Random Thoughts

The God of Romance

I haven’t come across a God in the epics who was as romantic, mischievous, multi-talented, political and shrewd and above all strategic personality as Lord Krishna. He was as playful as he was shrewd. He played with his friends when a boy, shifted his dalliance with gopikas on youth, devoted to his mother, kind to his friends and devotees, smart with his enemies and preached the most revered Bhagavat Gita which almost is a guidance to a human life irrespective of cast, creed and community.

But, most of the time, we see him as a smart flutist who can not only attract the animals but also the humans especially women and children through his music. A God with so many hues is definitely a rare phenomenon.

With Janamashtami, (his birthday) fast approaching, a lot of ads appear on the net. I was amazed by one statue of Krishna and I couldn’t resist my drive to make a sketch of it. It is not a match to the sculptor’s original (you can find it on the net) but mine is definitely a close one by an amateur. I present that God of Love and Knowledge with an apt background.


More by :  G Swaminathan

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