Mar 03, 2025
Mar 03, 2025
by Sonam Gupta
A narrative expected of those who can’t see…
Guidance sought from those who don’t know…
A talk with self is what I yearn, for it’s been a lifetime since the last connect!
I flow down the stream with the hope to find an anchor, no ground I hit, rather hear the bar-chimes from distant sea.
The music appeals but worries, because I felt the shore a lifetime ago!
The hues that I see must be the dawn breaking on me as the journey so far was guided by the moon...the path left behind, but with it, has gone the fear!
Not that I seek strength, but I wish to hear of the sailors that journeyed the oceans accompanied by the night time breeze.
Not that I am lost, but envy the gypsy that never travels alone… for it’s not a marathon that I aspire but the journey of a lifetime that I desire…
I had a firefly with me but then came the sun and it was nowhere to be found. The day is bright and glorious but I miss the twinkle…the twinkle that had become me, a lifetime ago!
More by : Sonam Gupta