Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change or COP are major conferences attended by the heads of states and major industry and energy players of the world for discussing how to reduce carbon footprint and help develop a sustainable world.
The conferences are really a sham and a show of hypocritical behavior which brings out the real face of the selfish and the control freaks of the world. In the recently concluded COP 27 the much-touted creation of loss and damage fund was nothing but hot air. With no details about who will provide money for the fund and which country will get how much this remains only platitudes.
The Setting
The tycoons, heads of states and big industry leaders fly in their expensive personal jets and stay in total luxury in the resort places which are the venues of the conferences.
There were reports that about 400 private jets landed in Egypt carrying the delegates! The amount of energy use and carbon dioxide production by these events is enormous and all the trappings of unsustainable lifestyle are on display by people who are talking and preaching about sustainable lifestyle!
Thus huge jets ferry expensive bullet-proof cars for the heads of states. Huge wastage of food, water, etc. take place during the parties and lavish dinners which are given. Naturally nobody cares to add up all these unsustainable practices and do the cost/benefit analysis of how unsustainable these meetings and conferences are. They do not amount to anything and have not made an iota of dent to the world climate change. In COP 27 which took place recently in Egyptian resort town of Sharm El –Sheikh there was a shortage of food and drinks for ordinary attendees and there was a hue and cry by most of the developed country delegates that they were getting dehydrated and may not be able to function without their quota of high calories!
Lacunae in Agenda
One of the biggest lacunae in all these conferences is that hardly anybody talks about reduction in the personal energy consumption. As Mahatma Gandhi said we should be the change that we want to see or in other words we should practice what we preach. That is never the case. So we heard pontification on how we should reduce the carbon footprint to make this world sustainable by people who never practice sustainable living in their personal life. That is a typical behavior of a hypocrite. But the real hypocrisy lies in the developed countries telling the developing countries to go for renewable energy while they themselves binge on fossil fuels. Time and again it has been shown that the quality of life and economic progress is directly proportional to the un-interrupted supply of electricity and other forms of energy. Solar and wind are available daily for a short period of time and thus to make them provide electricity 24/7 requires reliable and economical storage.
Presently electric storage in reliable batteries is very costly. Even in developed countries solar and wind systems are basically used for topping up rather than as the main source of electricity supply. Their main grid electricity supply comes from fossil fuel powered plants. Thus, to insist that developing countries use mostly renewable solar and wind is totally preposterous!
There is another hypocrisy that has been imposed by the developed countries on the third world and that is of carbon credits. All the fossil fuel usage in developed countries is to be taken care of by carbon credits which means that developing countries plant forests on their lands for which they get money from rich countries who in turn get the carbon credits. Land in developing countries is already in short supply for food production and if they plant forests then they will get poorer by also importing food. So, it becomes a vicious cycle. No energy for electricity for improvement of life and reduction in food production.
What Needs to be Done
Such conferences are useful since they allow exchange of ideas but forcing the developed countries agenda on developing nations should be opposed and avoided.
More by : Dr. Anil Rajvanshi