Feb 22, 2025
Feb 22, 2025
by Hillol Ray
Sponsor essay, poster and photography contest
Conduct "teach-in" local schools and colleges
Participate in town meetings to encourage public about recycling, carpooling and discuss issues that affect the environment.
Pollution Prevention
Create public awareness about proper handling of household chemicals, engine/lawn mower oils, pesticide containers etc.
Encourage the recycling habits and eliminate unnecessary packaging/storing of rarely used materials
Celebration via Recreation
Organize environmental exhibits, picnics, beach clean ups
Encourage planting of trees and ensure they survive through the years.
Conservation of Natural Resources
Save water by turning off the faucets when not in use. Clean and wash vegetables in a large bowl of water instead of washing under the running faucet.
Take showers instead of baths and run the dishwashers with a full load.
Collect rain water for watering the plants and shrubs.
Use organic fertilizers instead of inorganic chemicals to provide nutrients to the soil.
Protect the beneficial insects (such as ladybugs, bees, spiders etc.) around the gardens.
Leave the grass clippings, leaves etc. on the ground because they make excellent mulches and provide nutrition to the soil.
Promote the protection of endangered, threatened species and wildlife across the country and around the world.
Besides these, there are so many other simple tips that we all can follow on a day to day basis. But due to space limitations, the ‘discussion’ has been very limited in this article.
Always remember, ‘Nature’ is our most trusted friend around us. Ruthless destruction of the nature via unplanned construction activities, pollution and overexploitation of resources will continue to affect our future generations. So in conclusion, let us take a vow on this 26th Earth Day to protect our mother earth from the perils of human negligence and carry out the tasks of “Earth-Friendly” activities along with our daily “rituals”. The sooner we activate our protective thoughts, the better would be the chances of a “pollution free” planet earth for today and a brighter tomorrow!
More by : Hillol Ray