Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Only Nature The Inspiration for Art and Video Forever!
Before photography came into vogue, Art was all
To inspire and encourage with great motivation;
Before art came into vogue, Nature was and is
Living art to inspire, solace and guide all...!
In the beginning, for all the frustrated souls
Nature only has given relief to breathe a sigh
Of air to refresh and rejuvenate oneself and
Get the precious inspiration to go forward...!
Inspiration of heart, indelible impression of
Mind and blissfulness of spirit got from the
Beautiful animation of all things nd beings of
Nature Have inspired man to be a creative artist!
The living Nature only has inspired man to
Invent Video camera to record all memorable
Monents in life and beautiful scenes of
Nature to share with all forever and ever!
Only Nature Covers Complete Knowledge Sure!
It's known the all pervading energy in Nature can
Neither be created nor destroyed everywhere sure
Energy creates matter and from matter energy is out
In the Space which is four dimensional with Time!
Nature covers not only science, but also philosophy,
Arts and literature as living scientific art ever;
Philosophy says the ultimate truth is Universal
Spiritual Energy and that religion calls as God...!
Love and beauty of Nature inspires those aspects of
Feeling to guys and girls kindling creative arts
And romantic literature to spread human feelings
To all apart from motherly love and friendship sure!
Poetically speaking it is Nature that spiritually binds
Ever Matter and Energy for life to flourish everywhere!
Attributes of Great Achievers of Miracles in World!
Cleanliness, immunity, sense of beauty, truth, goodness
And love keep one active always against all odds ever;
When the whole world is suffering from illness, their
Best level of action in every field they work amazes!
Their love of service in a mission well witnessed by
All inspire others too to do the best they can sure;
Such ardent workers of humanity no doubt do miracles in
Achieving remarkable things for the whole of humanity!
Will power, sense of duty, discipline and dedication
Ever make great persons of high thoughts, over whelming
Zeal of heart and god spirit are attributes of great
Achievers of social benefits the world remembers ever!
Sans the great efforts of charismatic personalities,
The world could not have survived in times of great
Mishaps that have happened due to natural disaster
Or pandemic illnesses and inspire all to do best..!
Nature is a Lover of Perfection!
Lover of perfection, Nature always strives for improvisation
in its performance on various activities of creativity in
The Universe along with destruction of things for renewal
Of old worn out matters to newly evolved forms for efficiency!
Useful or wasteful, Nature does the same activity for all
Towards perfection whether that is weeds on lakes or shrubs
On land or coral reefs in the bottom od seas or reeds that
Are growing in the lagoons along the shores of world ever!
All things started by Nature never dies out once and for all,
But again and again reappears or regenerates only for making
Stronger matters for growth and perfection possible forever;
This act of sustenance is for improvement and success sure!
Survival, sustenance and success are motive Nature follows
And teaches to all to follow to make failures as successes!
Nature Provides Chance for Change of Way of Life for All!
Normal activities of birds and small animals give sure
Encouraging hope when all wake up in the morning here;
Usual works of public like people going to market,
Purchasing tiffin parcels in hotels show good sign!
Pandemic disease symptom seems to be a matter of our
Own exaggerated imaginary picture only to many sure..;
Curfew and lockdown relaxation surely show good and
Promising result giving hope to all to ahead sooner!
Seeing all hopeful scenes, all breathe a sigh og air
To get relief, refreshed mood and healthy sensation;
only fear and imagination make all things horrible,
But for matter of fact living ones, it's new chance!
Nature itself wishes to change way of life of people
And the new pandemic is providing opportunity for it!
Blessed are the Followers of Nature Ever!
Followers of the dictates of Nature at world crisis times
Are placed on track with evolution and well of in life;
But those ignoring Nature settled in the comforts of
So called developments and civilization suffer to death!
In the times of disaster, Nature gives time to think over
The drawbacks of man's indulgences in the exploitations of
Natural resources and progress made by science & technology
Leading to pollution and climate change causing havocs...!
To balance itself, Nature takes drastic measures in the
Forms of hottest days and heaviest rains out of horrible
Storms at anytime and also by way of new deadly diseases
Making all to change way of life for better survival!
Blessed are the followers of Nature in line with evolution
Going on unlike defaulters who sure to meet with tragedy!
The Day and Night Human World!
Corona pandemic affects everyone in every nation of the world
Whether one is lawyer or teacher, doctor or barber, soldier
Or Police, nurse or street cleaner, president or servant...!
Corona negatively affects like Goods & Services Tax positively!
At this time, when all are united to fight out Corona enemy,
The cowardly extremists indulge in bombing hospitals and
Hacking pregnant ladies and children to terrorize the public!
They don't know united we stand and divided we fall sure!
These are all happening as all are abusing Nature taking
For granted Nature has provided best things as free for all;
Climate has changed and new diseases are spreading everywhere
Day by day for all to see the other side of Nature from now on!
Without pain, no pleasure can be enjoyed and also, without
Pain, no gain can be obtained in the day and night world...!
An Irony and Pity Only the Good Suffer Ever!
Only interesting work one loves to do in the world
And that if done well getting the appreciation of all
Indeed makes one fell proud and respectable in society;
But doing work just for money will not make one to be so!
Interesting work done well will make one joyful, proud
And satisfied in any walk of life anywhere in the world;
To do interesting work, one may migrate to any corner
Of the globe and enjoy satisfied life with pride sure!
But what joy one gets, if one is living as a terrorist
With no pride and joy to experience in life but only
With fear and no guarantee to live a long secure life;
This happens due to bad education and religious teaching!
It's an irony migrant workers, due to corona lockdown,
Live in hunger and no means to return home caught between
Borders needing to be provided with food and transportation
Facility in the midst of terrorism and police strictness!
It's a pity only the good ones suffer in the economically
competitive world unlike the antisocial elements indulging
In violence hoodwinking all security needing to be noted by
Authority to check the imbalance in social order for good!
The Fun and Joy of Nature World!
Since a longtime I hear the call of peacock in the morning;
Seeing the gathering clouds in the sky, peacock calls its
Counterpart, peahen in joyful mood of coming rain perhaps
Before night and all mynahs make a chores round garden..!
The fun and joy being enjoyed by those birds kindle all
Squirrels make joyful crys here and there collecting their
Food everywhere and run to the deep shrines nearby soon!
Rain in summer is a magic that elates heart in joy and gay!
Like Paul Newman singing the song, rains drops keep falling
On my head in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid movie I
Too feel like jumping in jolly mood at seventy now sure..;
But I never forget the ground though I poetically fly high!
Such fun and joy where can one enjoy in life other than in
The Nature world I wonder very often and write such joys of
My life in poems many to share with all the message of truth
All have to know, realize and revive such a life by all sure!
Leave Individual Impression as Flower Before Leaving World!
It's impossible to get answer for the question like this one-
Who does not love flowers in the world full of many flowers?
From elders to children all love flowers for its beauty, hues,
Fragrance and being a best gift to give to anyone anywhere!
Every morning flower bud blossoms to bloom into beautiful
Flower, but dries and dies away leaving its fragrance ever
In the box or in between the pages of book or anywhere like
A poet who has written poems and died away in the world!
Flower has a very short span of life in the world ever, yet,
It leaves its impression never to be forgotten by all ever;
It is the message of flowers to all in the world sure ever
And reminds of love to all being the symbol of love forever!
Taking this impression of flower, all have to love, live and
Leave the world leaving our individual impression to all...!
Continued to Next Page
More by : T. A. Ramesh