Book Reviews

Songs of My Soul

Songs of My Soul by Damyantee Devi Dabydeen
Authorspress, New Delhi, 450 pages, Price: Rs 595

About the Author:

Damyantee Devi Dabydeen is a Canadian Author living in Brampton Ontario, Canada. She is the great, great granddaughter of British Indentured Labourers who travelled across the seas in the late 1880s from India to then British Guiana to seek a better life for themselves and their children. Damyantee Devi Dabydeen grew up in East Canje, Berbice and served as a school teacher for twenty years before immigrating to Canada where she worked in the Retail Management and Information Technology sectors. She has to her credit numerous achievements for having worked as a successful certified Computer Examiner, Information Security Management, IT Security Auditing, Project Management Personnel, Cisco Certified Network Associate.

The book ‘Songs of My Soul’ is Damyantee Devi Dabydeen’s labour of love for the Supreme Being who has always been a guiding light for her in the journey of life. She offers the book as an offering presenting a beautiful bouquet of religious and spiritual hymns for the spiritual enlightenment of all.


The book ‘Songs of My Soul’ by Canadian author Damyantee Devi Dabydeen is a collection of selected Mantras, Bhajans, Philosophy and Teachings from the Golden Ages. The essence of the Ramacharitmanas, the messages of the Bhagvad Gita, the lessons from the Mahabharata and the ambrosia from the Holy Vedas bless the human heart as the sprinkling showers from the Heaven.

Divided into thirteen elaborate parts, the book pours out the philosophical teachings and verses soothing and healing the readers’ minds as they delve deeper into the spiritual flow of the ideals and principles that serve as the guiding light to the lost souls in the awry course of the eventful life spent on the earth. The diversity in the verses that touch every aspect of human existence and the centuries old ideals, on which the strong foundations of Hinduism have flourished for ages, produce an everlasting effect on the readers’ lives.

The book offers to humanity the much required relief in the times when humankind is stooping to its lowest known levels. Blinded by ignorance, lost in darkness, for the human mind the book shows a glint of hope gleaming through the darkest clouds of iniquity.

In the spiritual path the seeker elevates to the highest realms of consciousness leaving behind the clutches of the vicious, demonic and devilish desires that serve as manacles that clasp the human psyche and soul. Damyantee Devi Dabydeen’s words show the divinely lit path of spiritual realization steering across the wiggly path of the worldly labyrinth that often leads human beings astray.

The idealism of Hinduism, the tolerance, the love that spreads far and wide, the intimacy between the seeker and the sought and the truth that binds the humankind together in the expanse of the Universe are marvelously portrayed by the author, who believes that ‘It is essential that we put these sacred utterances and devotional songs into practice in our daily lives.’ (p.8)

The path of love and devotion is the only path that ensures purity, shedding off all darkness and dissipating all ignorance. The faith that dispels all fears and evanesces all distress, transforms a human soul into a divine self. On the path of life with the reason withheld and judgement befogged, when the being happens to come into contact with a Heaven-sent soul, an angel, who holds the shaking hand and leads forth through the serpentine course of meandering life, then the faith rekindles as the silver lining on the clouds that enshroud. A Force is manifested deep within casting a light filled with alacrity and enlightens the soul. Damyantee Devi Dabydeen is one such God-sent angel illuminating the path with unshaken faith, the credence and the gratitude which deepens with the passing moments.

The power of words, the mantras and the Bhajans transcend beyond the apparent expanse, surpassing the physical, the mental and the vital planes. The commandments of the Almighty save us from the deceptive and deviating desire-laden worldly path. the Mantras quoted in the book uplift the readers to the realms where neither pursuits nor ventures affect their devotion; neither success nor failure impact their selves; neither criticism nor praise alter their love; tranquility and peace fill the void of the vacant hearts.

‘When we chant mantras and sing Bhajans and know their meaning, the sound of our negative thinking and habits evolve into positive thoughts and actions over time.’ (p.8)

‘Songs of My Soul’ proves to be a beacon of hope and guidance in this world full of chaos, intolerance, hatred and war. A spark of love and brotherhood, if lighted in every heart, can defeat the demon of stress and strife in the materialistically oriented selfishly ruled world where innocent lives are lost and promising futures are crushed as the trampled bud on the muddy road. The mantras, the hymns in the book present the godly verdict that shimmer and open the inner eyes of the purblind bedazzled and spellbound humans, thus showing them the right spiritual path leading towards the Divine Decree.

‘All pervading power of the eternal One
Before whom our material world is but a trifle brought into existence
By the omnipotent power of His will alone.’ (p.41)

The relevance of the Basis of Hinduism in establishing World Peace in the present scenario is beautifully written in Part I of the book which elaborates the teachings of the Epics and the Holy Scriptures of Hindu Religion and their impact on the modern everyday life of the humans. The immense knowledge contained in the scriptures and the priceless pearls of wisdom offered as a gift to humanity from the Ramayana and the Gita are wonderfully scattered throughout the book.

The Universe resonates with the mantras, thus reaching across the vast and boundless expanse of space and time. The benefits, the greatness and the power of the Mantras is aptly described in the Second Part where the author has quoted the mantras to be chanted at various occasions and for numerous purposes, attaining peace and harmony as the ultimate aim.

Different parts of the book are dedicated to all the deities of Hindu Religion. The verses honour and revere the deity of intellect and wisdom Lord Ganesha; the Goddess of knowledge and learning Sri Saraswati Devi; the Goddess of wealth and prosperity Sri Mahalakshmi; the Goddess of strength and vigour Sri Durga Devi; the overseer of the world Lord Shiva; the deity of deftness Sri Vishnu Bhagavan; the God of justice and virtuousness Lord Rama; the deity of love and benevolence Sri Krishna; the Lord of devotion and strength Sri Hanuman; the source and sustainer of life Ganga Mata.

The three poems in the thirteenth part of the book comprising Leonard Dabydeen’s poem ‘Faith And Trust’, Khalil Gibran’s ‘A Tear and A Smile’ and MC Yogi’s ‘Krishna Love’ are like a jewel in the crown which add to the beauty, charm and uniqueness of ‘Songs of My Soul’.

‘When you begin to feel hopeless and lost,
When everything around you bears a cost,
When the spirit is frail and flesh is weak:
Let Lord Krishna in your heart as you speak.’ (Faith and Trust, p. 445)

Damyantee Devi Dabydeen’s book ‘Songs of My Soul’ lays the foundation stone of peace, harmony and tranquility in the strife-ridden world, guiding the readers towards the coveted path of spiritual enlightenment and Supreme Bliss!


More by :  Dr. Giti Tyagi

Top | Book Reviews

Views: 3620      Comments: 2

Comment Thanks a lot U Atreya Sarma ji for your very kind appreciation of the review of Damyantee Devi Dabydeen's book 'Songs of My Soul'.
Appreciation and encouraging words from such a prolific writer, poet and reviewer as you always help me better myself.
Many many thanks!

18-Oct-2020 09:44 AM

Comment A comprehensive & soulful review. There is an increasing need to turn to devotionalism and spiritualism so as to lead a balanced and harmonious life, during these times marked by material avarice. Congrats to the writer Damyantee Dabydeen and to the reviewer Giti Tyagi.

AtreyaSarma U
18-Oct-2020 01:01 AM

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