
Netflix: Little Things; Season 3

The much awaited ‘The Little Things’, Season 3 is there in Netflix with 8 fairly long episodes. I watched them since I have watched the earlier two seasons with mixed feelings more than a year before.

This Season 3 is expected or developed with the idea of the lead pair changing their vision and views about ‘life’ and ‘profession’ and it is indeed interesting to note that these millennials live independently away from each other and shown spending their times with their aged (not too old, 55 to 60) parents.

Well. The initial two episodes are little boring as the two alone are shown as earlier with silly fights leading to showdowns and then treaty.

I should accept one thing; Season 3 episodes are longer and in many places it looked like watching an art film…moving so slow without any developments.

For me I found Kavya’s visit to her parent’s place on the eve of her father’s retirement and Dhruv’s outing to his house in Delhi to pack off his mom little interesting. Here while Kavya behaves herself with an air of maturity, Dhruv behaves unpredictably cranky with his mom.

If one tries to show the daily routines of life, there is nothing much to chew about. It turns rather mundane. It is.

The only message here in this Season 3 is the ‘live-in’ relationship couple also learns to take up ‘live-out’ relationship also. Yes, Kavya moves over to Nagpur on her job willingly for an indecisive period of time and Dhruv is expected to become a research assistant to his bête noire in college.

For me Season 3 is a Big Yawn!


More by :  G Swaminathan

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