Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
He is to be conquered Long Poem, Adapa Ramakrishna, English Version by Dr. P .Ramesh Narayan, Telugu Poet, Geeta Pustak Kendra, Hyderabad , 48 pages, Price Rs 50/-
The poet & translator are solely responsible for the contents of the poetry in this volume. The publisher do not take any responsibility for the same in any manners, errors, if any are purely unintentional and readers are requested to communicate such errors to the poet / translator / publisher to avoid discrepancies in future.
What His Excellency Said
“Lead this movement, take it further as it has very major and prominent role in the fight against corruption and black money. To me each and every individual involved in this mission constitutes a new anti-corruption cadre in the Country. In a way you are a Soldier in the cause of cleanliness and purity”. Prime Minister of India.
He is to be Conquered
Recently the crackdown was a big catch involved in irregularities like illegal gratification from contractors and real estate builders. His property document, worth more than Rs.50 crore 50 lakh cash and huge gold and diamonds, jewels worth of Rs.20 crore.
Assets worth Rs.24 crores seized and found 18 kg of Gold, 53 kg Silver ornaments hidden in a washing machine and other uncanny places. Overall unearthed Rs.500 crore one can. Un imagined the sort situation. Let us assume He is an emperor of corruption.
Hydra heads
Corruption is a multi-headed serpent. Greek mythology envisioned a sea serpent which has many heads. One head if slain would bring forth several immediately. This despicable and dangerous activity would result in degeneration worldwide. Poets, writers and analysts are dealing with this menace which is destroying human values. This long poem written first in Telugu and translated later into English,
Shh …
Some disturbance
Sound of something moving
An effort to swallow the five elements of nature
A foundation that is cracking
A psycho moving behind the screen
An identity which no one can smell
An unimaginable challenge
A chaotic system
A pathetic situation of time being tied up
Weaving a net for economic terrorism (p.4)
The earth does not cannot seem to have way to limit this epidemic,
The countries are all shattered
A confusing cover portrait
The inner self a corrupt mountain,
A hypocritical disguise (p.5)
Various arenas have spread, sprouted to create more areas
Both the heaven and earth inwardly
With the speed a lot more than of time
With mean behaviour
Slicing away very silently. (p.5)
Laws are there ad plentiful in books. But the long arm of justice spends long time in adjournments.
Each step is one forcible occupation
Each act is of violent nature
Threatening with reddened eyes
Diverting millions of millions
To Swiss bank accounts
Tireless intrusions.
In search of black money (p.6)
There is monumental evidence but is there any weighing scale?
Getting bail is a status
Being in the jail is a prestigious image
What is the hallmark of standards?
Which is the weighing scale that does not move both ways
What is judgement value of the Goddess of justice?
Though it is a black coat on the white shirt
His own word should be upheld (p.9)
The mile stones are many, certainly countless and limitless. The ways and routes of corruption are innumerable and the murderers are almost everywhere.
Wiping out the boundaries
No road reaches the goal
That is 0one’s is goal and that is inaccessible
Many crooked ideas in his looks
Remnants of workshops and factories
Paths that are closed by the tears
Traceless projects identities
Curved stones for foundation
Mile stones seen at each and every town. (p.11)
New gods have spread all over with thirsts unquenchable with power and pelf.
Garlanding with currency notes
Decorating the judiciary neck
Judgements of the one who served them
Judges are the household deities
Everywhere Veerappans offering sacred lamps
Move freely in his regime. (p.13)
The God of wealth has unquenchable thirst. The disguises are many and the problem gets more and more complex.
The disguise none can identify
Stating that there is no need of time bounds
Expressing silly attitudes and behaviour
Throwing the net with the perfect aim
Gets everyone trapped into the
Cage of corruption. (p.16)
Scam is a very common word and used in many a context.
Any scam that is done is unscathed
Workout drawn with Real Estate
He doesn’t lift the bowed down head
Do not care when the issue back fires
Still he goes on shaking the heads
No victim will never bow out
Though thousands of voices scream aloud. (p.19)
Crores are not satisfied with the number of digits expected. The more the digits, the more satisfying values.
When his head rises, he imposes eternal sleep
Black market deal in his estate bungalow
He will not count time for black money
A talkative financial figure of deceit
A kingmaker cheating in crores
Human values are of many hues; all are not of the same depth of humane ethos. Many are the values valued in currency notes.
Human values buried under
Contractors around in sessions
Hunting middlemen in the agreements
Understanding with multinationals
Gymnastics is considered mountain raising. It is needs legerdemain, the sleight of hand.
Performing feats of contrasting signals
Secret deals under the dark shade
Follow the backdoor business methods
Market is one magical broker
Price sticker changes in the bat of an eyelid
Entering deep down like a sand grain
Pledging the environment. (p.22)
Mother tongue is passe. Foreign languages rule the roost.,br />
Rural schools in dilapidated condition
No sufficient space to play games
Do not found neatness and decency
Dirty smell of burial grounds in the backyard
Ugly stink of cattle smells near by
Worrisome daily chores. (P.23)
Dreams and liquor induced charms sway the minds of those with tons of money.
Swinging in intoxication of liquor
Running vehicle in the shaken vision
Stopping breath in pools of blood
Later roaring in the burial grounds. (p. 25)
Temples are manufacturing assets and so are lucrative.
He is an empire in corruption
Wakf a board in misdeed
Evil nature that appears in temple Trustees (p.26)
The switches are controlled and commended from a long distance
A playful act of remote control
All are intimate in his frame
All over the body a defiant voice
A complete honour and admiration
For the ugly culture of evil get reward
Shows his canvass is width of I-max (p.27)
Film production, acting and assessing are all productive. Ideals are shown and held up without bothering for good human values.
Giving out cheers in Hollywood
Producing a gang mafia
Shows Gandhiji picture on currency notes
Performs magic with make believe truth
Extending support to economic terrorism. (p27)
Bargains and negotiations are of skyline order.
Everyday walking over the red carpet
On being fascinated for Mercedes cars
Desires to open a museum. (
Money bags intoxicate and the heavier the more they the more comes out madness.
Illegal and corrupt discussions and plans
Behaves as if he is humble and polite
Keeps an eye on weaker sections. (p.30)
The products for the poor are entrusted to the money bags. The complaints and hardships of the poor are unheard.
Garment supply uniforms
Force that leaks out inner secrets
Subordinates with finger on the lips
Plastic stickers to the unmoved lips. (p.34)
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
To the revolting masses
To the notorious Lathi charge of the Khakis
Who runs the show behind the screen?
Who are those corrupt partners behind him? (p.36)
‘Fine words butter no parsnips’ is the saying of the helpless hungry.
The lecture without any moral teaching
Memory of thousands of child births
Sex exchange situation in the labour room
Outdated instruments and medicines
Godowns of duplicate medicines in black market (p.37),br />
All this leads to the determination of this poet to act and act with the one thing.
urgent and lifesaving.
Lowering the screen and the intermission
An empire of corruption
Let him hear the defiant voice
He is to be conquered
The reader knows who the HE here is.
About the Translator
Dr. P. Ramesh Narayan is a retired Principal of a college in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. He rendered many services to Government and Non-Government agencies in several capacities over the years. He translated around 18 books of different writers and some long poems.
More by : Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.