Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Japanese short-form of poetry is a gift to the world of literature. It embodies a wide spectrum of entities comprising the beautiful nature, human behaviour, diverse cultural and ethical values and zen feeling. Deeper in haiku writing and its evaluation speak about the sublime physics of light and sound, chemistry of colour and geological expression of the landscape by encapsulating the science in beautiful nature (kocho-fuei). Poetry creates a fabric of resonance to transmit the human essence into our surroundings and further into the greater space.
Poet Federico Garcia Lorca could come to know about haiku in early 1920 and when he was a student in Madrid he aptly visualises and writes:
Some day…
You will leap from one star
to another.
During the early seventies, I had composed a poem, “Saptarshi ra Satabdhi Prasna” (One Hundred Questions of the Seven Stars) portraying time, space, and the celestial mystery. I thought of an idea of “Astro-Poetry” by assimilating the essence of celestial scientific entities in literature. Man’s perennial search for life in other celestial body and in another solar system analogous to ours has been a milestone in space technology.
In 1978 a few of my haiku-like stanzas written in “Odia” appeared in the Deepti magazine, under the short- verse sequences “Satyameba” (Truth Alone). The translation of one of the poems, Jibanata (Life) is as follows:
half-moon in the sky
her body veiled in mixed
colours of clouds
- Deepti, Vol.8, Issue III, Oct-Dec 1978
We can extend the art of poetry through time and space and glance them with the lens of imagination for the science and technology to translate. I tried to correlate the essence of celestial emblem through some of my haiku poems enumerated below:
the child wonders
the rest
- Mainichi Daily News, 3rd Nov 2010 (featured on the HSA "Haiku Wall" exhibited in the historic Liberty Theatre Gallery, Oregon on June 3-5, 2011).
blue earth--
lone robot on
the moon
- Simply Haiku, Vol.10 No.1, Summer 2012
deep silence--
planets move around
without noise
- The Mainichi Daily News, March 20, 2013
deep dark space
many cosmic townships
with their own light
- The Mainichi Daily News, March 23, 2012
Freezing the Moment: A Celebration of Haiku by Poets from India , April 8, 2018
black hole--
mystery of the universe
gathers light
- NaHaiWriMo, February 17, 2013
Haikuniverse 11 .3.2018
early dawn--
millions of stars
in dark
- EarthRise 2015: Years of Light, Haiku Foundation
milky way –
lightning splits
the darkness
- Best of Issue (Second Choice), Haiku Reality, Vol. 12, No 20, Summer 2015
The art of human philosophy, largely imaged, in the cognitive sphere, with thinkers and poet, in particular, is boundless. We dream the serene nature to create images that offer solace to all and create literary insight by amalgamating human feelings with scientific and celestial juxtaposition.
a snapshot of
- NaHaiWriMo, 4.3.2013 # Fire
Culture Haiku Magazine, World Kigo Database, November 2013
counting stars
I move around
the galaxy
- The Mainichi Daily News, May 25, 2011
End of year
celebrating the journey
around the sun
- Asahi Shimbun, December 16, 2011
Neil Armstrong--
baby’s maiden walk
on bright moon day
- The Klostar Ivanic International Haiku Competition, 2014 (Award Winning Haiku)
long walk--
the slum boys stare at
the distant stars
- The Heron’s Nest, March 2014
cream coffee
a close encounter
with the milky way
- ephemerae, Inaugural Issue, April 2018
celestial thought
the moonflower on her
braided hair
- Chrysanthemum 23 Spring Issue 2018
countless stars
my folded hand
holds a few
- Stardust Haiku, Issue 17, May 2018
moonrise the sky from the oncology wing
- Presence # 61, 2018
painting contest
the child puts a drop of water
on the Mars surface
- Poetry Corner,, 29.8.2018
Author’s Note: “Cosmic Muse” was first published in Haiku Anthology, Vol. 4, 2018 by Haiku University (Editorial Team: Nagata Mitunori, Takatoshi Goto Mine Mukose Chiaki san)
The haiku collection “Cosmic Symphony” by Pravat Kumar Padhy is under publication and soon will be available on Amazon.
More by : Dr. Pravat Kumar Padhy