Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Who are Really Civilized?
Opposite of brutishness or savagery or animal nature is what
We call as civilization quite advanced in thoughts, words
And deeds based on knowledge, intelligence, talent and
Intellect one has capable to do all excellently in life and work!
Such a way of life man lives in the modern world unlike all
Animals in forests and brutes in villages lacking knowledge,
Skill and ability to tackle any situation well in life and work;
Civilized person is above common but next only to divine one!
But as things are going in the modern world, it is doubtful
to believe and have such an idea of modern man as there is
Difference only in the outward attire of men in cities, towns
And villages rather than in common sense, skill or behaviour!
Unless the aberrations of civilization in the modern world is
Rectified, there's no difference among all in cities and villages!
Civilization should go Hand in Hand with Culture according to Nature!
Old or modern, cultured or civilized, living human life in
Harmony with Nature only can sustain world forever sure;
Being part of Nature, that is the best way for all to survive,
Sustain and succeed in peaceful and prosperous life ever!
Climate change and natural disasters point out all to realize
This fact to survive and sustain well not going against the
Will of Nature so that the lost paradise can be regained for
Peace, prosperity and progress of life of all with assurance!
Prevention of pollution of air, water and environment only
Can preserve Nature in all its glory to sustain all living beings
For evolution to proceed on its natural course to the progress
Of all living beings to go on the right direction of destiny!
Civilization of modern world should not neglect culture ever
Following the will of Nature for the wellbeing of all sure....!
Real Progress towards Divine Life!
Civilization of human life should not end with modern world
All cherish high comparing with past lives of old generation;
All good and great deeds as achievements only will make
The next generations feel proud of us and continue so ever!
is it not time to think about pollution and health condition of
All that have worsened much needing to be rectified now?
Sans destroying forests and maintaining natural resources
Only, our good Earth can be restored to its glory of past sure!
Progress of human life socially and spiritually in accordance
With Nature, evolution can develop all as super beings...., ;
Purpose of human existence here is to realize all pain and
Pleasures to accept spiritual life of harmony with Nature...!
To overcome all hurdles to lead a peaceful divine life, real
Progress of spiritual life need to be developed as civilization!
Invaluable Treasure Our Earth is Ever!
With blue sea, green forest and white clouds Earth looks like
Bright and beautiful marble ball among other planets of our
Solar system among many Star groups in the vast Universe;
Being earthly ones makes us feel elated and proud forever!
Preserving natural resources of Earth only we can go on ever
Enjoying this paradise beauty sans doom's day to it sure....;
Understanding the invaluable great treason of Earth, let us
All keep it clean and sans wars as we keep safe jewels in locker!
This Earth is great gift of Nature to us that we have to protect
And transfer to next generation for them to do so to next of
Their generation praising in gratitude for having provided all
Things we need for our survival and sustenance since long!
Such a treasure so beautiful and bountiful how can anyone
Think of destroying it for the sake of greediness of a few....!
Intelligence versus Wisdom!
Ancient or old world is believed to be not much developed
In knowledge, life and activities of people everywhere then;
Modern means new, advanced and developed in all ways in
Everything in industries, agriculture, business and life now!
Cultured means refined to live life with best thoughts of all
Knowledge, words and activities both in public and private;
Civilized means high level of thoughts, words and deeds in
Life and works capable of managing anything anywhere...!
In the modern world of civilization, everything is going on
Fast with noises of machines, vehicles of all kinds night and
Day done in an intelligent way reflecting sophistication but
Sans wisdom to decide whether it's necessary or not ever!
Modern world is brave but lacking human sense of after
Effects and inventing new things to overcome drawbacks
Sans caring for simplicity but only sophistication with no
Guarantee of lasting effect believing next thing can be done!
How to be Really Civilized and Modern Sure?
Everything is illusion in the vast beautiful Universe as all
Matters produced by energy are time bound ones sure;
Earth too is one such one so to say like human life is here;
It is better to live as long as sans disturbing the set up...!
Just economic and technological developments are not
Real ones as everything changes by time and again in stock market;
The best thing one has to do is to live well till end and go to
Heaven in peace sans caught into the whirlpool of hell here!
Civilization of modern world is also an illusion as it is only an
Outward show but not inward development of humans ever;
By human culture only it is possible to be developed sure so
As to be real in civilization to call oneself to be modern ever!
Only Nature, Art and Culture can make one perfect to call
Oneself civilized and modern as thoughts, words and deeds become so then!
Real Advancement and Development to Evolve to Higher Status!
Clear sky, clean air, bright Sunshine and neat roads make
All love the cosmopolitan town to visit it again and again;
Love of beauty in Nature, art and culture is necessary for
All who appreciate the cleanliness of town and world sure!
Only those who are living in a matter of fact of mechanical
Life don't have feeling of emotion to enjoy beauty and ever
Appreciate everything in the modern world of civilization...;
Sans such a good feeling, how can one be civilized forever?
Without love and beauty in life, human nature has no chance
Of advancing and developing in thoughts, words and deeds;
Sans this foundation of culture, no religion or modernity can
Make one prepared for divinity to enjoy bliss in Nature ever!
Love and knowledge only give real freedom to enjoy beauty
Of Nature in bliss to evolve into higher level than civilization!
Let us be Conscious of Wellbeing of Self and Society to be Modern!
Individuals have liberty and rights by national Constitution
To do what they like and live adapting any ism they wish;
They too have duty towards society to maintain common
Decency and decorum for smooth running of all works sure!
So also, society too mind what all do without harming any
Individual's pursuits of dream or ambition in the world life;
For, individuals like poets and scientists work ever for the
Wellbeing of all in human society and good reforms for all!
But in the modern world due to developments of electronic
Gadgets like Cell phone, notepad and lap top. almost all
Are absorbed by them forgetting what is happening around
Them and in the society sans any sense or care forever now!
All should be conscious of self, society, nation and world
Besides maintaining natural resources for the well being of
All not only now but also eternally and that is the way all can
Be civilized and modern in outlook in the advanced world!
Broad Ambition can succeed Only with God’s Sanction!
Orthodoxy, tradition and conventions are invalid in modern
Time needing filtration for finding best and relevant now...;
In modern world, civilization all like to lead high way of life
To get the satisfaction and fulfilment not possible in anyway!
Now beyond borders all love to live and achieve what they
Wish based on their most cherished dreams based on their
Knowledge and ideas transcending religion, race, culture,
Language and all by love, friendship, cooperation and fun!
Best wish of all is creation of One World with one language,
Single currency, common laws for all and weaponless state;
For that, unions like Europe, Africa, Asia and America should
Unite to form One World Union as extension of UNO vision!
This broad ambition only with God's sanction can meet with
Grand success for efforts taken by all with love and interest!
Civilization by International Friendship forms One Modern World by Unity in Diversity!
Whether nations unite to create one world or not, our Earth
Is one world with many languages, cultures, religions or races;
Yet, unity in diversity is formed by civilization and modernity
By international integration of economy through friendship!
By communication through English language, civilization is
Bringing together nations under one roof for developments
In various fields unifying all unions of the world nations into
One human world of families promoting peace and progress!
This kind of development should pave way for international
Integration of society by eradication of poverty through employment
And by cooperation and coordination and exchange of ideas
And knowledge One World dream can be achieved soon...!
Real civilization is possible by unity in diversity and modern
World can be truly established by international friendship...!
More by : T. A. Ramesh