Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
December 12th was Sarah Sutton's sixtieth birthday. She's a talented British actress who was born on December 12, 1961. If she lives for another forty years, she will live to be one hundred.
Sarah began acting at the age of nine in A.A. Milne's "Winnie-the-Pooh". She made her first appearance as Baby Roo five days after her 9th birthday at the Phoenix Theatre in London.
She became the youngest British actress to have played Alice in the 1973 television film "Alice Through The Looking Glass". She was also the youngest actress to star as a companion of The Doctor in the classic "Doctor Who" TV show.
Sarah starred in thirteen Doctor Who episodes. She starred as "Nyssa" from 1981-1983. The Doctor Who episodes she starred in were: The Keeper Of Traken, Logopolis, Castrovalva, Four To Doomsday, Kinda, The Visitation, Black Orchid, Earthshock, Time-Flight, Arc Of Infinity, Snakedance, Mawdryn Undead and Terminus. She also made a brief appearance in Peter Davison's final Doctor Who episode "The Caves Of Androzani" and in "Dimensions In Time".
She took a break from her acting career to raise her daughter, Hannah with her husband, Mike. Her husband is a General Practitioner and they got married in 1984.
Sarah is a very talented lady and hopefully she will star in many other TV shows and movies in the future. I'm sure that all of her other fans wish this as well. I wish Sarah a happy sixtieth birthday.
More by : Randy Johnson