
Jelly Babies

I did something today that I've been wanting to do for the last thirty-seven years. I ate some Jelly Babies. I became a big fan of the classic "Doctor Who" TV show in 1984. I saw The Doctor eating Jelly Babies on that show and I've been wanting to try them ever since.

But finding Jelly Babies here in Bean Station, Tennessee is impossible. If you want to buy Jelly Babies where I live, you will be out of luck. I ordered my Jelly Babies from and they arrived in the mail this morning.

I remember something that happened in an episode of the classic "Doctor Who" that I thought was funny. That Doctor Who episode was titled "The Robots of Death". The Doctor asked a man if he would like a Jelly Baby. The man yelled "Shut up!" and knocked the Jelly Babies out of The Doctor's hand. The Doctor said "A simple no thank you would've been sufficient".

Jelly Babies are gummy and today I learned that they taste pretty good. I did something today that I've been wanting to do for over three and a half decades. I ate some Jelly Babies for the first time.


More by :  Randy Johnson

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