
PLCS Celebrated National Youth Day 2022

Progressive Literary & Cultural Society (India) organized an Online Webinar on Google Meet, “PLCS Women Conference Gender Discrimination” on 12th January 2022.

The event commenced with Dr. Manisha Singh (PLCS Vice- President) introducing the topic. She said that Swami Vivekananda's birthday, which is on 12th January, is celebrated as National Youth Day. It was felt that the philosophy of Swami Vivekanand and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth. That’s why this day has been celebrated as National Youth Day in India every year since 1985. Swami ji said, "Arise! Awake! And do not stop until the goal is reached". He also told to take risk in our life and said that;

“If you win; you may lead..
If you loose; you may guide..”

About success, he said that the way to success is to:

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.

Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.

She then invited “Youth Icon” Sahaj Sabharwal (Poet, Rapper & Motivation Speaker, Jammu), the guest of the evening. Sahaj restarted with the greetings and read some thoughts of Swami Vivekananda.Carrying the message of Swami Vivekanand, he said that, “Youth can improve the society as they are behind the negligence of the society. Even a young child can be a good teacher. If our heart says that we have learned something then we should follow it. He recited his poem, "We Are Fake Innocent People"

Clapping after watching others's clap,
Hesitation in being a pioneer, under hands of others like puppets under nap.

Promoting someone after watching a trend in promotion,
Everyone is selfish, no respect as an emotion.

Following after watching a rapid growth noises,
Disrespecting our personal choices.

Boycotting after after watching a disliking trend,
We can't analyze on our own and over the majority's opinion, we bend.

Having copyright on our own personality,
But still defaming it by hiding the reality.

Never used our own mind,
Having conscionable eyes but still copying an established way, being blind.

Providing more to more,
And less to less, our reality is no more an asset score.

Through this poem, he gave the message that, “Youth should be parallel, they should initiate, they must have the ability to start, they should not think about what others will think about us. We should continue and never stop. This shows how powerful we are? How much knowledge do we have ?How daring we are. We should not change our attitude as per the views of the society. If someone says that you are not doing good or other such negative things then ignore them because these are just opinions they can’t change your life. You should live your life on your own opinion and you must improve yourself. There will be haters who will try to dissuade you but you should just focus on your goal.

He further said that, “God is one and it is we humans who have divided God in different religions and different castes, cultures and faiths. These all depend on our thinking, opinion and mentality. We can improve our thinking by reading some motivational thoughts by great personalities. We should have some positive mindsets because it will improve our society, country and our world. He recited his second poem, “All For One, One For All” giving a message of humanity. He also sang his rap song against rape victims.

The first speaker, Shivangi Srivastava (Teacher, APS, Prayagraj)in the speech said that,

“The diversity of opinions based on religions is very important and necessary for the growth and advancement of religious thoughts and also for discussions. If there will be no differences, religious discourse will lose its dynamism and become static so, to reach the desired aim of religion these dissimilarities of thought are very much needed as they give rise to further thoughts which makes them more filtered. As he says, "Sects must be, but sectarianism need not". The world would not be better for sectarianism, but the world cannot move on without having sects. Vivekananda expresses himself on the issue of contradictory ideas and differences that we find in different religions through an example which says, "If we take photographs of the same object from different angles, no two photographs will be alike - they may even give opposite impressions, but they are photographs of the same object."

The message conveyed by the concept of Universal Religion has two major things which are first the respect for each and every religion of the globe and other is the acceptance of this religious diversity we have in this world. These two things are very much necessary for the establishment of peace and harmony in the world”.

The second speaker, Reetika Jaiswal (M. A. English, S. S. Khanna Girls' Degree College, Prayagraj) in her speech said that, “Swami Vivekanand is not merely a name but an institutions of 110 years of his physical existence he lived in core of heart along with his words our every morning begins and ends with his creation he is our breath he is breath of every living civilization it may be 21st century 22nd century 23 century and so on we entered into a new century but essentially as we turned a page toward a new millennium that is many respects imposed on us radical changes in our ways of living and more so revolution in an unconscious manner of perceiving the world of feeling life and of how to Invision of our future Vivekanand 's ideal are weapon to remove all darkness that is why religion new view new view of man new principal of morality and ethics concept east west contribution to india to Hinduism teaching are still relevant in enlightening us”.

The third speaker, Shreya Srivastava (M. A. English, S. S. Khanna Girls' Degree College, Prayagraj) said that, “Swami Vivekananda believed that a country's future depends on its people as he wanted to " Set in motion machinery which will bring noblest ideas to the doorstep of even the poorest and the meanest". To Vivekananda, there is only one method of attaining knowledge and that is concentration.The main essence of his philosophy of life is to become fearless through struggle and serve humanity with peace. He is the role model for youth and to understand the work and achievements of Vivekananda, it is necessary to have an understanding of his ideals on various aspects of human life. Swami Vivekananda was a divinely inspired leader who successfully infused a new hope in man as he acted as a link between the East and West. He guided India and the world community as a whole new horizon of knowledge and developed a new hope of love , peace, and progress for humanity. If Indian traditions and culture are valued and respected today, India is indebted to one of his great sons, Swami Vivekananda.

Vivekananda's concept of Universal Religion springs out from the Vedanta philosophy, as he thinks that only this philosophy has the potential not only to provide the path to individuals to satisfy their spiritual aspirations in life but could also supersede the religious differences and conflicts”.

In the end, Dr. Shamenaz (PLCS Founder & President) gave a vote of thanks. She appreciated the Convenor for taking the initiative of organizing “National Youth Day” and thanked all the speakers for their tremendous efforts. The Conference was graced by many scholars and academicians of India and abroad.


More by :  Dr. Shamenaz Sheikh

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