Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
From the sociological point of view, a minority group is ‘a category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group.’ There is different categories of minority group based on difference such as: ethnicity (ethnic minority), race (racial minority), religion (religious minority), sexual orientation (sexual minority), or disability. There is another prominent group never be considered the largest one. This is economically weaker and disadvantageous group. Practically, this group occupies the largest section of India's population. The Global Hunger Index Report 2018 of the International Food Research Institute, recorded that India ranks 103 in the Global Hunger Index (GHI), in spite of no shortage of food production in India and launching of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) in December 2000. This report also gravitated that 35.8% of children under five of India is underweight. Further, World Poverty Clock recorded in 2018 that 70.6 million Indians live in extreme poverty. Therefore, it still lags behind in improving GHI. When it has been targeted, it would become a superpower in 2020, it is just a worrisome because government has no positive efforts to improve basic rights of its population. When a large section does not get their food or government has failed to feed its population, how does it propose for a five trillion economy?
‘In India, price control has been one of the instruments in the armoury of the Government for achieving economic objectives.’ And the role of price control is a vital issue. People’s government has no strategic effort ‘(a) to protect the interests of the vulnerable sections of the consumers given the income distribution, (b) to prevent monopolistic exploitation by a few- firms belonging to a single industry, and (c) to ensure a reasonable degree of price stability.’ As a consequence of this, the price and market are under the control of middlemen and broker. This economic minority group has to suffer from both sides of no job or job with low wages and price hike.
It has been noticed that since independence this minority group is dominant and it has been increasing daily. The government’s thought or plan and policy suffer from sustainable effectiveness. Political party, especially when it is in rule since independence is tactical on this issue. Now present government is very focused on the issue of religious majority. Will the declaration of India as Hindu state solve the problem of economic issue of the majority of the country’s population? Since independence every political party declares its goal during the election in its election manifesto. But policy and programme are according to the demand of the particular political party. It rarely assesses people’s need and demand.
This government has no thinking for the survival of the economic minority. But it is always concerned with the prosperity of the rich. Secondly, it is more attentive to juggling with the religious minority. Is it a responsible government for uniting India and making a real new India or a Hindu India? Who would be benefitted and live peacefully in an environment of fear and violence?
More by : Dr. Harasankar Adhikari