Mar 03, 2025
Mar 03, 2025
Now the Kathua case has been transferred, everyone piously hopes that some semblance of justice,(?) will happen, in how much time, no one can guarantee.
After all that Shor, everyone spoke to females... protect yourself, learn martial arts, carry pepper spray etc, acknowledging that family males cannot protect?
Should women now turn violent, carry acid to throw in their faces or a sharp scissors for a Bobbit? Or what? What about little girls at the hands of family members?
Why is no one thinking of the boys? Why do they feel the urge to rape ... even babies?
I often wonder: is this a side effect of digital India, with mobiles penetrating where health, education, or even proper roads have not. So they, the boys have access to PORN... great inspiration!
Add to that the frustration of watching girls snap up top spots in all exams, jobs, laurels, even encroaching into earlier male arenas and making good there, albeit with hard work.
The male encroachment into previously female areas such as nursing, teaching, beauty, fashion, air hostessing has somehow not thrown up role models.
Hence frustration intensified by joblessness.... ending in female deaths rising in a land already suffering from a negative sex ratio.
Who is thinking soberly about these issues?
More by : Kusum Choppra