Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
The purpose of Education is to create fearless men and women of interactive personality. Wherever such men are, there will be lasting peace. Fearlessness comes from self education and self - knowledge. A fearless person is by no means aggressive.
The purpose of education is to create fearlessness and non aggressiveness too in men and women of interactive personality.
The key for the betterment and completeness of modern living is education.
Education opens up the, mind expand it and allow us to improve our life in many Ways. Education is not only the learning of facts but the training of mind to think.
In my career as an educator for the past 30 years, I have come across many threshold, as a teacher, counselor and now as a Principal I believe in 3D's – Devotion, Determination and Dedication, a will power to teach, to administer and also develop our staff and students. All these have to be done outside my chamber. I have to come out into the field. Nothing can excite the spontaneous delight, as a perfect piece of work as an educator. No one can teach one to act like a Principal. We have to teach ourself daily, buffeted and battered by the issues that face us.
Never think of our work as a passive drudgery, but look at it as an exacting science. With every issue that crops up, we should be alive, alert, positive, aggressive and even though it may take a long time to resolve, wait patiently to seek perfection and fulfilment in our work. There are some positions in the workplace whose character calls for peculiar development. It calls for quickness of hand and eye, unflagging concentration and eternal vigilance.
A good leader to a certain extent is a specialist not easily replaceable and sometimes not place able elsewhere. Like this person we can specialize in some area in such a way that our organisation will consider us irreplaceable for that type of work.
In CIS, our staff are very straight forward, knowledgeable, good sportsman will easily adapt himself/herself to the atmosphere there. Like a good administrator, a principal must develop quite different qualities of immediate judgement, swiftness economy of movement in gathering the information and lastly the ability to effectively communicate with speed and accuracy.
When a Principal is posted in a School in an Institution of Higher Learning like, HSC, IMM, CLRI, NAL should have a Hi cell Intellectual Acumen, sharpness in thinking, crisp expression with brevity and capacity for quick replies in conversation. She/He must be able to evoke respect from the staff of those institutions by being authoritative in the academic field. In a school run by a project where all expenditure – capital and revenue – is MLT by the project authorities, the principal has to have the above qualities. He must carefully manoeuvre every step so that he gains his goal or avoid any embarrassing situation. Brilliant execution is not enough.
There must be good judgment too. If you are sleepy and lackadaisical, it is like a squeaky instrument in an orchestra which is enough to ruin the perfection of a fine performance. To the staff and students your great fielding (of problems and persons) will be like ambrosia. When we had to visit villages often. The villagers, though peaceful normally, will be touched to the quick, if a careless word escapes from our mouth and can become suddenly volatile. Only if we can show that we can also speak in their language at that tense moment, then they will calm down.
Similarly in the school when you face a turbulent staff bent on creating a problem, then when you talk to him, simultaneously see how those around you react and your response should be steered accordingly. When a staff wants to hit you below the belt, he/she may easily level a charge of corruption or moral turpitude. If all along, before that, your hands had been utterly clean, your behaviour with lady staff beyond any doubt, then you can clearly ward off the charge because they will vouch for your unsullied character.
In Govt. service this is common. If the staff belongs to a special category, then your handling must be very carefully orchestrated – each word chosen carefully, measured accurately, chiseled finely and shaped into an innocuous form and then expressed leaving no room for “catching” you on the wrong foot-even as it will be observed by several, you keep some spectators (witnesses) with you when you talk to him. Whenever we were talking to a ‘problem’ person, he used to have a recorder in the cupboard (slightly open) switched on and have the whole conversation discreetly recorded for future corroboration if need be.
While dealing with all “such casts” you have to build enough and credible documentary evidence to support your statements later on.
Occasions may come in your daily work when you may have to use all the aforesaid skills of a fielder in facing, dealing, handling, and managing problems and challenges.
More by : Prof. Annapoorni Balan
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Education has two parts: integrating with external environment like earth, plants, animals etc. That with nature. Not knowing gravity means, falling from a ladder which was not slat 45 degree and the ground is hard; wet feet in smooth surface means falling due to lack of friction and so on. Thus Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics(abstraction of any organized system in symbolic and calculable form variables and their calculable components like arithmetic formulae etc.), Thus schooling deals with external education. The internal education is moral, social and business world, value system that starts from home and with father and mother as teachers. Today's social failures are due to failure of the family to impart duties and dharma. Schooling will never replace it. |