Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Like changes are the permanent things in the world, anomalies too are never-ending.
I have seen it in my life and in the lives of others who are known to me. To cite the biggest and well known examples can be the life of a young man whose voice had been rejected by the All India Radio became the most attractive and magnetic voice of the country: Amitabh Bachchan’s. A young bharatnatyam dancer and a petite girl from South who had been dropped from a famous Tamil director’s movie for her very thin looks later became the ‘Dream Girl ‘ of India: Hemamalini.
These examples are on the positive side. A rejection for a specific reason had turned into a success later. But, what I am going to share is the negative side of it. However, these are the incongruities I have come across in my life and the characters I have watched and even today, watching with disbelief. I understand love is blind. But, the blindness also should have something else to substantiate a stand. A relative girl of mine from an educated elite family with a good academic record and intelligence had gone and married a man from outside her cast and religion who is just one step ahead of an illiterate. He is without any work for the past two decades yet their marriage life endures three decades with no complaints. The woman herself is a bundle of contradictions because she could not work on any place or with anyone for long. If you talk to her she will impress you as a very intelligent person but her personal judgments will be shockingly simplistic.
There were two scientists worked with me; qualification wise one is a M.Tech and another a Ph.D. The M. Tech man cannot speak or write even one sentence in English without glaring mistakes. Till his retirement he spoke ‘I does not know’, ‘You does not know’ without an iota of embarrassment. His handwriting will not be better than that of a LKG kid. Wonder how he passed his papers in Engineering and how he got the job! The doctorate man was a total misfit in the organization because he is the most evasive and lazy guy who shuns work and responsibility. He had never taken any student to work for his doctorate and in his three long decades of professional life he had never given any talk or presentation anywhere. He had absolutely no connection with the academic circle. Still he survived as a scientist, got all the promotions and retired also.
Another one was a real great scientist or one to be believed because he always keeps talking and had achieved his goals in is life by his hyperbole oration without stuff. Stylish English and a lot of unbelievable statistical data like that of a politician were always his arsenals. He claimed he is going to write a book on Science and Technology on a particular field which he is yet to write. The only power he wields is his authoritative talk. He always claims about his honesty and integrity but factually, he is the one who had exhibited the highest forms of favoritism and nepotism in his professional life.
An aunt of mine who was very pious and friendly with every soul she meets. Unfortunately, the major part of her life was a misery and her only son was a dimwit without a job and without children.
I look at my own life itself. When I was young I wanted to become an artist; but, my brothers who were in control of me made me study engineering. I got admission because of the marks I have secured in SSLC and became a Chemical Engineering graduate. Since I could not get a job immediately I was forced to go for masters degree; not because of the interest but l could get a stipend of Rs. 250 per month which will be an income to my financially crippled family. I couldn’t get a job that easily because I was shy, not very communicative and my subject knowledge was (is) also limited. Nevertheless, I got a job where I need to teach students which I hated. But, because of the Hobson’s choice I started doing it. Later, I was shifted to a different field of study where I became a bit interested and earned a name. It is all written by someone and not by oneself. My interests in fine arts still continue. I do write, listen to music, try to draw and paint. But, I find I am not fully successful or satisfied with any. Is it not a variance again?
There may be millions of examples like this.
Yes. Human lives are full of conflicts, contradictions and inconsistencies. We have no option but to accept them pragmatically without complaints.
More by : G Swaminathan