Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Tato yuddha parisraantaam samare chintayasthitham
Raavanam chaagrato drushtwa yuddhaya samupasthitham
Tired in the battle, Sri Rama’s mind was thinking of a way to kill Ravana and his face showed deep thought. Ravana, ready for further fight stood before Him.
Daivataisya samaagamya drashtu mabhyaga toranam
Uppgamyabravreedraama agasthyo bhagavaan rishih
The deities assembled in the firmament early to witness the fight. Sage Agasthya approached Rama and told him in a bid to comfort him:
Aaditya hridayam punyam sarwasatru vinaashanam
Jayaavaham japennityam akshyam paramam shivam
Rama! You are the bravest on the field of battle, as courageous as ever. No need for you to be worried about killing the enemy. I would convey Adityahridayam, a sacred and secret incantation to you, which would enable you to win victory in any fight.
Sarwa mangala maangalyam sarva papa pranaashanam
Chintashoka prasamanam aayurvardhana muttmam.
This earns you all merit (punya) of the highest order. All your enemies would be killed with ease. This mantra yields victory and the most auspicious fruit.
Rasmimantam samundyantam devaasura namaskrutam
Poojayaswa vivaswantham bhaaskram bhuvaneshwaram
Rama! You worship Aditya, the Sun. Shining effulgently in the hearts of the devout, he, the perfect one, makes all go about their work. He is deity for all deities and demons. He is himself the jnaana and jneya, the sacred and ultimate knowledge and its object. He is the presiding deity of all powers enunciated in yoga and all sciences.
Sarvadevaatmakohyesha tejaswee rasmi bhaavanah
Yesha devaa sura ganaan lokaan paati gabhasthibhih
Surya, the deity propitiated in this mantra, is there in all the deities and as such he is the essence of all, illumining all. He is the one who inspires all and he is the saviour of all deities and demons.
Yesha brahmaacha vishnuscha sivaskandhah prajaapatih
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamassomohyapaam patih
He is the four-faced Brahma seen by the yogis of the highest order. He is Vishnu too ruling all and He is Shiva the one ever auspicious. He is prajapati, the lawgiver, He is Indra and He is Kubera, the god of riches. He is TIME, kaal., the Destroyer too and the object of the adoration of all seers and sages.
Pitaro vasavasshadhya hyaswino maturo manuh
Vaayurvahni prajaa praana rutukartah prabhakarah
He is the sire of all beings. He is the object of the quest of the sages and seers. He is the one who blesses all with his rays. He is the one who dispels all misfortunes and tribulations. He is Manu invested with all powers and grace, He is Vayu, He is Agni and He is Prajaa. He is the one who permeates all with life. He is the maker of the seasons and so is called ritu karta and He is the giver of all light and radiance.
(Having thus explained to you the form of the deity, now I would convey the mantra, which sings the praise of Aditya.)
Adityassavita sooryah khagapoosha gabhastimaan
Suvarna sadrusho bhaanu hiranya retaa diwaakarah
O the effulgent Supreme Aditya! You are the creator as well as the destroyer, savita and aditya. You inspire beings to go about their work and so you are Surya.. You are all-pervading, and hence khaga. As you are the sustainer you are poosha. You are effulgence itself making everything effulgent. Your are the creator of this brahmanda, the universe and you are the dispeller of ignorance and the means of liberation.
Hari daswah sahasraarchih sapta sastir mareechimaan
Timiro madhana sambhuh sthwastha maartaanda amshumaan
You are the one with glorious mounts like the eagle. You shine with splendorous attributes and auspicious qualities. The steed called ‘sapta’ draws your chariot. Your chariot wheel kills enemies and you dispel and drive away all impediments that come in the way of acquiring knowledge and wisdom. You give peace and happiness to all. You are the destroyer. You are the one giving chaitanya, consciousness to the universe. You pervade all and everything.
Hiranya garbah ssisirasstapanoo bhaaskaro ravih
Agni garbho diteputrahsamkha ssishira naasanah
The life attribute, jeeva tatwa, necessary for creation is in you. You can drive away tribulations and scorch those inimical to the devout. Since you illumine everything you are called Ravi. You are primeval. You drive away cold giving warmth.
Vyomanaadhastamobedhi rugyajus samapaaragah
Ghanavrishti rapaamitro vindhyaveedhe plavangamah
You are the creator of the sky. You are the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance in the devout. The Vedas find the exemplification of their essence in you. You are the Lord who allot the fruit of all deeds to all. You take your rest in the ocean. Your movement takes origin in Sushumna naadi.
Aatapee mandalee mrutyuh pingalah sarvataapanah
Kavirviswo mahaa tejaa raktassarvabhavodhbhvah
The worlds shine only in your radiance. The disc of radiance is your form. You are even the deity of Death. You are the poet creating everything. You are the one making all the worlds happy. You are the red-hued. You are the prime reason for creation.
