Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Our country is plagued with many problems in all fronts, in spite of very good political system, well meaning politicians, Bureaucracy, Police, Judiciary et all. We held very high standards in the past, but degraded in recent past decades, though we continue to hold better values vis-à-vis many countries sans developed countries. Degradation of the values though an International phenomena, in our country it is acutely felt due to higher standards imbibed from our cultural heritage. The main reason for the degradation of values squarely lies with over population and high growth rate of population. Degradation of values has an effect on all spheres of activities of the country, and two most influential areas which got effected are electoral system & judiciary. Reforms in the Three areas are urgent necessity for that matter inevitable and should be enforced as soon as possible. Restoration of traditional values has great bearing to boost regeneration of other material issues.
Stray ideas that flashed my mind occasionally as lay man are penned down here. Sure enough many more ideas would have flown from experts, various committees’ reports which needs to be considered, but enforced without much delay.
Population Growth: Control OR Crumble
In 122 Crores of Indian Population with annual growth rate of 1.19% has created population density of 382 persons/sq. km officially. In addition 25 crore unofficial Indians without adhar card 40 million illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, about 10 million rohingyas, swell the population to 152 crores and population density of about 475 persons/ per This is abnormally
high causing shortages in all spheres of public life. Acute shortage for Food, Water, Shelter, Education facilities, Environment, to name few among many. Above all these shortages, deep loss of traditional values is greatly damaging the nation. In the early 20th Century population growth is attributed to blind religious beliefs and traditions, but with wide promotion
of family planning, growth rate is curbed amongst many sections of the society. Religious beliefs are reinforced in certain groups, by promoting religious dogmas and blind beliefs such as GODs abode will open to those who contributed to more believers either by birth or conversion. Rich foreign countries are abundantly financing the religious groups and wildly spreading religious preaching either out of strong belief of the dogmas or for their own selfish interests. Steep increase of madrassas, churches is ample proof of the phenomena.
Migration from neighboring countries in large numbers compounds our population problems further. Refugee migration of Rohingyas from Mynmar through Bangladesh is new and additional burden. Pakistan ISI agents infiltrating as rohngya refugees poses serious menace at different level. ISI agents are well trained well equipped terrorists for serious heinous anti Indian activities.
We/India have advantage of demographic dividend as India’s average age of population is much less than world average and close competitor China’s average. The advantage need to be converted for availing demographic dividend by appropriate skill development, better & improved healthy environment and channelizing talent of the youth in correct direction. India’s booming population growth (1951–91) is set to come to grinding halt over next two decades from more than 19% in 2021–31 and under 5%.
For the coming decade (Till 2030), increased population will pressurize per capita GDP, capital to rise new investments to increase labour productivity, natural resources in agrarian economy besides other social ills. It results in very low savings, large scale unemployment. Bludgeoning population growth, is affecting demographic changes negatively causing many shades of social unrest, atrocities, anti nationalism in the form of either shifting of loyalties to other countries or donor countries, participate in terrorist activities. Governments are constrained to contain these negative activities by pouring very large amounts of public money for the last few decades which could have been gainfully employed for development of the nation and employment of youth to expedite improved and faster nation building.
Unexpected global impediment hurled by nature is Covid 19. It very severely retarded the global economy in general and particularly economy of developing nations is unimaginable.
This phenomena need to be studied analyzed and curbed vigorously by Governments by initiating and enforcing appropriate administrative steps. Professional experts and N.G.O’s active role inevitable towards towards this end. Then only population growth and associated national ills can be arrested. For that matter population growth needs to be reduced over the next 30 years to usher desired reduction of birth rate and get rid of the over population menace and its associated social ills without social unrest. This in turn improves our decadent values to
usher happy and prosperous India.
Some measures to population control
1. Stronger drive for family planning measures with better incentives.
2. Stringent measures against antogonists by denying access and benefits to government schemes and voting rights.
3. Stringent measures against infiltration.
4. Identify the groups driven by religious dogmas for higher population growth. Motivate the religious leaders by various incentives or any other means to moderate and counter dogmas.
5. Internationally create environment for large countries with low and less dense population to accept people from high and denser population nations. Transfer people selectively.
These measures are easier suggested. Implementing is Herculean task. Not withstanding the difficulty, population should be controlled immediately and urgently if not reduced as the issue is most harmful from inside sources as well as outside sources.
More by : Dr. Somasekhar Rao