Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by Arup Ganguly
Mind is disturbed about how the whole CAA/NRC issue has evolved over last few months. For me the disturbing part wasn’t so much what BJP or the other parties, Muslims etc. are doing and playing their cards respectively for their gains..more disturbing was how the whole thing was working and creating the dilemmas and doubts of all kinds in my own mind.
Is BJP playing with human emotions? But then they all do…have done always…
Is it wrong for the Hindus to be assertive for their cause…have they not always been at the receiving end…never were so organized earlier as opposed to the Muslim…the schism exists… has always existed…was only covered with a false make believe shroud…but what about compassion…isn’t it the highest trait…to be kind is more important than to be right…but is there a need to be apologetic…isn’t what is happening ..was destined to happen…cause and effect..years of suppressed emotions waiting to explode….just needed one political leader to trigger it and use it for his party’s benefit…hollow talk about equality…expecting and getting all kind of minority benefits..being used as vote bank through dictats from the mosque or custodians of the Islam religion…
History speaks for itself…the partition…Shyama Prasad Mukherjee carving out the Hindu part…else Bengal and Punjab would be gone to the other side……and yet all this talk about Secular democracy…
Is the other community even capable of thinking on those lines….they toe the lines of their preachers…and think in unison the Muslim thought…individuals have no place there…can they ever be humanists…with the kind of indoctrination they have right from their childhood…musalmaan above human…they have never tolerated any rational thinking…so called free thinking( there any..or all thinking is biased with all the pre-conditioning that life throws while growing up)…in their Islamic countries…not even in our so called Secular country…
Calcutta Muslims didn’t tolerate Tasleema Nasreen speaking her mind…and didn’t allow her stay there…where were all those seculars, hindu liberals , Marxists, muslim liberals (or should we even expect from them?) then…where were their protests…supporting her cause…have Muslim so called liberals ever stood/protested for a hindu cause or cause of any other religion in any other part of the world…forget India..or is it that these so called liberal protests are reserved only for hindu targets…which are soft…and helps earn those browny points to become member of that elite club…where you are counted as self-flagellating intelligentsia ….or may be there is a bigger agenda which is generally hidden from the common public…
Double standards everywhere….but what if the current way of exploiting the hindu emotions gets converted into a governance style which is closer to fascist way of governing…power is a funny thing…and absolute power funnier…some checks and balance required…we need a stong opposition party for sure…will AAP be able to fill the gap…with congress almost decimated…but can AAP become national…will take a long time…still worth pursuing…there seems to be no other choice right now….or is there?
More by : Arup Ganguly