Random Thoughts

Perceptions and Exceptions

We, in India, seem to revel in some clichés; let me give a few and you can imagine the rest which I have left.

  • Villagers are innocent
  • Senior citizens are docile
  • Youngsters are arrogant
  • Criminals’ children are honest
  • Women are highly vulnerable
  • Men are male chauvinists
  • Teachers are virtuous
  • Politicians are bad
  • Media persons are crooked
  • Writers are good speakers
  • Poor people are virtuous
  • Mothers are good cooks
  • Indiscipline in the society is because of government
  • Rich business men/women are overbearing
  • Educated persons are intelligent
  • Academically brilliant are productive
  • Illiterates are gullible
  • Failures are stepping stones to success
  • Success are because of diligence
  • Luck favors only the good and smart
  • Hard work always pays

I have passed seventy long years in life facing many ups and downs and come across lots of persons and watched several happenings and changes that keep taking place every day in life, lifestyle and environment. The biggest and the hardest lesson I have learnt is all the above perceptions may be real but exceptions.


More by :  G Swaminathan

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