
Human Life in the Modern World! - 1

New Activity in Life!

New atmosphere, place, work and life make one know nil;
But as the time goes on some idea clicks in mind to try;
Next step is usual trial and error method to attempt on one;
Surprise comes when something positively good happens!

Thereafter it becomes usual work to do and also a routine;
First step in life shows the route to follow in the world well;
That first step, if lucky, one shines successfully in any field;
Sure this is how from childhood to old life goes on till end!

New life or work or usual one, resolution and determination
Is what decides one's life course in the world to progress;
But sans no drop of rain, no flood can come up anywhere
And that does not mean rain should not come as risk in life!

Life for all goes on like that only whether one likes it or not;
But at the end only total decides profit or loss in business!

World of Chances Makes Forget All Inconveniences!

New atmosphere, place, work and life make one know nil;
But as the time goes on some idea clicks in mind to try;
Next step is usual trial and error method to attempt on one;
Surprise comes when something positively good happens!

Thereafter it becomes usual work to do and also a routine;
First step in life shows the route to follow in the world well;
That first step, if lucky, one shines successfully in any field;
Sure this is how from childhood to old life goes on till end!

New life or work or usual one, resolution and determination
Is what decides one's life course in the world to progress;
But sans no drop of rain, no flood can come up anywhere
And that does not mean rain should not come as risk in life!

Life for all goes on like that only whether one likes it or not;
But at the end only total decides profit or loss in business!

Modern World or Disease World?

Modern world of civilization with all developments is none
But only disease world now due to economic development
At the cost of social progress everywhere in the world sure!

With great fear people wearing face mask, maintaining
Social distance, sanitizing and washing hands move in the
Streets for purchasing and going for work if possible sure!

What a pity of the so called developed modern people
Not knowing how to prevent disease before it spread to
All over the world affecting each and every individual now!

After Corona viral pandemic now a mutation has come up
with a new version spreading ever faster than predecessor
Putting all blink with all developments and economy in farce!

Nature is supreme to all everywhere in the world and else
Where and this all should respect and not meddle with it!
Realize Purpose of Life!

Modern facilities, all comforts and luxurious life are all no use,
If health goes down beyond cure making one impossible to
Enjoy physical pleasure, intellectual satisfaction and spiritual
Fulfilment in harmony with Nature anywhere in this world!

Pulling on the days is more than hell to have redemption in
Anyway unless one has a glimpse of boon to forget oneself
In some deep meditation and mysticism in Nature finally in
An atmosphere of perfect peace which is a rare chance sure!

Otherwise, one should be a poet of great zeal to express
All ideas free verse to get relief and enjoy a one in a million
Chance of recovery to some spiritual height to engross in
The fantasy world of journey in the Universe to see holy end!

Man is born to realize one's purpose of existence in world
Life and ultimate reality, which is union with Universal Spirit!
World Competition is On Not for Construction But for Destruction!

Will there be any difference at all between the years 2020
And 2021 as far as Corona pandemic is concerned sure?
Vaccine to eliminate it is only in the trial and error stage only
Making all think about next option or how to tackle it ever!

is it not time to think about what to be done as the status
Is paving the way for talks by all to solve the problems of
Pandemic and poverty rather than going on the race of
Technology, economy and military force to be top Power?

China started the race to spread Corona Pandemic all over
The world followed by new version of Corona by mutation
From London to world nations faster than before making
All cross fingers as to how to win this battle for safety of all!

Competition for destruction of mankind perhaps by new
Diseases rather than Natural disaster or Nuclear wars is on!
Dream And Do What Is Possible To Sing Songs Of Joy!
Birds are flying free in the Sky singing songs of freedom
Even when the whole world is suffering from Corona illness;
They are disciples of Nature not worried about materialism,
But only about day today living forget past and future too!

Humans in the name of material development, lost touch
With life of the world but only machines, speed, money
And luxury, even if they are not having time to enjoy any any
Thing except getting new disease to suffer and die at end!

Greediness meets with only great loss not knowing that time
Lost cannot be regained as youth lost cannot be renewed at
Old age to enjoy life as they have dreamed long age in life
And also, have forgotten time can't be turned back in past!

All animals and birds sing songs of joy and peace, but man
Only thinks of wars to win all to be great to wield power...!

Care To Know The Causes for The Consequences We Face Now!

Is it nice to live in illness always afraid of new diseases in
The modern world of civilization sans caring to know the
Causes for the consequence we are facing in fear now...!

More than natural calamities and nuclear arms built up
New diseases like Corona seems to destroy humankind
Already suffering from cancer, AIDS and heart illnesses!

Those chronic health problems besides cholesterol, BP,
Sugar and heart diseases due to modern way of life and
Work need to be dealt with proper measures, of all, now!

Above all, Corona pandemic and eternal poverty of many
People all over the world seems to be everlasting in world!

Be Heroes And Heroines in New Year 2021!

Just a few days more seems to be nothing to say about 2020
Except Corona virus pandemic that has spread everywhere
In the world and its new version seems to spread still faster!
In this new disease the whole year has passed none liking.

All have learnt the lesson that with immunity any disease can
Be resisted and overcome too if we don't lose confidence
Following the precautionary measures like wearing mask on
Face, adopting social distancing and washing hands often!

With this procedure if we move anywhere, nothing happens;
I think if we follow this technique even next year also all can
Mind each one's business very well and not worry about all
Things we have been thinking much earlier as well trained!

New Year 2021 is an adventure sure all will try to indulge in
To do great feats in all walks of life to heroes and heroines!

Sans Money No One Can Live in The World!

Commercialization in every field has made it impossible to
Live in the world without money whether it's going to shrine
Or clinic, hotel or restaurant, study in schools or colleges
Including child birth or funeral from birth to death forever!

That too only profit making business to earn much money
To become rich only is the objective in all walks of life sure
in such a way that industries at the cost agriculture attention
Is paid leading to pollution of air, water and environment...!

It's said that money makes many miracles, but money makes
All worse to the extent of poisoning heart, mind and soul
Like ponds, lakes and rivers are made useless even for the
Use of drinking or irrigation of agricultural fields in world!

Even to drink water to quench thirst, one has pay money to
Buy a bottle of water whether it is good or contaminated...!

Alternative for Money Needed to Live Life Better!

Money has become the centre of all activities of human
Emdeavour in the world since it has been introduced in the
Transactions of businesses among companies and humans;
Transfer of money is then done by cheques and online now!

Direct cash withdrawal and deposits are possible by the use
Of ATM booths everywhere now for the convenience of
Customers of banks all over the world at anytime for various
Uses needed by them and working life goes on so forever!

To finish business favourable to some individuals, practice of
Corruption has become common culture and fair activities
Of society are crippled obstructing the real progress of all in
Many nations of world making lives of honest men difficult!

Some other alternative for money needs to be created so as
To make better life of civilization possible in modern world!
Continued to Next Page 


More by :  T. A. Ramesh

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