Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Present crisis of world humanity is the latest curse of science. It indicates once again the greed of power and authority. It proves that we are far away from good human being. Morality, ethic and value have been lost from our humanity. This crisis would be won again by science of humanity. For universal peace of world humanity, the religion of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is today very much relevant. Due to negligence and ignorance of this, the world is repeatedly facing its dire consequences.
Swami Vivekananda reminded us that ‘Sri Ramakrishna was a force. He was the power. He was both a Jivanmukta and an Acharya.’ He preached for the universal religion throughout his entire life of ‘Sadhana.’ Thus, He taught the constructive and scientific religion where no one is superior or inferior. All are equal and all are a son of the One. He guided to leave any little bit of desire because it is the source of all sins or evils. ‘To him religion is to realize God, feel God, see God, talk to God.’ According to Him, ‘we have to sense God to be convinced that there is a God. We must sense the facts of religion to know that they are facts.’ He preached through his rigorous practices that ‘the goal of every religion is the same, that is trying to teach the same thing, the difference being largely in method, and still more in language.‘ ‘At the core, all sects and all religions have the same aim.’ He had found that the one idea in all religions, is ‘not me, but Thou.’ Religion is not a theory, but it is practice only. This practice is involved with to love and to serve the mankind. It can only save the world humanity and can establish the world peace.
But world humanity is today going to finish itself for its own dominance of self-exploitation. If this unique creation is being destroyed who would praise to whom. How would this playing of power and invention act for whom?
Once again we should remember Sri Ramakrishna and his teachings. ‘Religion can be given and taken more tangibly, more really than anything else in the world.’ There is no contradiction and antagonism. It is various phases of One ‘Eternal Religion’. His religious teaching is ‘for the good of the many, for the happiness of the many’. His message to mankind is ‘be spiritual and realize Truth for yourself.’ It is the only way of fundamental unity and integrity.
Last of all, everybody should remember, according to Him, ‘perfect man is who never curses anyone, never even criticizes any one.’ From this world crisis of humanism we should rectify ourselves and we should follow the path of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. We pass the death of night and we can dream for a new dawn of hope.
More by : Dr. Harasankar Adhikari