Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
What is the rightful place of women in society?
We are all having not one opinion about this.
What is society?
Society is a collection of families; families are bricks with which the walls and other constructions of a building are formed. Earlier times divided family responsibilities based on nature of work for men and women. Just then barter system and later money was discovered and indulging in various professions to make materials to exchange in barter system and later earn money to take care of families are done by men with help from their women in the family.
Women were entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of house in all required and necessary aspects. As women are required to breast-feed their offspring they mostly remained at home and also minding the welfare of family members.
There were no jobs other than indulging in a profession to make both ends meet. As civilization evolved many social, socialogical, economical, financial, religious, philosophical and spiritual matters cropped up. When doing a job other than indulging in a family profession, started with political and governmental needs, an individual working for salary started.
Women continued taking care of homes. But when literacy and education are opened to women too, women had to move out of house and work at work places which started problems in raising family members and taking care of them has been suffering.
But as women empowerment is defined as women equally earning as men and being financially independent, the social equations started changing.
Though now majority of women are engaged in and taking care of family needs as their primary and only duty, urban women who are employees have different perception supported by intellectuals, social reformers and governments.
Now women's empowerment is solely equated with them being employed and earn independenty.
The looking after of infants and aged people is no longer possible in houses as the number of housewives or home makers is fast dwindling.
The psychological, human and other aspects of human needs are being given a go by. And these aspects are not on the radar of modern individuals, intellectuals or governance or government.
But just because the society has changed its priorities and newly defined the roles of young men and women, the family life - especially in relation to infants and the aged, is going for a toss.
Even adults are having psychological déficiences. And most of the moden thinkers are either oblivious of this reality, need and suffering or don't care for the helpless, that is: the infants and the aged.
What shall we call our present situation? Technological advancement or psychological and physical depravation of affection and care during illness. The refusal of the society to give a thought for family wellbeing is not good for individuals and society.
We have more robots and psychologically- affected individuals.
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam