Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Enjoy Pleasures Till Life in the World!
Tooth showing squirrel plays all round the place in joy;
For it, doing all things around here is pleasure it loves;
Nothing is boring for it to explore and play all day sure;
For pleasure squirrel does everything to live joyful life!
That is the way to live natural life in the world all have
To know to live better in the world full of woes endless as
There is no end for grieves if we worry about all sure...;
All living beings going according to Nature live long well!
Physical life of all has no eternal way of life in the world;
That's why, all species living in harmony with Nature enjoy
Pleasure in the things they do and leave the world in peace;
For them, all difficulties are forgotten in enjoying pleasures!
Sans any worry about future and bothering about past mishaps,
Nature followers enjoy life ever besides hardships to be free!
Nature too has Feelings as Humans!
Natural change of seasons everyone lovingly welcomes ever;
But climate change at normal season making havoc everywhere
How can anyone appreciate and feel happy for rich growth of
Crops in the farms, where dry climate prevails forever!
Nature too has feelings like joy and anger as humans have;
Nature shows its feelings by drawing pictures on sky canvas;
Its artistic pictures are beautifully and colourfully changing
In a lively manner at twilight time and dark before storms!
After storm calm comes to Nature and resumes its beautiful
Art to go on showing its composure making all enjoy life in
Love, joy and peace reminding all that if all respect it
Sans making pollution everywhere its love will be ample..!
Otherwise, Nature will make Rudhra Dhandava like Cosmic
Lord Nataraja through storms, cloud bursting rains and floods!
How Can We Make Ourselves Really Advanced and Developed To Be Modern?
Natural life is an interesting adventure for animals, birds and fish;
But modern life has become dangerous adventure due to climate change
Caused by polluting industries, vehicles and all made by men sure;
Not only in winter but also in hot summer, storms, rains and floods
Do havoc besides Earthquakes causing tsunamis in some place or other!
Man by his rubbish intellect and scientific ventures has brought in
Tragedy to his modern civilized way of life in the world sans any
Thought of future security and safety of world and life of all beings;
That is the main problem now all over the world besides the case of
New diseases like AIDS, SARS and Corona 2019 needing to be dealt with!
Education, way of living, preservation of Nature, Art and Culture
Need to be thoroughly serviced, changed and reformed for the modern
World to be true not only in name but also living a real human life
In harmony with Nature to call ourselves as really advanced in all ways!
Celebrate Diwali for the Eradication of Corona as Naragasura!
Naragasura had the boon not to be killed by men or women but mother;
His mother was dead and there was none to kill him in the world and
He became a great headache to angels, humans and all in the legendary
Age making all to request Lord Vishnu to put an end to him for good!
Vishnu born as Lord Krishna went to war against Naragasura with his
Wife Bama, the reincarnation of Naragasura's mother Earth finally;
But knowing the demon's boon to be killed only by his mother, He
Acted as if swooned while fighting leaving Bama to kill demon by arrow!
The same sort of divine trick is played now to deal with Corona by
Wearing face mask, social distancing, sanitizing and washing hands
To stop spread of Corona virus and thereby putting an end to it
in the absence of proper vaccine to eradicate Corona virus ever!
Like Naragasura's death is celebrated as Diwali then, now all are
Safe from viral infection from Corona as it is marginalized sure!
Where Modern World Leading to Live – Heavenly Life or Hellish Life?
Reclining on the bed of crescent Moon, a loving couple journeys
Through Space enjoying heavenly pleasure to forget all worries
Of life and woes of the world and comes across many Stars only;
Coupled lovers represented by Stars shine all over the Universe!
Their loving dances just as happening in joyful party functions
Attract all in the world and other planets of the Universe with
Great wonder and influencing all with passionate love to live a
Life of love only and not anything else to enjoy peace forever!
Failing to do so in harmony with Nature, world is in doldrums
Only ever caught by the web of science & technology to boost
Economic development at the cost of social progress making all
As slaves of machines to live hellish life with no naturalness!
Instead of heavenly life, only hellish life all modern world
Developments are leading destroying natural resources by pollution!
Only Nature has the Ultimate Say!
