Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Poornima (full-moon day) night is full of moon-light. Full-moon light is pleasant. Full moon is complete and full with sixteen kalas (phases). There is a thick bond between seers, sages, saints and religious preachers of India and full moon day. Many of them have taken their birth on full moon day. Some of them are Vyasa, the Buddha, Vardhamaana Mahaaveera, Gurunaanak.
Full moon and full-moon light are manifestations and replicas of pleasantness, fullness, and purity. The Aashadha (June-July) Pooornima is famously and popularly called as Vyasa Poornima and Guru Poornima.
Sage Vyaasa has taken birth on Aashaadha Poornima. Sage Vyaasa has contributed enormously to the culture and spirituality of India. He has composed the resource books and guides to Indian culture. He has given India; The Mahaabhaarata, The Bhagawadgita, The Mahaabhaagavata, The Eighteen Puraanaas, Brahma Sutras and host of things. He is also compiled and divided The Vedas. So he is also known as Veda Vyaasa. Let us remember him with respect and gratitude.
As said earkier, the Aashadha Poornima is also known as Guru Poornima. On this auspicious Guru Poornima day let us delightedly, joyfully, affectionately, with full humility and thankfully remember all the teachers (Gurus) who taught us secular as well as spiritual knowledge and be devoted to them by surrendering our ego. To do so is our tradition and habit.
Let us pray Lord Parameswara on this joyous occasion to make our minds and hearts reflect the Sunlight like Knowledge and the insight so gained pervade us as full-moon light; thus making us peaceful, blissful, pleasant, with humility, serenity and silence.
Let us also humbly bow down to our enlightened traditional Spiritual Initiators and Teachers of Brahmajnaana (the Knowledge of Self); Sri Dakshinaamoorty (Saivaite Tradition) and Sri Hayagriva (Vaishnavite Tradition). Let us also salute the succeeding spiritual teachers, the Buddha, the Vardhamaana Mahaaveera, the compilers of Saddarsana Sutras, and many seers, saints, sages of all views and schools of spirituality. And with their grace and blessings let us drink to our hearts’ content the nectar of Knowledge of Self and shine and become immortal too transcending conventional religions and their limitations and attain Jeevan Mukti (getting liberated while alive).
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
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