
Karma-Sanyasa Yoga

Inane Interpolations in Bhagavad-Gita – 7

Continued from Previous Page

What characterizes the interpolations in this chapter of 29 verses is the tasteless ‘Omnipresence of the Supreme in Brahmins, cows, elephants, dogs and dog eaters’ of v18, which could be but an interpolation as it ill-behoves Krishna’s eloquence and his sophistication of expression seen throughout the genuine text.

Moreover, V27-v28 that deal with yogic practices, and V29, which asserts the Supreme as the beneficiary of sacrificial rituals, are but interpolation for reasons that bear no repetition.

In response to Arjuna’s plea at the very outset, Krishna delves into the renunciation of action.

Ch5, V1

Pray be clear, as Thee aver

Act ’n give up in selfsame breath.

sannyaasam karmanaam krishna punar yogam cha shansasi
yach chhreya etayor ekam tan me bruhi su-nishchitam

Then, Krishna sets the tone for the self-help with the opening statement thus:

Ch5, V2

Give up all ’n thou be freed

So’s the case with selfless work

But know latter scores much better.

sannyaasah karma-yogash cha nihshreyasa-karaavubhau
tayos tu karma-sannyaasaat karma-yogo vishishyate

Continuing in the same vein, Krishna affirms that –

Ch5, V17

In clear conscience ’n fairness
Gives man freedom faith in Him.

tad-buddhayas tad-aatmaanas tan-nishthaas tat-paraayanaah
gachchhantyapunar-aavrittim jnaana-nirdhuta-kalmashaah

Next appears the silly and tasteless description of the Omnipresence of the Supreme in Brahmans, cows, elephants, dogs, and dog eaters! Wonder if this is not an idiotic interpolation, then what it is only the blind votaries of the Gita ‘as it is’ can explain


vidyaa-vinaya-sampanne braahmane gavi hastini
shuni chaiva shva-paake cha panditaah sama-darshinah

The truly learned, with the eyes of divine knowledge, see with equal vision a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater.

In contrast, the succeeding verse is the true successor of the former (V17).

Ch5, V19

Keeps who equity ever in thought
Faultless being attains he Brahman.

ihaiva tair jitah sargo yeshaam saamye sthitam manah
nirdosham hi samam brahma tasmaad brahmani te sthitaah

Now, over to the other interpolations –


sparshaan kritvaa bahir baahyaansh chakshush chaivaantare bhruvoh
praanaapaanau samau kritvaa naasaabhyantara-chaarinau

Keeping external sense objects outside, and eyes in the center of the eyebrows, and also equalizing the incoming and outgoing flow of breath inside the nostrils;


yatendriya-mano-buddhir munir moksha-paraayanah
vigatechchhaa-bhaya-krodho yah sadaa mukta eva sah

That person who has restrained his senses, mind and intellect, and whose ultimate goal is liberation, who is devoid of desire, fear and anger; that person is also a monk, he is ever liberated.

The v27 that deals with yogic practices and v28 for its ascetic association with it would not fit even in the Gita’s spiritual space and thus are but interpolations for reasons that bear no repetition.


bhoktaaramyajna-tapasaam sarva-loka-maheshvaram

suhridam sarva-bhutaanaam jnaatvaa maam shaantim richchhati

Having realized Me as the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all the worlds and the selfless Friend of all living beings, My devotee attains peace.

This Supreme as the beneficiary of the sacrificial rituals is but an interpolative hat, and thus these four verses are nothing but inane interpolations.

Continued to Next Page 


More by :  BS Murthy

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