
Why Drainage of the Human Resource of Our Nation?

Brainwashed Citizenry

Have we ever realized that why India, which is a Nation of 112 Crore people is not able to grow, develop and expend to become an economic super power despite having adequate human resources? The problem lies in the thinking process of India, which is western and strictly under the umbrella of set pattern of western type democracy consists of stereotype education departments, lacked innovative thinking to solve the contemporary complex convergent problems.

Indian Independence for Hon'ble Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer is a political phenomenon with people's sovereignty in the paramountcy of a Socialist Secular Democratic Republic created by the Constitution. For him our administration consists of triune instrumentalities accountable and transparent. We, the People of India, who are over a billion strong, not you, the MNC's, the corrupt mafia, the freebooter billionaires and the imperial controllerate over the State's resources are the final authority since we are no colony. We are a rich nation with poor people, a marvel of culture and rare talent, never to suffer a submissive status and foreign pressure. We are a globally glorious jewel, the Kohinoor, but shine no longer as brave new Bharat.[1]

Our thinking is constipated, cantankerous, tetchy, argumentative and irritable. We have to concern more with design and value creation while making socially engineered policies for the population of world's largest democracy. Have we ever gone into the essence of the wastage of our enormous human resources despite the fact that the human resources available with us can be the major contributory to the growth and development of this nation state? We have never put ourselves in, in debate related to the wastage of enormous human resources, which by and large is the major contributory to the growth of any nation state. The philosophers have only interpreted the problem in various ways, the point is to solve this problem of wastage of human resource of India. 

We have to come above the shadow of Brainwashed Citizenry. The citizens of India are taught in such a manner both by our government via different means such as, Media, etc. and by our education system that they have started working on the defective social engineering because of which, Indian human resource is been drained out in a speedier way.

Defective Social Engineering

The answer to all the aforementioned problems is the lack of proper social engineering, which if be proper can change the entire structure of this nation. Muddy roads which are full of puddles, not needs the engineering of putting lots of people for keeping the street clean, but it might have made a more better sense to fix the drainage.[2] As a result thereto, we see the huge mass of people in the country who are only being wasted as wailing away the valuable times living lives of poverty and destitution or paucity awaiting for their lives to end or people with average resources attempting at meeting their ends by either attempting to get jobs in MNCs having head offices abroad or BPOs in the cities or the normal typical government jobs or on completion of their education, go abroad for earning their bread.

On the other hand, the higher ups in the society spend time on the luxuries by either staying in the nation or swapping on to the other parts of the globe where they can afford further luxuries. What is being witnessed as a result thereto is the fractured growth of this nation state which despite the adequacy of human resources is not able to utilize the people for their growth and development of this nation state. It is thus indeed a situation of pity where the lack of proper channelization of the human resources is resulting in causing huge differences in the financial and social structure of the people and the lack of instinct in the majority of the human resources of this country to grow themselves and the nation. Rather a situation of huge economic dependence on the other parts of the globe have increased and we are witnessing the intelligentsia and better-offs being moving from the nation to the other parts of the globe and those staying in this nation are also confined to small pockets of this nation. We have over the period thus seen the deteriorating human lives and humiliation for the masses, who are being misled to either crimes or terrorism or factional fights on the basis of caste, creed and religion and an urge to separatist activities.

Lack of Social Engineering

All this clearly reflects the weakness in our structure of growth, where the people at powerful position look at strengthening their financial and social backing and do not care for the rest, where the politicians and the appointed representatives of people look for their individual growth rather than the growth of the people, where the people are more individualistic, where the people having the potential do not bother about others but look onto themselves and work for their self centered goals, where the channelization of the energies are being misdirected and where the instinct and the zeal and the direction which may be given to the masses is missing. The nation as a result has to pay a huge cost, where the growth and development is missing, where the people are not able to harness their potentials where this nation is not exploiting and bringing forth to the world at large its real essence and the beauty of this nation and its people, where the floods and famines still kills the masses, where the people of this nation are mistreated abroad, where they work for the sake of money, where the people of this nation, when they move to better pockets in the country itself are constrained to be pavement dwellers or beggars and have to face humiliation at the hands of the casteists and the people believing in regional factions.

Contemporary Redesigned Human Resource Policy 

There has to be an end to this agony of the people. There has to be a change in the balance of physics of power. There has to be the true economic and social independence of the people of this nation, there has to be a growth of the people as per the principles enshrined in the Constitution of India. There has to be a positive and affirmative development of this Nation. All what is called for is the honest endeavor to grow the people of this nation by developing each and every pocket in this nation, by developing the new Human Resource policy based upon new design oriented thinking, in which new patterns will be created for the new contemporary problems as 'Brain Drain.' The development of contemporary infrastructure, is necessary for proper channelization of present scarce human resources, by providing proper education to the people, by providing adequate funds and social and economic security to the people, by giving a sense of belongingness to the people, by educating people and not by merely providing them literacy, by giving incentives for growth of the people, by establishing industries and providing backup for agriculture, by generating services whereby people are not to depend on the fate of the world but have their growth in this nation which is self sustaining, by making endeavors to end the separationist moves by healing the wounds of the people, by developing the people of this nation state for a new and a better tomorrow, by formulating and evolving new effective laws which have proper implementation capabilities for the betterment of the people and by working constructively for this nation state. 

It is indeed not an easy task to achieve but it is not impossible since once the endeavor to work for the growth of this nation state comes in force and the individualistic approaches are slightly diluted and there is a concerted approach, the solution to the problem will come in force and the country and its human resources who till date are being majorly wasted shall be used effectively for conversion of this nation into a super power in its true form, where the most valuable resource of this nation viz. the human resource would have a healthy and viable life and where the comforts for the people would reign high. 

[1] Hon'ble Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer, "Law and Life", p. 112, 2008, Universal Publications. 
[2] Edward de Bono, "How To Be More Interesting", 1997, Penguin. 


More by :  Purti Marwaha

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