
Abdication in the Self - The Divine Wisdom

Indian spirituality as originated in and with and evolved through the Upanishads and later supplemented and complemented through the Buddhism, the Jainism, the Shaddarsanas, and later spiritual masters is the Divine Wisdom. It is essentially the Knowledge of the Self, known popularly as Brahmajnaana or Aatmajnaana.

The Brahmajnaana reveals the true nature of the original state of mind and origin, structure, function and control of mind. This path through knowledge is known as experiencing what the true awareness of "I". The Upanishads say the real "I" is neither experience, thought/feeling, or utterance but pure consciousness sans all these mental functions in the awareness.

The path of knowing and experiencing the real nature of "I" is the most beautiful and rewarding spiritual path towards permanently being the Being sans the adjective "human". As is well-known ego represents the "human" aspect of awareness. Ego is the projection of the mind about the individual-personal traits, character,social status etc., and super-imposition on the Self in the form of experiences/senses -meanings-, thoughts/feelings, utterances. .

If this reality is realized and the true spirit of the "I" in the form of Self is the consciousness as Unoccupied Awareness or Content-free Contentment, one is pure consciousness sans any mental functions in the awareness. Then the mind rests in the recesses of its origin, form, sustain-er, terminator and extinguisher. This ability to be Being with mind absorbed in Itself - the Being , the abdication of the individual in the Self happens / takes place. Self is nothing but Being-Pure Consciousness-Bliss - the Mind-Time - Transcendent Awareness.

Silence is being experiences in the form of silent mind and transcends mind and its functions - when mind is working also - by providing the awareness of the mental functions in the form of experiences/meanings. thoughts/feelings/sentences, utterances/actions/reactions - both physical and psychological- and the State of their cessation.

This is the Diving wisdom, the essence of Brahmajnaana.


More by :  Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam

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