
An Interview with Poet T A Ramesh by Mr. Nilavronill Shoovro

(Mr. Nilavronill Shoovro is Founder and Editor of Our Poetry Archive, an Online Monthly Poetry Magaine [])

NILAVRONILL: Do you think literature or poetry is really essential in our life? If so why? And how does it relate to the general history of mankind?

T A RAMESH: Poetry gives pleasure to heart and at the same time enlightens the mind also and makes the complete soul get animated by its spirit. That is the nature of the best poetry. The poetry that is living in the new form today according to the changes of time and the living style of the people and is popular can be seen in the folk songs, the Cinema songs and the Pop songs of the world. Therefore poetry is a necessity of man and without which human life is incomplete.

In the fast moving world people hardly spend anytime in reading matters in detail after Radio, TV and Computer have come into use. Today people to know about the world, the activities of important persons on all walks of life in different parts of the world, Nature, natural calamities and the Universe, read the briefly written pages of some express newspapers and fasting moving magazines only. The knowledge of truth about many matters people read in them gives instant pleasure people need and they forget the matters very soon. Truth about eternal things are difficult to understand and people also dislike to read books on such matters written in prose in philosophic or scientific style, because people won’t get any pleasure, understand anything and gain any knowledge at all out of them.

Poetry is preferred to prose because it is the most flexible form of literature and art. The compression of many ideas and information is possible in poetry for the rapid reading of more matters; and for the easy understanding of matters the rules of prose can be followed in writing modern poetry. Finally, it can be said that it is possible for a poet to cut sculpture, draw pictures and compose music not with hammer, brush and trumpet but with the words people know and speak everywhere in the world.

NILAVRONILL: Our readers would like to know your own personal experience regarding the importance of literature and poetry in your life. Why literature or poetry in specific interests you so much? Who were your favourite writers during the early period of your life? And how they have paved your early routes in literature?

T A RAMESH: Discovery of poetry writing ability is due to paucity of time and accident I have to say! There really lies my talent which I discovered after 17 years! My creativity flourished mainly due to poetic writing only and the opportunities I got in,, and due to them the opportunities I got in, and!

I could not do as I wish whether it is studies or doing work or living life! These kind of emotional outbursts are the outcome of my poetry I have to say! Without interest I was studying in college here and at that time literature, especially poets like Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats and Robert Browning only attracted and absorbed me much next to Physics. Later I discovered the connection between Physics and Literature lies in Nature and rest of the matter I have expressed in all my poems you can read and know from various websites I have mentioned earlier!

Nature and Art are very important for man because they help to forget worries, give solace, inspiration and encouragement, help to regain faith, hope and spirit and get satisfaction lost in education, work and life. Literature is one of the branches of art. Poetry is the most priceless thing in literature. Poetry is my first love in literature. It is poetry that has inspired and urged me to write about human life, and has made me a writer!

NILAVRONILL: Do you think society as a whole, is the key factor in shaping you up as a poet, or your poetry altogether?

T A RAMESH: Both are the cause for shaping me up as a poet and a world English Poet now!

NILAVRONILL:Do you think people in general actually bother about literature in general? Do you think this consumerist world is turning the average man away from serious literature?

T A RAMESH: Literature says about human life and how life can be lived better in the world. Due to modern technology development, man has become a machine-beast-man and is living not a natural life but only mechanical life according to the dictates of job and time now! Hence they are unaware of literature due to paucity of time ever!

NILAVRONILL: How do you relate your own self existence with your literary life in one hand, and the present time and the socio-political space around you, in the other.

T A RAMESH: Nature gives me great relief to escape from the mechanical way of life going on in the modern world! Next, literature gives me encouragement to have change of mood for the better and Poetry in particular helps me to express my feelings, ideas and thoughts with my fellow poets and knowledgeable readers and their comments and criticisms amazes me much to realize who I am and what real capacity I have as talent or genius within me! I have great pleasure, pride and joy and for that, I have to thank my friends, poets, supporters and encouraging souls everywhere in the world due to internet facility provided by the advent of Computer in use for doing all businesses including writing poems and all!

