Mar 21, 2025
Mar 21, 2025
In an unprecedented manner, at midday on the Independence Day which happened to be one of the popular Hindu festival, Janmasthumi (the birth day of Lord Krishna), in a village not far from Burdwan town of West Bengal, a priest who is honest, aged and dedicated, and has been serving all the priestly duties and responsibilities to most of the deities of the village for many years without any decent 'dakshina' for discharging his service, was mentally humiliated at broad daylight at the time of worshipping an ancestral Goddess Devi Durga of a family by hurling volley of abusive languages and threatening to physically assault him despite no fault by a middle-aged braggart of that extended family which was so far estimated by the villagers as cultured and aristocratic.
All the women assembled there for offering puja , tried to resist him from committing nuisance but he grew more violent in his boastful act.
After being dumbfounded for some moments, the priest too humbly asked him the reason of his sudden fury, getting no satisfactory reply, he told them witnessing the rampage not to continue his service any more before he came back home teary-eyed. That incident spread like a wild fire in every nook and corner of the village and every Tom,Dick and Harry condemned the notorious and nefarious deed of the culprit.
But just after an hour of the incident, harshly rebuked and cornered by the other members of that clan, the culprit visited the priest's home accompanied by uncles and cousins and tendered an unconditional apology with folded hands and teary eyes from the priest and his wife by hugging and touching their feet.The priest as a part of hospitality to the guests offered sweets and forgave him.
The culprit then cried foul to spill the beans that it was a fallout of a long pent-up anger and grievance of a family feud over the unequal distribution of ancestral properties and assets ,and as his family resides in town, he has been deprived of the right of many facilities and from asking opinion on important matters, he has been left in the lurch and ostracized in the family. He finally confessed that driven by all these turbulances, he lost his mental disposition and acted like a blacksheep, and became a disgrace to the villagers, venting his ire on the innocent Brahmin who is their family priest for years and prayed for their peace, happiness, fortune, health and prosperity . On his part, the priest forgave him, but the time will tell whether the Devi Durga in front of whose presence, he committed the heinous act, would punish him or not in the days to come.
More by : Moloy Bhattacharya