Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
The Indian Government passed the National Health Policy 2017 (NHP-2017) in March of that year to improve the country's health care system. Toward this end, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG-3) encourages India's recently adopted National Health Policy 2017 to focus on preventive and promotion of health care in all development policies, as well as to ensure that everyone has equal access to high-quality health care services, regardless of their ability to pay for them.
It is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that the United Nations General Assembly produced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Health and well-being for everyone at any age is the goal of the SDG’s third target. More than half of the other 16 objectives contain metrics that are directly connected to health services, outcomes and well-established causal links to environmental, occupational, behavioural and metabolic hazards.
It is difficult to maintain healthy habits during emergency period. The financial worries the developing country people experience make it difficult to live normal lives and can have a negative impact on the mental health of the citizens. The constant news coverage and uncertainty about the future can increase anxiety. Stress is a natural response to these types of situations. |
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being addressed in India via a series of initiatives. To accomplish the SDGs, civil society has the legitimacy of both international and national legitimacy to campaign for policy changes, as well as monitor and insist on their implementation.
After that, it goes into detail about what caused it. The SDG's underlying spirit may be realised if we have a deeper knowledge of how health policy is created among the general community. It's unusual for two reasons why these SDG-3 aims are so unexpected. Many of these initiatives go counter to the requests for structural changes made by international health groups. This is due to two factors: No matter how big the ambitions, there is little or no additional funding from the government.
By highlighting seven sectors outside of health that may influence good health, NHP-2017 acknowledges the SDGs' crucial role. A well-deserved honour, to be sure. "It is vital to develop convergence across larger determinants of health" to enhance urban health, according to the NHP. There are seven main areas of focus for the NHP, according to the publication: reducing crime and urban stress and pollution in the air as well as improving solid waste management and water quality.
As well as the goal for increased health system sensibilization to provide treatment free and with dignity in the public and private sectors, the incorporation of gender-based violence awareness into national programmes is a creative addition to improving healthcare services.
The strategy aims to address the socioeconomic factors of maternal and child health via development in all sectors. There should be a bigger role for Panchayati Raj institutions in health governance, including socioeconomic determinants of health, according to the text. Research on social determinants of health, as well as neglected health areas such as disability and transgender health, will be stepped up in the coming years. By implementing regulatory requirements, the National Health Policy (NHP) mandates that public health care be enabled to aggressively address socioeconomic health factors. Innovative contributions to enhancing public and private health care may be seen in the inclusion of gender-based violence awareness in national programmes and in the need for enhanced sensitization of health systems to provide treatment. People should be allowed to live freely and with dignity.
As a patient-centred, quality-driven initiative in India, the National Health Strategy (NHS) focuses on health care access, prescription drug costs, and the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. An increase in public health spending of 2.5 per cent over a given time is proposed. To improve healthcare outcomes and efficiency, the report recommends that digital technologies be broadly used. The private sector is involved in both the issues and the solutions. An important part of the plan's mission is to increase access to high-quality healthcare by concentrating on new diseases and boosting funding for both promotional and preventative measures. To bolster community mental health services and disaster preparedness, the business sector will be involved in strategic buying, capacity building, skill development programmes, awareness-raising, and the establishment of sustainable networks. In addition to financial and non-financial incentives, the method recommends enlisting the help of the corporate sector.
As seen by its actions throughout the last three years, the Indian government has placed a high value on health care. 'Health for All,' as stated in NHP 2017, is the ultimate goal.
There should be a medical school in every three to four parliamentary districts according to the government. Over the last year, there were an additional 6,000 PG medical seats added to the system. The price of heart stents, which formerly ranged from Rs. 1.5 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs, has come down. A 40% discount on the MSRP is being provided on these stents. To lower healthcare expenses, another government-sponsored programme offers low-cost generic pharmaceuticals.
Ayurveda's value and the need for more inexpensive and accessible healthcare are both highlighted by the long-overdue availability of a health treatment inside the standard medical system.
The Covid-19 pandemic was a global health crisis that has harmed the long-term development of most countries. UN SDGs have exhibited their first reversal since their introduction in 2015 for a better society because of increased poverty and unemployment due to the Covid-19 scandal. SDG progress may be underestimated because of a lack of accurate data, according to a new study. It was found that India dropped from 117th to 120th rank out of 165 countries. As a result, India has fallen from 115th to 117th rank in 2020. SDG 6 on Clean Water and Sanitation and SDG 13 on Climate Action are both being met despite the country's serious problems with these fundamental services, as well as with the treatment of anthropogenically generated wastewater. The NITI Aayog's most recent SDG India Index 2020-21 also acknowledged the country's steady progress in SDG 6 and SDG 7, Affordably and Cleanly Produced Energy (SDG 7). Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Gender equality (SDG 5), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16), and Partnership for Goals have all stagnated in India because of significant obstacles (SDG 17). According to the findings, goal-by-goal progress is deteriorating. When it comes to the goal of Gender Equality, the ratio of women to men in the labour force is declining, and when it comes to Sustainable Cities and Communities, the percentage of urban residents living in slums, the annual mean particulate matter concentration, and access to better water sources is decreasing.
Many other countries are performing better than India, but they have to make up for lost ground. Even though they are in the top three, countries like Finland, Sweden, and Denmark still have hurdles in meeting all of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Wealthier countries, on the other hand, may make up ground more quickly than emerging ones because of their financial independence.
Even though it is more difficult to say than to do, there seems to be a little option. Making speedy progress toward the SDGs is more important than ever, even though the methods used differ. Our lives will spiral into a never-ending loop if we don't make a change. Progress toward the SDGs has been hindered by the Covid-19 outbreak. There may be additional emergencies if we don't go forward with the SDGs.
NHF's primary objective is to educate, clarify, strengthen and prioritise the role of governments in shaping healthcare systems, including health investment, healthcare service organisation and financing as well as disease prevention and promotion through cross-sectoral action, access to technology, human resource development and encouragement of medical pluralism. It is hoped that India's progress toward "Health for All" and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) would be stable with the implementation of the National Health Policy 2017 (NHP 2017) and its legislative frameworks.
Smart policies and strong global cooperation may help advance the Sustainable Development Goals more quickly than currently anticipated. Covid-19's short-term impacts on the SDGs are taken into consideration in the study, which emphasises the importance of the SDGs in the rehabilitation process. Prof. Global tax reform and increased financing from international development banks are two options that may help impoverished countries get back on track toward achieving the SDGs. There are six SDG reforms that the government should focus on universal health coverage, clean energy and industry, sustainable agriculture and land use, sustainable urban infrastructure, and universal digital technology access.
More by : Dr. Sanghamitra Adhya