Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Incidents of rape of women of almost all ages are increasing and it is an agony to every society throughout the globe. After continued movement towards the gender’s equity and liberty why rape has become so horrible to all of us? What are the lacks? Why women would be the absolute victims of this sexual violence?
The female in Hindu Society symbolizes as a combination of ‘shakti’ (energy/power) and ‘prakriti’ (nature). ‘Sri Ramakrishna Paramhans was deadly against of 'kamini and kanchan' (woman and wealth). He advises His disciples not to be greedy for woman and wealth. These are not the aim of human life. Addictions to these two dismiss the ultimate goal of human life. At the same time, He never hates any woman in the society. He respects woman as 'shakti' (energy) and woman is the cause of every beautiful creation in this world. He ceremonizes His wife- Maa Sarada Devi as deity. It is for women’s respect in the society. He accepts and recognizes woman like Noti Binodini then society considered them disgraceful and neglected.
In this modern society, males’ attitude towards females does not change. Women are considered as sexual commodity to meet their biological desires. There is a gender conflict of male’s domination and exploitation.
Social Science defines that rape is "an event that occurred without the woman's consent, involved the use of force or threat of force, and involved sexual penetration of the victim's vagina, mouth or rectum." It is ‘an incidental effect of direct selection for male sexual traits.’ ‘More precisely, rape is a byproduct of men's adaptation for pursuit of casual, non-committal, and consensual sex.’ It is clearly a ‘crime of male domination, which has evolved as a form of male reproductive behavior.’
Why men do rape? Men rape ‘when the perceived benefits exceed the perceived costs.’ In every society, sex is being considered as a commodity. Men of varied age groups are ‘bombarded by a culture that sexualizes commodities and commodifies women's sexuality. Companies sell products by selling the sexuality of the women endorsing the product. The product and the sex are purposefully conflated. Sex is also purposefully commodified.’ ‘Global media bound cultural syndrome’ endorses and markets the sex as a commodified good lead to an increased desire for and sense of entitlement to, sex. Most men are taught that sexual desire is like hunger and women are candy bars. Men can and do pay for sex, taking it without consent becomes much less morally reprehensible than other violent crimes.’
More by : Dr. Harasankar Adhikari