Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Grace of God is more than everything in the World!
It's not just due to friendship and love, all are successful in life and work of the world, but also with just knowledge of books, great ones have achieved successes in many things; even without knowledge, friendship and love, some have won! Without anything and anyone, some have achieved great feat by the grace of God due to their true devotion to Almighty. That's why it is said that one cannot reap great benefit sans praying to God who has given favourable chance in life!
It's all due to one's goodness and sincerity in life and work. That others come forward to promote one by love in the world; for, such good hearts do all works in life as worship to God and a great opportunity God has bestowed on them in the world! Whoever one is and whatever things one does, unless one has the love of God, one cannot achieve anything with all one has!
Nature the Living Art of Creative God!
Beauty of Nature is wonderful as it unites aesthetically interested
Ones to indulge in creative works like painting and poetry like the
Almighty does in art of life called Nature activating all beings in
Inspiring artists to live in their masterpieces ever in the world!
Universal Spirit doing myriad works in lively Nature as divine
Spirit within attracting and inspiring all living beings to bw in
Love with it and realize the ultimate truth that all are born of
The Universal Spirit needing to be one with that as destiny of all!
Aestheticism leading to intellectual exploration of Nature to
Realize divine spirit within so as to reach It by spiritual pursuits
of meditation and super-conscious means of mysticism enjoy great
Bliss to forget all woes of world to have eternal liberation there!
Being the source and destiny of all living beings in the world,
God has created Nature and all to know, realize and reach It...!
Enlightenment in Nature Leads Perfection of Human to Divinity!
Intellectual thinking gives knowledge of truth hidden in Nature;
Love of Nature kindles creativity of mind to express new ideas;
Meditation in Nature develops clarity of mind and spiritualism;
Mind in communion with divine spirit in Nature gives great bliss!
Deep communion with Nature boosts mysticism to spiritual state;
Spiritual realization of universal Spirit gives liberation of
Heart, mind and soul to the blissful state of peace reliable
That leads one to be free from fear and ready for emancipation!
Realization of divinity in Nature gives blissful joy and also,
Proximity to decipher the nature of Universal Spiritual Energy
Activating everything everywhere is the beginning and end for all
And that ultimate truth clears all doubts and makes one perfect!
The incompleteness of human in the world is by realization of
The Universal Spirit through Nature opens the gate to heaven!
Human Dharma only can keep Human Existence Go On Well Ever!
Power of intuition develops by intellectual exploration
And mystical experience in Nature leading to predictions;
Past, present and future become clear to know all about
Life, world, Nature and Universe to know ultimate truth!
Utterances of truth by such mystics happen to the wonder
Of all in the world as done by Nostradamus of Europe...;
Ancient Indian prediction of cycle of eras and the truth
Of happenings in four yugas are well known all over world!
They say human existence goes on well if individual and
Social justice is followed according to each one's dharma;
Natural justice based on each one's division of duty ever
Keeps human existence go on friendship, love, joy and peace!
With the changes of political system and modern developments
Of technology, humanity needs now of human dharma to revive!
Universal Love Dream Poems of Paradise and Heaven!
Love of Nature broadens mind, makes heart great and spirit divine;
That's the source for Universal love Plato might have suggested
And that enriches friendship and love among humans in the world
Inspiring Poets and novelists to highlight it in all masterpieces!
Freshness, beauty, glory, bounty and outgoing love of Nature
Never leaves one touched by its spell so and inspires to show
Such kind of Universal love to all not only near and dear but
Also whoever comes in one's encounter anywhere in life and work!
This natural kind of love in life only can give eternal joy,
Peace and free-ness not only in friendship among feathers of
The same flock but also between two hearts for eternal love
Life only in dreams of paradise and heaven possible forever!
If literature ever flourishes on romantic love, it is due to dream
Poems of great Poets who have become immortal legends!
Friendship and Love for World Unity, Peace and Progress Sure!
What history misses, literature catches in verses of epics
As far as friendship and love are concerned in the world ;
Wars between nations are stopped by marriages in royal
Families as a mark of friendship and love for all benefits!
Not only royals, but also, common people follow the same
To strengthen the bonds of friendship by love and marriages
Among them to unite nations to enjoy mutual benefits in all
Fields leading to the formation of world union and peace!
Monarchy has disappeared giving way to democracy all over
The world, but the idea of creation of one world is still
In suspense though UNO too has been formed and successfully
Goes on since the end of World War II reminding it again!
Friendship and love for human existence are the best means
To create world union for unity, prosperity and peace ever!
The Past Romantic Poets Who Inspire Friendship and Love Today!
Only loving friends are ageless ones even after crossing
Half the well of world life and indulge in ventures as
Romantic heroes and heroines of 16th and 18th centuries,
When Shakespeare, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Shelley lived!
Keats, Browning, Arnold, Emerson and Whitman are all
Wonderful classical romantic friends of their times we
All admire at, when we think of those golden times of
Friendship and love that inspire even now Poets like me!
What a free will it gives to one when we are under the
Spell of their adventure in nature on many expeditions
That urged them to write wonderful verses and beautiful
Romantic poems that have become immortal to kind all!
Poets means it should be like Coleridge and Wordsworth
Or John Keats and Shelley to write poems of zeal ever!
Need of Adventurous Romantic Mood to be Encouraged!
Romantic mood goes on and on if friendship of romantic persons
Live life long as love of friendship is real in all vagaries of
World life situations and circumstances due to unity by support;
Adventure or smooth sail, romantic joy and peace continues sure!
Adventure in hills, long walking tour on green meadows talking
On philosophic or religious matters, Poets are in their best as
They analyze from top to bottom and A to Z to unearth hidden
Truth to see best of knowledge to guide sure in life to peace!
Such friendship having love of exploration of all matters indeed
Produce new kind of poems to inspire and guide humankind to the
World of paradise with heavenly bliss to experience in Nature
That never leaves one empty handed for the toils made in life!
The adventurous romantic mood of great souls of the past and
The present needs to be cultivated in young hearts to prosper!
Real Friendship and Love of Knowledge Make One Perfect and Powerful!
Significance of friendship and love has enhanced by Poems
Of romantic Poets, who have explored Nature far and wide;
Poetic expressions of Nature and supernatural have opened
The eyes of many to know the mystery and secrets in them!
Romantic Poets of the past are the eternal of Universe;
That too Wordsworth and Coleridge are two bright eyes of
Nature taking all high and deep in Nature to acquire best
Knowledge apart from books and education of institutions!
Their romantic exploration by real friendship and love of
Knowledge to know truth eternal has given a panoramic and
Beautiful picture of Life, world, Nature and mysticism all
Cannot fail to appreciate and go on great adventure there!
Purpose of education is to make one complete in knowledge
And powerful in action to discover, invent and create sure!
Utopia or A world of One Family for Unity by Universal Love!
Like love at first sight, friendship develops by favouritism; similarity of ideas and thoughts unite them as intimate friends. Deep exploration of matters turns intimate ones into lovers in life. But love developed out of friendship ever flourishes so long! Friends and lovers are flowers of the same plant of heart that forges ahead human society towards making nation and world into real united human nations that can turn into a humanity of One World called Utopia or a world of one family by love!
Friendship fostered by Universal love grows a rich society of humans towards the creation of one world human society perhaps in the future shunning all differences of colour, class, race, religion, region, creed, culture and civilization for unity! Friendship and love of the same plant grows rich as great tree full of colourful, fragrant flowers and fruits of one world...!
Continued to Next Page
More by : T. A. Ramesh