Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
A Blue God!
The wide open sky everywhere is blue in colour. The deep oceans of the world are blue in colour. The all pervading spirit activating all is also blue. The blue Lord is the God preserving all forever. The blue God we all loving call as Lord Krishna!
Bunsen burner flame has blue luminous flame in similar to a design peacock has in its feather! The soul of everyone is like a flame inside heart controlled by the brain similar to the Universe as the Universe and Stars are blue God and souls! A peacock feather on the crown He appears majestic. A flute He has to blow it to put all in dizzy rapture! The song of the blue God is a conclusive view of life for all to follow as He is friend, philosopher and guide to lead mankind to success to enjoy divine bliss sure!
The Perennial Philosophy!
When the clouds are gathering in the sky,
And with fully spread wings the peacocks are dancing,
The rain is sure to come!
When the glorious morning Sun is coming up,
And the gentle breeze is moving the leaves of the trees,
People begin their work in a pleasant manner!
While the cool river is going through the serene land,
And the sky high towering temple is shining like gold,
Radha and Krishna dance in the Brindhawan garden!
Where the green leaves of the trees are shading the banks of the river,
And the beautiful birds are singing sweetly over the trees,
There the miseries of the men melt away in the melody of the Divine!
As the haunting melodies of the Divine Lord keep
The cows, shepherds and the maids in spell bound serenity,
The dappled dusk draws the day to a close!
Like the crystal clear water flowing in cascades,
The moving musical notes flow from the divine flute of the Lord,
And the dames dance around the Lord in their dreams!
In endless merry go round, the group dance of the dames go on
Like the planets revolving round the Sun,
Like the Stars twinkling around the Moon in the Universe!
To overcome the big ocean of life in a easy way,
The Lord has come to the world from the ocean of Cosmic energy
To wake up men from the illusion of life and show them the way out!
Brindhawan is the beautiful place the Lord has chosen to preach
The perennial philosophy of Non-Attachment to overcome all woes
For all the men to follow faithfully on the path of Dharma!
A Conclusive View of Life!
(According to Bhagavad Gita)
Life is a gift that has to be accepted!
Life is an opportunity that has to be utilized!
Life is a challenge that has to be met!
Life is a promise that has to be fulfilled!
Life is an adventure that has to be dared!
Life is sorrow that has to be overcome!
Life is a struggle that has to be fought!
Life is a tragedy that has to be faced!
Life is a mystery that has to be explored!
Life is a puzzle that has to be solved!
Life is a duty that has to be done!
Life is truth that has to be realized!
Life is beauty that has to be appreciated!
Life is love that has to be discovered!
Life is a game that has to be played!
Life is a goal that has to be achieved!
Life is a song that has to be sung!
Life is a journey that has to be completed!
Dreams from Romantic Love to Divine Bliss Finally!
Many indulge in dreams and imagination in romance with loved ones not possible in reality as once they meet them in person soon their dream pictures melt away like ice under Sun's heat sure. Yet, like smokers smoke despite warnings, dreamers dream of love!
This is the nature of humans in the world in all walks of life that can't be stopped despite impossibility due to conventions of society, differences of class, creed and colour and so on as mind can't be stopped in sleeps and daytime reveries ever!
But that's necessary evil lesser than evils committed in reality! Cinema and pop singer dream girls many have romance with in reveries, dreams and imagination that relieves tension in all walks of life better than soldiers lives at the national borders!
Dreams of romantic love with divine colouring has been in vogue by devotional dances of dames devoted to the Lord of romance who preached non-attached love with smile and humour to forget the woes of world life so as to enjoy divine bliss finally sure...!
The Classical Pastoral Love Legend!
Fellow cowherds are friends to Gopala Krishna and his fans are the ladies fetching water to their homes from Yamuna river near Brindhawan Park are called Gopis and where according to His flute music, all dance in love! Universal love with non-attached way of life is what Gopala Krishna has expressed to his friends, Gopis and lovers of his faith to enjoy bliss in Nature to overcome the woes of world life and reach heaven....!
Festivals like Colour festival or Holi and Festival of Lights or Diwali and the Western Lovers' Day festival and all reflect the classical pastoral love of Krishna and that we all cherish as great legend in the world ever! The classical Pastoral Love legend is eternal in the world as that is the best way to enjoy bliss and divine-hood sure!
Modern God!
Stop worrying about anything because it is nothing!
It is one's imagination that makes or mars man's life!
Allah is formless and there is no modern version!
Jesus is known and let them have their own version!
Krishna is my beloved 007 in the modern version!
He is friend, philosopher and guide to all in the world!
Highly intelligent here and always effective in action!
Highly knowledgeable and very clever in decision!
Where can ye find a God as friend anywhere in the world?
Krishna is my only God friend - past, present and future!
More by : T. A. Ramesh