Mar 12, 2025
Mar 12, 2025
Family: Liliaceae
L.N: Aloe barbadensis
External use: A warm paste of kumari juice with turmeric churna can be applied over swollen, painful and enlarged spleen. So it is Anti-inflammatory in nature, Juiced can be used in the eyes for conjunctivitis. In headaches and eye problems, the pulp can be applied locally. The juice is refrigerant
Anti-inflammatory activity
The anti inflammatory action of Aloe vera gel relieves from pain and discomfort as well as accelerates the healing process. The effects observed for acetylated mannan in Aloe gel resembles the anti inflammatory action of mannose-6-phosphate.Aloe vera also inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway, decreasing the production of prostaglandins, in that way reducing the inflammation.The whole gel extract showed antiinflammatory activity on carrageenan-induced edema in rat paws.Moreover, it was observed to enhance wound tensile strength and antiinflammation.Topical administration of aloe vera preparations inhibited inflammation in the croton oil-induced edema assay.In terms of the mechanism involved, the inhibitory action of aloe vera gel on the arachidonic acid pathway via cyclooxygenase has been suggested. Whole leaf aloe extracts exhibited to possess anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties in vitro and in animals. ze:12.0pt;font-family: "Times New Roman","serif";mso-ansi-language:EN-IN;mso-fareast-language:EN-IN">
Satmikarana: Kumari juice can be used as a restorative in generalized weakness. It is a tonic. The juice is anabolic and increase strength.
Dosha: Vata shamakaa, Kapha shamakaa, Pittasaraka.
Dhatu: Rasayani, mansa (brihani), shukra (Vrishya), Rakta (jaundice), Rasa (febrifuge), medahar (granthihar)
Mala: Purisha, Artavjanaka
Prabhava: has antidotal property,
Organ: Eyes, uterus
Family: bursaracae
L.N: Commiphora myrrhha
External uses: Useful in rheumatoid arthritis, gout, sciatica, and in oral diseases for gargling. Bolam rubbed in human milk is used as eyedrops in conjunctivitis and purulent discharges.
Internal uses: It is used in vata disorders, anemia, gout, blood disorder, anemia, gout, blood disorders, cough, asthma, dysurea, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
Dosha: Tridoshahara, but pittavirechak.
Dhatu: Rakta, Mansa, raktameda, rasa (amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea),
Mala: Mutra
Organ: Joints.
Family: Bursaracae
L.N: Boswellia Serrata
Uses: Useful in disorders caused by kaphapitta. Paste is applied in rheumatoid and cervical adenitis. Ointment is used as in chronic ulcers. In eye disease, it is used by mixing with honey. It is used as appetizer and digestive, therefore useful in bad breath, loss of appetite diarrhea, dysentery; it is used in chronic cough in the form of smoking. Colour of the stool is restored to normal due to its action on pitta
Effect of Shallaki in joint::
Shallaki is proved to act as an effective agent to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with the disease. Aflapin is acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA) enriched B. serrata extract and nonacidic gum extract of B. serrate – in vivo and in vitro animal models showed better anti-inflammatory activity than 5-loxin. The study in which Shallaki ointment application was advised along with internal administration of Shallaki showed enhanced results or better reduction in the pain and inflammation. The extract of Shallaki, 5-loxin is 30% 3-O AKBA, which showed a significant reduction in the pain. In this study, cartilage degrading enzyme matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) from synovial fluid of patients was tested. There was a significant reduction in the enzyme thereby modifying the disease pathology. In the molecular pathogenesis of OA, proteolytic enzymes such as MMP are highly elevated in body fluids such as serum and synovial fluids which cause potential damage in cartilage tissues. The gum resin of B. serrata usually contains 43% boswellic acids which contain mainly 3-acetyl, 11-keto, boswellic acid which help to preserve the structural integrity of joint cartilage and maintain a healthy immune mediator cascade at the cellular level. It inhibits the activity of enzyme 5-lipoxygenase through a nonredox reaction in OA. It also acts as Cox-2 inhibitor, reduces pain and inflammation without affecting the gastric mucosa. It soothes the joint and also helps to treat levels of synovial fluid, making the entire structure lubricated and easy to rotate or move.In carrageenan-induced inflammation model, 5-loxin treatment yielded a significant improvement in paw inflammation in albino Wistar rats.
Dosha: Kaphaghna, Pittaghana
Dhatu: Meda, shukra, mansa
Mala: Purish, astringent, urine (dysurea), Sveda (stimulates sweating)
Organs: Joints, respiratory tract.
(4) MUSTAK (Gundra)
Family: Cyperaceae
L.N: Cyperus Rotundas
External uses: Deodrant, corrosive when applied and rubbed on the skin. In obese patient, powder is used for massage. Local applications help in pruiritis and other skin disorders as well as in eye diseases.
Nervous system: Brain and nervine tonic, hence its paste along with milk given in brain impairment and convulsions.
Digestive System: Mustaka is the best medicine for digestive system. Being bitter, it is appetizer, digestive
More by : Dr. Shiv Dwivedi