Feb 22, 2025
Feb 22, 2025
by BS Murthy
Amma's Gospel by Rajender Krishan
Paperback ISBN-13 : 978-1-947403116 Amazon ebook ASIN : B08LSYFLN4
Available onAmazon USA|Amazon India
Somewhere into Amma’s Gospel, I felt it should have had the sub-title - Philosophy in Poetry – and when I completed it, I wished it hadn’t ended; it may be appreciated that I am not a regular to any poetic club.
What Amma has propounded is what every grandma of yore had asserted, not anymore though, but the freshness of her gospel lay in its originality of expression. The reader is bound to marvel at the way Amma has metamorphosed the complex philosophy of life into simple lessons of living, and what is more, caterpillar like, transformed the same into the art of well-being, and by way of an example,
Do not hanker, despise greed
Let other riches seek you
And remember always
You get what you deserve
Only when it becomes due. – (Why Pray?)
Just a few more among the many that moved me for if I were to reproduce all of them here, then it would become an abridged edition of this eminently hand-holding work.
Life is in the Now
of cause and effect
Nor in the past nor in the future. – (Quest)
Amma’s generosity:
Feel rich by sharing –
Life bequeaths aplenty
to the one full of caring. – (Amma)
To her the respect for
the precepts of dignity
was far more important
than winning an argument. – (Esteem)
Parenting is nothing
but a path
which changes
generation after generation
but never the destination. – (Destination)
One who knows how,
when and what to speak,
where and why to be quiet,
in all humility grows strong
to reign the wild horses
galloping in mind’s racecourse. – (Poise)
Accepting with gratitude
whatever life bequeaths
to become burden free
of all likes and dislikes.” – (Renunciation)
That Rajender Krishan’s poetry could induce poetic muse even in its readers, as is the case with me -
Having come thus for
one can go on and on,
but not without minding
the connotations of life therein -
is the true measure of its worth, and for me, the connotations of life in his work are stand-alone, just sample these out of many –
Lamenting is foolish endeavor
Loot is fraudulent extra
Lust is filthy encroachment. – (Life)
However, while the import of this book lies in its practical wisdom, its charm though lies in Krishan’s passion, a la Gita, to induce the readers to imbibe it by often repeating,
Love yourself
by being true to yourself
Be not in haste to react
First anticipate then contemplate
then respond
Follow the right path
Be happy
Be successful. – (Amma’s Gospel)
Amma’s Gospel is something to be transmitted to our loved ones to their well-being.
More on Amma’s Gospel
More by : BS Murthy