Feb 22, 2025
Feb 22, 2025
Amma's Gospel by Rajender Krishan
Paperback ISBN-13 : 978-1-947403116 Amazon ebook ASIN : B08LSYFLN4
Available on Amazon USA | Amazon India
A Gospel is a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance, as important as the quotes of Geeta, Koran or the Bible. The person believes and endures the truth with unquestionable faith, that word quoted as in the mythological script, or by a Sufi saint, or even a scientist after his/her work gets certified and accepted as an invention or a discovery. It is then that the words become gospel.
I am sure we all as humans sustain the truth within our hearts. But may be the ardent belief varies with different peoples’ acceptance as per their age, their understanding in this mechanism working in modern world, where the thought process has an impact of altering the changes in life styles, living patterns of daily life.
I myself living in this era of modern days in the western style of life, still have in my heart some grounded notions, ideas and beliefs that my mother, whom I used to call Amma, and my father as Baba, had instilled in me. It is the first word that a child utters and finds way to learn and explore to express meaning of the spoken words as related to the language, which is the mother tongue. The drillings are still deep down in me, as a part of me and with me always. It is a treasure that is inherited by the generations - and here we have Amma’s Gospel by Rajender Krishan – aka - the author of this “Gospel” as I would like to address it instead of the Book. (It seems untrue to some extent, but the fact that my two daughters, still call me Amma, amuses younger generations myself being addressed in that way. I like it, I love it.) It is like the original resounding sound of silence, a source of energy:
The Only verse
Manifesting eternally
The universe.
It is in fact the Word that manifests itself in various dimensions of understanding from one’s own perception and unfolds in multiple ways beyond the capacity of the human mind’s understanding. Who else but Amma, defines the everyday life supporting Tatva - water so well:
Close your eyes
Visualize Water,
… Silence
a brief gap…
Now narrate,
|What unfolds?
Each one has a different experience of the water from a viewpoint of its flow, its texture, its reproduction of sound, its multiple attributes of usage. All words put together to define water, but nothing can out beat the order so well defined by Rajender as he opens another real and practical page of the dictionary for better insight to see and feel the meaning of the word water: Jal, water, thirst, clouds, lightening, thunder, rain, shower, brook, spring, well, lake, pond…(Page-62), cooking, washing, ultimately fruits, juices, and watermelon.
The thirst is still unquenched, as I myself stop… gasping for breath.
Very true, the wider aspect of a word with meanings is so elaborate that I would request all the seekers of truth and to all the readers to have a copy of this parable book kept on a side table, to open any page, not to read but only gaze at the words to see if they can find some meaning related to the holder in and out, and evaluate a better meaning of word than Amma did by discarding the several layers concealed within, to connect to other words, forever expanding as a tree of life, Of all the images…..Just One word teaches so much, imagine if one contemplates on the Word of words.
Here I stop…to take a breath deep within…to inhale the foaming fragrance of the Agarbatti which may find a way to diffuse in the breaths, the life unit.
The multidimensional truth surpasses the dictionary of all ages, transparently simplifying the real meaning of life in different aspects that apply to the life we are living. There are no two ways about it. Only we have to be receptive to the unspoken language that beautifully manifests the meaning more adorably.
Be silent and Listen
To what life has to say
Meditate on the experience
Get not attached
Simply immerse,
Become the Witness
Truly enough, now is the most important time, yesterday is bygone, tomorrow is uncertain, today is the most important time as you are the witness to the occurrence of the truth outside as we see now in this moment of pandemic and realize the power of the unseen taking over. And also, within self, deep down is a yet another Brahmand that is mentioned in Geeta and also by Amma. Hence to me this Gospel is Geeta, it is more simplified and practical approach of the living pattern of life and accepting the underlying truth of the fragrant words.
As humans we are all born with the true knowledge stored in us to be discovered and explored by us. The secret of that too is revealed to us by the real conscious, the guru, the guide Amma that we have the capacity and the capability of opening the wide gates within us with the unique method of transformation within and without, contemplate and transcend by discovering, the essence of Life.
