Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by P C K Prem
As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 27
Narada learns more about the Manas Putras, Rati and Kamadeva – wise men are rational when they speak about purusa – the manas putra, and the ideal couple Rati and Kamadeva
Supreme Brahma revealed the birth of sages and various holy souls, a charming man and a woman. Many questions invaded the mind of celestial sage, who had emerged out of the delusion and illusion the Supreme Force created, and now, he wanted to know about the creation in detail. He sat cross-legged before the Supreme Brahma.
After a few minutes, Brahma said, “O monk, later on, all sages, who knew the objective of creation of purusa (man), bestowed on him a proper name. Daksa and other prajapatis (caretakers and guardians of people) observed the face of created man minutely, indirectly learnt everything and therefore, offered a suitable place where purusa (the man, the manas-purusa) born of the mind of Brahma through a mere thought, could live, and thereafter, presented a woman to him as friend and wife. Marichi and learned brahmins after determining the name of purusa, said words of wisdom and rationale.”
Wise sages said, “After taking birth, you must begin to create, and churning in minds need to start also. We have started contemplating seriously. Therefore, you will become famous as Manmatha. O great Manmatha, you are going to transform ‘the self’ in different images, bodies and shapes in the three worlds. None other equal to you, exists. As you are born in the image of kama, therefore, you will be known as Kama (the feelings of passion and love). As you shall be able to turn people mad with passion, therefore, future will know you as Madan. You were born after a great darpa (intense feelings of excitement and pride) so people will call you Darpaka. Because you will be full of pride and self-esteem, people will know you as Kandarpa. Even the gods will not possess power and valour equal to you. Therefore, you will govern all places on earth and so you will be omnipresent. The first prajapati will offer you a suitable wife, and Daksa will do everything keeping in view yours desires. Woman Kamini (a woman of warmth and affection) will adore and love you.”
When sages finished, Brahma told, “O holy monk, after I heard the prudent sages I disappeared.”
“After I went away, Daksa remembered each word, and said to Kandarpa, “O Kamadeva, born out of the body the beautiful girl is embellished with superb qualities. You should accept and make her your consort. She is quite right for you, as she is a girl of virtues. O man of brilliance, she will live with you and work keeping in view mutual interests and thus, follow the path of dharma, think of future and will live under your protection.”
After he said soft and meaningful words, a girl took birth from the drops of perspiration of Daksa. He gave the name of Rati to the girl who sat in front of Daksa and therefore, with a pledge, he offered her to Kandarpa. O holy sage, the daughter of Daksa was very charming and beautiful and was capable of mesmerising all sages. Kamadeva was very happy and so he married Rati. Feelings of love and passion overpowered Kamadeva when he looked at Rati an alluring and captivating girl, and instantly, the grand beauty charmed him. A great festival at the place enhanced comforts and joys of all. Prajapati Daksa was very happy after he thought over the entire incident, and added pleasure when he came to know that Rati was happy with the marriage. Kamadeva was also very pleased that sufferings and pains, agonies and worries did not exist anywhere. It was a very warm and satisfying relationship between Rati and Kamadeva.”
Brahma told about the most blessed and divine life of Rati and Kamadeva and everyone knew that they constituted a satisfying and ideal couple and were an example of perfect marital relations. Thus, a saintly couple lived an enriched and divine conjugal life.
Continued to Next Page
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