Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by P C K Prem
As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 61
Brahma advises Taraka – tells about the sacred heavens, the true essence of life and existence, the soul and ‘the self’ and to conquer heavens is not the destination, Taraka leaves heavens and returns and now Indra deliberates on the destiny of gods
He met Taraka and spoke affectionately, “O Taraka, the heavens are the gist and essence of meaning of life and the existence, the soul and ‘the self’ of divine radiance (sartattva). However, you look after the affairs of heavens, for which you underwent rigorous tapa and penance. However, you demand more than what you had desired earlier. I bestowed a boon on you that was not so much but very little. It was a small boon. I never gave the kingdom of heavens to you, and bestowed no boon you know. Therefore, you leave the kingdom of heavens to gods, the rightful claimants, go back to earth, and govern people on earth. O daitya, the greatest among the asuras, whatever the karmas of gods are, you easily get those on earth. You do not think otherwise regarding the issues of life and existence. Supreme Lord has blessed rightly but you went beyond. It is improper to encroach upon the territory and rights of others. You are my son and therefore, I speak to you. You return the kingdom of gods and go back.”
Brahma said in very clear and unambiguous words.Interestingly, one never knows the mysterious designs of Supreme lord. Brahma apparently put words in the mind of Taraka, which he did not wish to hear. However, truth was harsh he knew. Brahma, the Supreme lord envisioned what was hidden in the womb of future. After a piece of advice to Taraka, Brahma, remembered goddess Shiva and lord Shiva, and disappeared.
Taraka, a mighty demon, left heavens and descended on earth. He began to live at Sonitpura and governed. Brahma also told everything to gods and after they heard words of wisdom, happily returned to the land of lord Indra (Indraloka). They held serious consultations and then said to Indra warmly, “O lord, as Brahma advised we make efforts so that Shiva (Parvati) enchants Shiva.” Afterward, the gods left for respective abodes.
Brahma instilled hopes and therefore, gods were positive. No doubt, daitya Taraka left the kingdom of heavens yet the dangers still survived.
After the gods left the court of Indra, he was deliberative and thought over the plight. Taraka drove gods of heavens to very miserable, wretched and unworthy living conditions, and usurped gods’ wealth, glory and property. Brahma also told of boons and compulsions. Taraka, the mighty daitya secured powers from the divinity after he underwent austere tapa and meditation. He was invulnerable to any danger to life. Even then, Brahma suggested a plan, which could save gods from the present sufferings. Now, only through lord Shiva, the death of Taraka was possible if the lord situated divine seed in the womb of Parvati, who served devotionally lord Shiva in Himalaya while the lord underwent severe tapa. To disturb lord Shiva was fraught with dangers everyone knew and Brahma had already thrown a hint.
Though the great daitya went back to earth to govern, yet dangers were not over. When the gods returned from the court of Indra after holding consultations, Indra was alone and so reflected over the situation seriously. He suddenly remembered the lord of Love (Kamadeva). A mere thought of a celestial being with special divine powers, was a command to another celestial being. It was effect of tapa that caused consequent surrender to the wishes of the lords of the three worlds. Indra thought of the love-god and Kamadeva appeared, for it was a holy command from a superior authority. If one juxtaposes it in contemporary context, the situation is obvious.
Now, politicians in powers are the gods though mortals. Babus, the machinery, a symbol of system as a whole, are the lesser gods. The superior gods do not enjoy divine powers but they do exercise powers of punishment and reward. Connivance creeps in to subvert the system and therefore, corrupt evolution of ethics takes birth and people suffer as the money and efforts of people, who work hard and pay taxes, benefit the men in power and their sycophants only may be. They fill coffers and bellies leading people to a life of miseries. It is necessary to make a deviation here. Holy men of religions frequently preach that out of honest earnings, a man must spare at least ten percent of the earnings for a noble cause, and offer savings as donations or one may contribute to charitable purposes. Now, the money, the system realizes as taxes also benefits those in powers (?) as corrupt practices flourish, to put it mildly.
A little exaggeration needs scrutiny and truth will cause dismay. A tall proposition indeed it is. Enigma it is to live with contradictions in an age of corruption, immorality and falsehood where pigmies are guides. It is a tragedy, an inevitable comedy and a farce.
Taraka was aware of it and on ther other hand, Indra was not a novice.
A solution to eradicate evil forces was the need of the hour, the gods knew. Lord of the world was in confusion. The lord of gods Indra decided to plan a strategy. To please Shiva was important. In contemporary context, one finds that none is Shiva. Brahma is quiet. Vishnu is just amazed at the contemporary man’s capacity to confuse and concoct!
Continued to Next Page
More by : P C K Prem