Air pollution, water pollution and environmental pollution
Due to technological advancement for economic growth at the
Cost of human life have brought in climate change and also,
New disease like Corona endangering security and safety sure!
Water, water, water everywhere in the world, but no good
Water to drink and for irrigating agricultural fields to
Grow crops like rice, wheat, cotton rubber and so on for
Human survival and industries for socio-economic progress!
Man has to know that for all, Nature has the ultimate say;
Rain, cold weather, snow and all personify of Winter season;
Growth of leaves, plants, trees, flowers and fruits personify
Spring season and hot climate, dryness and drought show Summer!
Finally, with the well grown leaves becoming brown in hue
And falling down everywhere personify Autumn season ever;
But, if this natural process is disturbed by man's harmful
Activities, sure natural disasters and diseases affect all!
Leaves, Flowers and Fruits as Heart Crossed Love Arrow Offering to Love Lord!
Like Stars are the personification of coupled lovers in the Sky
Trees are ever coupled with the soil of Earth to enjoy eternal
Pleasure producing fragrant flowers and delicious fruits as their
Gratitude of love for all to practise love so in life of the world!
Beautiful flowers are the beginning of love between loving souls;
Delicious fruit is so sweet intimacy makes passionate love life;
But sans leaves will there be any flower and fruit available..?
Will there be a valley existing sans twin hills with moon as face?
To show our gratitude for the love has been bestowed on Earth
Living beings, all offer to the loving Lord Krishna of Dharma with
Queen Radha of Brindhawan as music and dance to cherish intimate
Love in world life ever betel leaves with fruits and flowers...!
Leaves with flowers and fruits personify heart crossed love arrow
And so it is offered to Love Lord who controls people as puppets!
Positive and Negative Effects of Nature!
Has resulted in environmental pollution everywhere in the world
Leading to climate change responsible for heaviest rains and storms
And bringing in new disease called Corona killing thousands of men!
Good or bad, positive or negative, Nature treats in the same way;
Growth of green grass, plants and trees or volcanic eruption,
Earthquakes and tremors, Nature does all well to benefit and hurt
Accordingly ever in a creative way to expansion only everywhere!
Both good and bad effects of Nature are strong and even lasting;
Knowing these aspects, it's better to do things that align with
Good effects of Nature for harnessing its power for enjoying all
Benefits rather than caught by the giant of bad effects of Nature!
Positive creative expansion of Nature all surely welcome ever;
But negative expansion all have to shun for survival and sustenance!
King Tree Leaves Personify Perfect Symbol of Love Strong!
Leaves are natural beauty symbolizing love in shape ever sure;
Beautiful flowers and delicious fruits are children indeed to
Please and satisfy hearts of lovers of Nature to be blissful;
And so, flowers and fruits play hide and seek in leaves of trees!
Climbing up the hill station, I often enjoy seeing the beauty
Of leaves dancing in the gentle cold breeze in many kinds of
Trees such as jack fruit tree, Indian pears and plums trees;
But when cyclone comes, many trees have ghost dance to fall down!
Of all the trees, peepal tree or king tree leaves only ever
Perfectly personify symbol of love in shape and size that sure
Attracts mind, absorbs heart and love spirit holds one high
And like flowers and fruits, they make strong impact of love!
Like the king tree that even withstands cyclonic storm too.
Perhaps due to this fact, king tree leaves influence strng love effect!
Man’s Power and Nature’s Power!
Now trees stand still after the passing away of Nivar cyclone;
Nivar means brightness in Iran it is said and it's true the
Day today is bright with Sunshine and tree leaves are fresh
And everywhere the leaves of trees are dancing by the wind!
Of all the cyclones, The Thane cyclone of 29th and 30th Dec.
2011 no one can forget because of its devastative power in
Such a way that nothing is left unaffected including the
Strong trees too stripped off all leaves as carpet on road!
According to show of power man's by technology, economy
And pollution, Thane showed its mad anger power then and
Now Nivar cyclone has shown its noble anger according to
The repentance by men due to Corona and discipline by it!
Man's show of power is well responded by Nature's show of
Power by it two sides of the same coin good and bad now!
To Be Continued
More by : T. A. Ramesh