Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Romantic Nature of Friendship Achieves Greatness by Talent!
Friends of any group are romantic adventurers in world life;
Friendship gives them shot in the arm to be adventurous sure;
Friends only question all matters to know meaning and truth
In religion, literature, language, science and philosophy!
Curiosity of their mind is like the child that wonders at
The world, Nature, Universe, art, poetry, song and music;
That leads to their natural interest in those fields and
Discover their actual talent to concentrate on to do great!
in pursuance their talent in some field of natural interest
With the support of dear friends they take great risks in
Life and in the course of time develop themselves in that
Field and actually achieve laurel in flying colours later!
Friends of romantic nature know truth, worth of talent,
Venture on new field and achieve greatness by hard work!
Poetry Is Great Art By The Beats Of Heart Smooth And Steady!
Loving hearts of friends are like angelic children ever
That only keep the heart's beats steady and smooth sure;
Life goes on even sail like ship on the ocean of world
With the support of friends with good heart, mind, soul!
Journey of life even after seventy years is successful
When the heart lulls rhythmically seeing best results
One after the other for all creative works done with
Beauty, perfection and love not expecting any rewards!
For, Poetry is creative work of art done with not ever
With the intention of earning wealth or power or status
But only for love and beauty that give incredible joy
Nothing is ever comparable in this material world sure!
With the association of ideas of heart, mind and soul
And dissociation of individuality in art, Poetry is great!
Sense Of Wonder And Creativity From Childhood Makes One Spring High!
Whatever things child sees are wonder to watch in the world helping its clean slate of mind to record all to think, dream, imagine and create artful things according to its desire sure. Only Poet does that even if one grows old with mature mind! Poets of such kind become great friends and their joint works of creative poetic anthologies live longer than they to give great pleasure, inspiration and interest to all who love ever Poetry making them too to creative work of art in Poetry long!
Sense of wonder and creativity only has made many geniuses to achieve greatest things beautiful and beneficial to society. Childhood dream and interest are blocked by knowledge through education, but the extraordinary creative minds spring high! Such natural creative or inventive minds indeed excel against
time and all to do greatest service for the progress of humanity!
Friendship And Love For Human Existence Is Nature's Will!
Human existence survives, sustains and succeeds in the world mainly by love in private and friendship in public in reality. Material development of modern world due to civilization gives importance to money for economic reasons but love is vital...! Competition in all fields has made man's life on par with machines making friendship and love a matter of past culture as all have become mesmerized by comforts of modernity to believe by money all can be bought to live best life forever!
Money has made man to live machine life rather than human one due to the importance is given to economic development at the cost of social development from education onwards everywhere making natural way of human life a distant dream of all ever! The culture of friendship and love for human existence can never be replaced by other means of life as it's Nature's will!
When will Man Sing and Fly as Free Birds in the Sky?
Like wild animal, man is hunting for markets to sell products in competition with time to win in business race to become top entrepreneur in the nation and world fueled by economic policy of world trade and has turned into machine-beast-man! Losing human sense, nature and culture, when in times of emergency due to new disease and natural disasters long., man dreams to enjoy the freedom birds experience in Nature singing lovely tunes and flying free and high as Poet in Sky!
What a pity, in the name economic development, man has fully forgotten progress of society or humanity that cherish the human culture of friendship and love to live best life on par with birds of Nature living in love, joy and peace ever! It is not too late let man change his pursuit of development of heart, mind and soul in harmony with Nature for better!
Are Older Persons Gold for Guidance or Waste as Rubbish?
Are the older persons a burden or guidance to others in the world? Old is gold says an age old proverb since time immemorial to me. After crossing seventy years, am I a tattered cloth on effigy? Knowledge and experience well used one naturally becomes wise! Only beneficiaries know ideas of older people are gold forever. older persons like Mahatma Gandhi still lives as great spirit in the hearts wise people old and young seeing violence now in the world craving for good friendship and love in the world...!
Such great older souls have brought freedom and democracy to nations under imperial rule of colonial governments for many centuries for posterity to enjoy life of unity, friendship and love to live the life and do the works they life in freedom! But now taking for granted the freedom all embraced technology forgetting Nature, Art and Culture like moths rushing to fire only to die as many do under the spell of false civilization in the modern old that has made men as machine-beast-men ever!
Changing To Natural Human Life Is Best To Live Real Life!
After summer rains, Sunshine bright has come again now;
Mynas, parrots and pigeons fly making musical noise, fly
In great joy over the sanctuary next to metro-city here;
Seeing their joy, we can only dream to enjoy their life!
In the name of civilization in the modern material world,
We all live mechanical life far away from natural life of
Reality making it a dream matter and craving for it seeing
All living being enjoying life in harmony with Nature sure!
Economic and technological developments are necessary, but
Not at the expense of social development and life in the
World ever engulfed with poisonous pollution changing
Climate brings long droughts and natural disasters long!
Changing to natural way of life is human culture that needs
To be adopted to restore normal human life best for health!
Meaningful Progress is What Modern Man Needs!
Unity of friendship and reliability of love keep ever
Human existence to do best deeds for humanity in world;
In the absence of such aspects of human life indeed will
Not make sustenance of good human society anywhere sure!
In the fast modern world, earning wealth time is spent
With no chance for friendship and love to exist in life;
It's necessity is much felt at the good old age after
Retirement is achieved with all earnings from jobs long!
Realization comes late in life with no one near to help,
When one is in need of assistance not possible by money
Only to provide and bring relief to one to see a peaceful
End in life of the world leaving one at the mercy of all!
It is the great pity of man who has economically developed
At the cost of friends and loving ones to be joyful in life!
Fate and Fortune Play in One’s Life!
Friendship is for sharing of ideas, matters, joys and sorrows. Love is for giving all to the loved ones sans expecting anything. Friendship and love are great boon more than wealth and power making one feel nothing, when all goes away in one's life ever! Knowledge, wealth and power come to one supported by friendship and love in the world life, if one is fortunate by fate sure…Also, by the same fate, however long one tries in the world, one will never have wealth and power sans friendship and love!
But even sans knowledge, wealth and power, one will shine in world life, if one has friends and loving persons to help sure. Without helping, sharing and giving what one can, one cannot have friendship and love to make one's life bright and successful! Fat and fortune play in one's life whether one has friends and love or knowledge, wealth and power to make life bright or dark!
Good Fate and Bad Luck are not Eternal!
What we say as fortune is actually good fate in life;
What we say as fate generally denotes bad luck ever;
Even if one is not equipped with knowledge, wealth and
Power, one wins in all due to one's friendship and love!
But contrarily, even if one is well off in knowledge,
Wealth and power, badly meets with failures due to
Lack of suitable friendship and love of helping men
In life whatever matter one ventures on for long...!
Fortune of one's life is mainly due to good fate sure;
Failures due to fate, it is well due to bad luck only;
Fate and fortune are alternating phases of life sure;
So, one can't be happy due to luck and sad due to fate!
Good fate and bad lucky are not eternal and are bound to
Change by the will of God as all go on by laws of Nature!
Continued to Next Page
More by : T. A. Ramesh