Isn’t that a worthwhile magical lock and key system that works as defined in the poem Life: (119)
Life is the only constant
That is for ever changing
Same as in Geeta: The soul never dies, it changes the sheaths as per Karma, to act and react, to analyze and realize, and find the byproduct of churns within and without as said by Amma, to self-realization and through it, God realization.
The poetic versions of Amma’s doctrines are admired as I see by the readers, viewers as: a rare pearl, sheer meditation, relevant guidance, timeless nugget of wisdom and many more adjectives, defining the glory of Amma’s Wisdom in form of poems, starting with:
Primordial energy,
The sound of Silence.”
This is a blissful ‘silence’ that threads the inner and outer expression of speech. Expressions find way through many sources in infinite dimensions. Words to express ones thoughts in poetic form is like nourishing a garden where we sow seeds of words that sprout when you put manure of efforts and nourish with thoughts. It is only then that the colorful ideas with scented velvety touch come to the surface. In every human there is a dormant poet, an artist, a sculptor somewhere or the other. While expressing personal thoughts, ideas or concepts travel through expression in vibrating words and ultimately the personal feelings are generalized through language.
I fall short of words in expressing and elaborating each and every doctrine of Universal Amma but can feel the vibrating sensational bliss run deep down in my veins when, like an obedient child I really sit down in silence and do what I am commanded to do, to inherit the Bliss. I do repeat this silent code to myself, and do what the commandment says in silence. The most powerful speech of all time ages is Silence.
Be silent and Listen
To what life has to say
Meditate on the experience,
get not attached
Simply immerse,
become the witness.
It is a divine gift of truth, nothing but the truth to mankind, and all in the circumference of that Bliss.
My best wishes to the author
Inspired by the book, I could not help but pen the following poems:
Amma’s Gospel
With a warm cup of tea in one hand
And the Amma’s Gospel in another
Bringing it close to my heart,
I feel heart beats panting,
Vibrating to touch the inner walls of my heart
Like the waters of River Yamuna
Touching the toe of Lord Krishna
Crossing the river in a basket
To give vent and respond to the unsaid feelings
The unheard whispers
And go back through the labyrinths of memory land
The live memories that are clung
To the walls of the live sensory memory cells
Of our inner self that Grow with us and
Emerge out of every pore of living source
To express the unsaid tales of days back
To express the unheard songs of legends
Unheard in the zone of external circumference
As does “Amma’s Gospel”
It does attract the beholder of the truth
To pierce through the words
To discover the WORD within
The powerhouse of .
A Gift to mankind
Amma’s Gospel
As a memorable gift
Of the wonderful concept of conversation
That remained, awaited for ages
To touch the human hearts in this moment
At the critical time, where Corona commands
Dictates the new life pattern
That was taught to us
In the very very past period
When my Amma who was
My age in the 20 decade (1993)
What she spoke
What she displayed
We’re on par level of harmony
Today with a streak of sunshine
Peeping from my window glass pane
At the Eve of New year
With fainting voices of carols
And jingle bell songs resounding
But so very faintly
Me with a warm cup of tea in one hand
And the Holy book of Amma’s Gospel in another
Feel the completeness of life
In this pandemic period
To sit back and enjoy the good old forgotten
Tales of Amma’s gossipy gospel
That lets every author to pour
The core feelings of the heart
In black and white to spread the
Legendary message to mankind
That a mother, the universal Amma of those days
Always wraps each and everyone
That are born, that are sprouted
From the remains of the old soil
To grow and flourish in this frame of 2020
Stepping forward
As life only flows
In its own pattern
In its fanciful way
But in the bosom of Amma
That wraps the
The cosmos with its overflowing fountain of love
Nothing but love
Amma’s Gospel
A new year gift to cherish at all times,
Beautiful cover
Beautiful compilation
Beautiful reviews
Best of all
Beautiful poems as they are nothing but
Beautiful Amma’s Gospel
Right now I am on the
Banks of flooding waters
Gushing against the shore
Trying to embrace the wave
That waits not
But diffuses back into the water
It’s origin
To be a drop of the the ocean
Loosing it’s identity
To be the Ocean itself.
More about Amma's Gospel
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