Nakshatra graha taaraana madhipo viswabhaavanah
Tejasaamapi tejaswee dwadasaatman namosthute
You are the inner substance permeating all stars and planets. All existence has its being in you. You are the light of radiance. In the twelve months you appear in twelve different forms.
Namah poorvaaya giraye pashime girayenamah
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinaadhipatayenamah
O the Almighty Sun! You live on the Eastern hill and on the western hill. You are the ruler of jyotirganaas, the bands of those who know the future and the liberated souls.
Jayaaya jayabhadraaya harvasyaaya namonamah
Namonamah sahasraansho adityaaya namo namah
You are the victor and the cause of all victory. You are the one to make one win over sin and its consequent heat. You are the one with wheat-hued steeds. Salutations to you.
Nama ugraaya veeraaya saarangaaya namo namah
Namah padmaprabodhaaya maartaandaaya namo namah
Salutations to you. You are the independent destroyer to wield the senses at the time of the deluge. You are the referent to the sound of aum. You are the one who makes the lotuses and the lotuses of the heart blossom.
Brahmeshaanatchyuteshaaya sooryaayaaditya varchase
Bhaaswatwe sarva bhakshaaya raudraaya vapushenamah
You are the lord even of the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer. Salutations to you. You are one with effulgent being, the embodiment of all jnaana, knowledge and wisdom. Your form is formidable and wrathful since you are the destroyer of grief caused by raga and dwesha, affection and disaffection.
Tamoghnaaya himagnaaya shatrughnaayaamitatmane
Kritghnaghnaaya devaaya jyotishaam patayenamah
You are the dispeller of darkness and cold. You are the destroyer of enemies inner and outer. You are omnipotent and you punish the ungrateful and reform them. You are the personification of ananda, perfect, delectable bliss.
Taptachaamee karaabhaaya vahnaye viswakarmane
Namasthamobhivighnaaya ruchaye lokasakshine
O God! You are the one with the hue and radiance of molten gold. You are the very form of agni. You are omnipotent. You dispel darkness. You are the effulgent soul of all. You are witness to all actions of all in this universe.
Naasha yatyesha vaibhootam tadeva srujati prabhuh
Paayatyesha taptyesha varshtyesha gabhastibhih
O Rama! Here is the one who is the destroyer of all. He is the creator too. He is lord of the entire universe. He it is who causes decay and destruction. Even rain is his grace.
Yesha supteshu jaagarti bhooteshu parinishtitah
Yesha chaivaagnihotramcha phalamchaivaagnihotrinaam
When all senses stop functioning and rest he takes over as the form of consciousness and is ever wakeful. He permeates all living beings as consciousness. He is agni, fire, and he it is who gives salvation to those who pay him adoration
Vedaascha kratavaischaiva kratoonam phalamevacha
Yaani krutaayaani lokeshu sarvayesha raviprabhuh
All the Vedas posit him. He is the one who has the grace and power to bless all rituals, big and small. He blesses the people and activities associated with them.
Phalashruti (The fruit of chanting/listening)
Yenamaapatsu kruchcheshu kaantaareshu bhayeshucha
Keertayan purushah kaschinnaavaseedati raaghavah
Raghava! One who recites this mantra would never be ensnared in frightful situations and disasters.
Poojayassyaiva mekaagro devadevam jagatpatim
Yetatrigunitam japtwaa yuddheshu vijayishyasi
Recite this thrice and worship the lord of the universe, Aditya the Supreme Deity. You would win all battles.
Asmin kshane mahaabaaho raavanam twam vadishyashi
Yevamuktwa dadaagasthyo jagaamata yadhaagatam.
“O, the strong armed! This very moment you would kill Ravana,” said Agasthya and left.
Yetatchchrutwa mahaatejaa nashtashoko bhavattadhaa
Dhaarayaamaasa supreeto raaghavah prayataatmavaan
Aadityam prekshya japtwaatu param harsha mavaaptavaan
Triraachamya suchirbhootwaa dhanuraadaaya veeryavaan
Raavamnam prekshya hrushtatmaa yuddhaya samupaagamat
Sarvayatnene mahataa vadhetasya dhrutobhavat
Sri Rama memorized this with great devotion and was free from all worry. Then in all sincerity and devotion, he recited the mantra and felt assured, comforted and content. He took his bow and stood strong and bold in the battlefield. He looked at Ravana and made a vow to kill him.
Adha ravi ravidannireekshya raamam
Muditamanah param prahrishyamanah
Nisichara pati sankshayam viditwa
suragana madhya gato vachastvareti
Surya, the supreme divine, resolved death to Ravana and came into the midst of the deities ranged to witness the battle and enthused Rama to kill his enemy.
More by : Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.