NILAVRONILL: Please give us some idea about your own views on the contemporary Indian literature written in English.

T A RAMESH: India has many languages and their literatures are developing better and in larger measure than literature in English as there is not direct support for it from the government. Contemporary Indian literature in English is only in the beginning stage only I have to say! Only by websites and social media, Indian talents in writings in English is exposed to the world for appreciation and reception with wide audience! In this respect, Poetry writers are lucky ones!

NILAVRONILL: Do you think in this age of information and technology the dimensions of literature have largely been extended beyond our preconceived ideas about literature in general? Now, in this changing scenario we would like to know from your own life experiences as a poet, writer and a creative soul; how do you respond to this present time?

T A RAMESH: Certainly information and technology have increased the dimensions of literature! Due to Computer and social media only perhaps I am now known as a writer in English and also, a world English Poet to all in the world!

NILAVRONILL: Do you believe all writers are by and large the product of their nationality? And what are the factors which pay dividends and which become obstacles for your ultimate growth as an international writer even beyond your time?

T A RAMESH: It may be a fact with most of my fellow writers in our country. But my case is different from others as I am a Sourashtrian migrated from the north to south of India through my ancestors some one thousand years ago and so, I am well versed in English only to have communication and do any business locally, nationally and internationally so far and so forth! I have published some 6 or 7 Poetry Books and One novel through! Yet, many things need to be done to grow as an international writer now and later too!

NILAVRONILL: Humanity has suffered immensely in the past, is still suffering around the world. We all know it well. But are you hopeful about our future? How do you react when innocent peoples suffer immensely in Gaza or in Iraq, Syria Afghanistan or elsewhere? Whether it is state sponsored terrorism or sponsored by individual terrorist groups. Innocent peoples are the first victims. Your response.

T A RAMESH: Writers have a great job to do in the world to highlight the plight of the poor and downtrodden people including the ones you have mentioned in your question and create awareness for bringing relief and progress in their life! Poverty and terrorism are great obstacle and threat to world peace now and they need to be solved by cooperation and coordination of all people in the world by uniting world nations as one through UNO!

NILAVRONILL: We all believe in individual liberty and human rights, yet these two are the constant targets of attacks from various quarter of power, even in India. How you would like to respond to this situation?

T A RAMESH: Individual liberty and human rights are the basis of real Democracy! Unsuitable politicians are affecting the upliftment of those category of people ever! Such bad elements in various quarters of power not only in India but also all over the world need to be exposed to the public via journalistic medium and that can very well be taken care by Poetry as great weapon in a better way sure!

NILAVRONILL: Dear poet tell us; do you believe one day may be in the distant future this world will be a safer place for every new born? When we will see each other as an equal in dignity and embrace everybody as human being overcoming all the differences of ethnicity, religion, nationality, racism? Bringing the world altogether?

T A RAMESH: By Education only such a trend can be created! That is the only base by which such an advanced state of living of humanity can be effected at least in the future! Present youths need to be well informed of the benefits and real progress possible so by literary means such as novels, articles in magazines and Poetry Books !

NILAVRONILL: Many thanks for spending such a wonderful time with us, we would like to conclude this interview with a personal note, are you satisfied about your own achievements in your life? What are your plans for future? And how do you evaluate your contemporaries and what are your aspirations from the younger generation?

T A RAMESH: Thank you for giving me this opportunity through this interview to express some of my thoughts and feeling and suggestions for the better of world community. What I have done so far by Poetry is like handful act only and what I have to do seems to be in world measure! Sky is the limit for advancement in literature! But one thing, my first Poetry Book, Dreams, Ideas and Realities published by Minerva Press in 2000 will talk about my dreams, ambition and wish for the world forever and by that I have made a mark in world literature sure!


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