Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Should the chant - "Jay Shree Rama" be really a matter of political conflict as well as cultural collision in a secular country like India? Is there no freedom of expression in democracy democratically? Should a political leader or political leaders be in this democracy put extra mileage of effort for holding democratic people in favour of his/her support? Does it not deliberately create a cultural collision from political interest of conflict? Is it not a revelation of political fear of conspiracy? And suddenly does it not welcome unrest among people?
In this secular country of India, religion has become a theory of political conspiracy to the political parties of different colours. It becomes more active during election time, and it has been become very much significant for last few decades. And it has been trying to make prominent by the political parties rather than people of different faiths particularly. It has become the prime agenda of a vote seeking and winning in the election.
During the recent past poll, a leader of a secular political party has been trying deliberately to create/promote racial and cultural unrest because of threat of losing in the poll. This autocratic leader of democratic state seems the chanting of "Jay Shree Rama" means a symbolic indication of opposing his/her party. Therefore, this leader is misbehaving against the people who chanted "Jay Shree Rama" by using his/her administration. Eventually, same thing repeated on 23rd January 2021 at an event at Kolkata when she was requested to address the programme a group chanted the same. She immediately left the dais and claimed it was an insult. His/her political madness has failed to ignore and consider it as usual in a democracy. He/she publicizes it throughout and it has now become a matter of taunting everywhere. Actually this leader is in mental sick. Therefore, it gradually takes different forms, and it transforms into a discrimination and cultural crisis. This leader has forgotten that everyone has right to chant any as per his/her own faith or choice. Anybody might chant "Hey Allah" or "Hi God" or whatever matter. An individual has his/her difference of choice and opinion, like, and dislike. Democracy never directs it to limit it unless it harms to any other. It is the system or process to nurture and care to flourish it for better democracy. But 'I" syndrome due to fear and anxiety of power politics of political leaders influences to raise this difference for their own benefit, while they try to ignore the factual consequences of humanity.
Is it a matter of consideration of a people's leader? In democracy, election is the process to elect representatives whom the people think better to run the government. It might not be suddenly for the same party in each time. That's why, it is democratic right of people of free choice. No one in this democracy is absolute and only absolute.
But due to poverty of intellectually of the leader(s) it has become an issue of cultural collision and conflict among people. It is even enough to create communal conflict. The leader is influencing communal violence to break people's integrity and peaceful living. Political leaders are conspired, and their theory of conspiracy is a dangerous deal. People should be aware of it. Provocation by anyone might harm peace. Self-consciousness might protect them from any bigger disturbance.
More by : Dr. Harasankar Adhikari