Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Dialectic materialism is one of the philosophical findings of Karl Marx on science and nature. But why it is not included / mentioned in the Communist Manifesto? There were several criticisms on it. Jacques Monodi (Nobel Laureate) criticized that ‘dialectic materialism is animism, meant to project consciousness into nature.’ It was a focus of ‘animistic thinking and was a manipulation of the conversion of Marx’s desire into a belief.’ In respect of its religious dimension, it represents a reality evolving into higher forms of existence which directs for an absolute-seeking entity. ‘Dialectic materialism produces a worldview which describes the world as a process of continual ascent towards infinity and adumbrates that the progressive attainment is capable of evolving to life, mind, spirit, endowing matter with infinite creative power.’ Therefore, it might be considered as a process of realizing the properties of deity- omnipotence and omniscience.
Is not the idea that directs spiritualism? Dialectic materialism is closely related to the Sankhya philosophy of India – ‘attainment of the position of the controller of the universe as a contingent –God through yoga.’ Therefore, ‘the quest for all-or-thing propels an idealist towards a promised and for the fulfillment of his desire for the encounter with God.’ It is a theistic doctrine postulates the God as an unmoved –mover. Lenin remarked, ‘intelligent idealism is closer to intelligent materialism than stupid materialism.’ Russell argued, ‘Marxism has the structure of a religion: it has the Yahwah which is the dialectic materialism, the Mesiah that is Marx, the Elect is the Proletariat, the Church that is the Communist Party.’
However, Engels came forward to encounter this issue. He wrote, ‘ Marx merely shows from history that development necessarily created the conditions of its own annihilation, i.e. of the expropriation of the small proprietors, so now the capitalist mode of production has likewise itself created the material conditions from which it must perish.’ He added, ‘the process is a historical one, and it is at the same time a dialectical process, that is not Marx’s fault.’
Thus, it states a relation between natural science and science. The Newtonian mechanical world postulated that past of the human being was yielded only by the gods. Marx claimed that his system was scientific and it was a representation of the truth. He wrote, ‘Natural science will in time incorporate into itself the science of man, just as the science of man will incorporate into itself Natural science: there will be one science.’
Spiritualism/Sankhya philosophy also deals with the nature-God which we get from histories. It teaches human being for sacrifice, love to other, living together, selflessness, voluntary simplicity, and so for forth. It rejects greediness. The overall teaching of this spiritualism is to make the world free from violence as well as a peaceful world where everybody for each other.
The immediate effects of the materialism are greed, self-centred, hate and violence, etc. It is meant a competition among human beings. This doctrine is pushing human being into a dangerous condition where human being is ignoring the peaceful existence of the universe for fulfillment of material needs and demands. For example, they are regularly facing the problems of climate change and global warming. But they do not consider it as an obstacle of their aristocracy. No politics or political system ever saves the human being and the universe. The spiritualism and its practice could protect the human beings from self-torture and self-decay. It is also within the realm of the Natural science which was proved by Swami Vivekananda in his writings.
More by : Dr. Harasankar Adhikari