science, arts, commerce are no longer employable. That is the reason we want everyone of our children to become an engineer or get a certificate that he or she is an engineer.
Who is learning subject in any discipline throughout India? None. Everyone wants employable certificate, but they refuse to learn anything during their course work but want to get employed. Courses in languages, sciences, arts, commerce are no longer in demand or students do not join them as such courses do not get them a certificate to be employable. Thus education which is also a tool for overall growth of Individuals is not imparted at primary, secondary, tertiary, P.G. or research level.
Many business men entered the field of providing employable certificates and are looting Indians of their hard-earned money. None is complaining about this are taking decisions that they are not exploited by unscrupulous runners of "educational" institutions. Mere academics sans employable skills are a waste of time, money and energy. At the same time academics is necessary to initiate, get grown, to study, contemplate, and contribute to knowledge,which work is not attractive from money earning point of view. Such a thankless and non-remunerative profession had been handled by Brahmins in India. Other castes and social groups have given the charge of engineering and technology, which are also employable. Now no Indian is enthusiastic to learn or contribute to knowledge of any kind. All want employable certificates sans any learning. And it is a reality that no Indian is contributing to knowledge nationally or internationally and none is recognised in the world for one's erudition and depth of knowledge and useful contribution to knowledge.
Academically India is going through a dismal phase as far as learning and contribution to knowledge is concerned. That being the reality what is the meaning and fun in blaming Brahmins for every evil in the society? Today who prevents any one from learning and contribution to knowledge? Why none is able to contribute substantially and meritoriously to knowledge by being a scientist, scholar, linguist, philosopher or such academically bright and useful seers of knowledge?
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam