Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
“Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of our earth” – Helen Caldecott
Broadly speaking, teaching is basically referred to as a job, a career, or a profession but on its own, it does not set to define only this notion; it surpasses its scope enormously. It reaches far beyond its dignified role and its expectations and hence no real limitations could be traced. The journey of a teacher is in fact a lifelong commitment where one surmounts not only in his or her area of learning but it induces all necessary resources that are often needed to be explored so as to accomplish the new, current and ongoing nuances of the teaching of any particular subject.
As the matter of fact, teaching is usually regarded as a noble profession. It is responsible to offer the most significant panorama to one’s life. It often plays a vital role in shaping and molding the character of students, society, and the nation at large. Therefore, it is said to be the most responsible and vital occupation. In general, teaching refers to the knowledge and information, a teacher provides to her students with all her diligence and efforts. The unique service of rendering quality time with the students lasts for a whole lifetime. It indulges not only in transferring the new ideology from the book world but also enhances the distinctive, learning challenges for students to face the future of tomorrow with all fortitude and determination. It is meant to impart knowledge and power besides instructing and directing. Moreover, it intends to guide the way, enlightened with an optimistic spirit as promisingly imbibed by its quality.
From the outset, I chose to become a teacher because I found my teachers very inspiring and realistic. I started to dream about their role and was passionate to become one. The reasons are too many, to proclaim, it is their endeavor that made a big difference in my life. I was excited when I became a teacher because most humorously I shall be heard by my students. They would feel my words catching and grasping besides ringing in their ears whenever they come across such similar ideas in their life.
Undeniably, it is a matter of fact to consider a teacher based on her passion if she qualifies in inspiring her students. It is crucial to check the level of passion and the influence she creates on the subjects she takes. Why it is crucial because one can observe the success it generates on the level of performance among the students as it closely relates to their passion and enthusiasm criteria. As a result, it remarkably brings in a large difference and is found amazing with the student’s grades.
On the other hand, it is worth noting that the teachers being given the subjects out of their core interest, this does not mean that they remain unsuccessful in their efforts. The good and passionate teacher manages to find her way out by any possible means to make her subject as interesting and special as she can. Consequently, she explores the valley of the unnamed river to fetch the most possible water she can. Surprisingly she is somewhere out there, a diligent, recognized individual who deserves all appreciation for the efforts she makes. Her passions take a beautiful turn leading to creativity. Therefore adopting new innovative wisdom and exploring the unexplored and reaching out to the best she can.
There is a close correlation between the passion and commitment of teachers to their students in their teaching-learning process? It is well noted, that when passion stops, the commitment suffers unambiguously in a precise model. The profound interests shown by teachers cultivate a deep impact in motivating students. The amount of loyalty and dedication shown in the teaching and learning part manifests a considerable level of progress in the student's performance. It is of crucial importance to penetrate this issue. It cannot be right to say that the teacher has her influence only within the classroom. In fact, the impact she creates spreads largely beyond one’s expectations. Studying is not a change that takes place in their individual growth, it rather is a physical and mental intervention that paves the way for societal growth or it is an act to improve the standard of the community at its most.
For this aforesaid reason, the relationship with students is quite unique. It is perceived as dull, bitter, and sometimes even nasty and tiresome at the most. The other brighter side if we consider, one can wonder what impression it sets to create in their minds, is just awe-inspiring and marvelous and its impact is deep and profound that teachers are hardly ever forgotten in the whole lifetime.
My observations being a teacher...
The students need to be recognized for their exquisite strengths and weaknesses equally. Having these qualities spotted, giving them quality time instructing and counseling them attracting with the perks they would receive, is all that makes a huge difference in their behavior. This gives them a chance to change the way they look and address their subjects. This attempt not only figures out a nominal range but also helps unconditionally on a large scale to discover their overall development. In particular, most of the time, being teachers we notice the problem lies solely with the students, not in the surrounded aspects of their studies. Despite knowing this fact, we fail to take any substantial measures. It is the other way round; there is somewhere something that actually bears to be answerable and responsible. The major factors that contribute to effecting results emerge from the students’ ability to grasp to learn in the home atmosphere, their peer effects, then move on with the curricula of their subjects.
It is more interesting when we recognize their skills and appreciate them in a soft manner, considering the student’s work as unique, distinctive, and special. Subsequently, the radiance one finds on them and their performance of the task is highly unusual and reaches the horizons of adventures from where to return to the ground level is highly impossible. This apparently makes them achieving students, the wonderful citizens on the whole.
Delving into this matter with some grave efforts, the idea got trickled from observations to throw some light on the teaching-learning process. One needs to look into this matter, a bit severely taking it into a consideration. Although, the student's achievement decides on the different sources of variance that are basically dealt with; presenting and enhancing this variance is a matter of germinal development that needs to be looked, at the very initial stage of this process. While exploring this aspect, one gets to ascertain the influences it bears, that in a way, truly make a large difference in the behavior and performance of a student. One who makes a variance is the one who makes a lot of differences. Yes, it is none but a teacher. The teacher always possesses unusual and powerful qualities and whose greatest influence needs to be optimized so as to stimulate the exceptional effect on the learner. This takes a deep root to instill the right value of education, having a higher expectation level followed by the high-quality teaching performance of a teacher. This enables students to meet appropriate challenges and would focus their attention on the meaningful learning process.
From the experiences and observations, I would affirmatively say that using amiable and warm words with the students turn out to work like magic reverberating in their mind and often this can check them in recalling what they have been erring with, could either possibly be about their studies or any discipline related aspect. Eventually, they tend to change themselves and try out to do the best they can in every possible manner.
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More by : Dr. Noor Fathima