Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by P C K Prem
As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 76
Parvati is angry because brahmin’s arguments and perseverance fail to convince and further, condemnatory tone of the holy man do not find favour with the holy woman
If one thinks deeply, one learns that it is of no point to abuse, reprimand or criticize a person or groups of persons, if one does not possess requisite knowledge or power. If one holds one kind of power or virtues exclusively and lacks other virtues, then the balance is likely to get disturbed. In contemporary context, it is either power or opulence and that is enough. Crafty people use power to amass wealth and vice-versa they appropriate wealth for the acquisition of power and thus, the process leads to greed, corruption and violence with least respect for ethics or dharma.
At last, she said, “Men, who do not know the essential tattva (essence of lord Shiva) and inherent powers of creation, preservation and destruction but indulge in criticizing or disparaging the great lord, the entire wealth of punyas (goodness or virtues) earned during a lifetime is reduced to ashes. You spoke disgracefully of lord Shiva, who is infinitely powerful and radiant, and on the other hand, I worshipped you and thus, I am part of the sin. After I meet a man, who is against lord Shiva, I ought to cleanse the body and take bath in the holy river along with the clothes. I must repent as I had darshana of the lord’s enemy.”
She was quite disturbed and angry now as she uttered these words. It appeared she was hurt. Many embarrassing words of brahmin, who had the audacity to speak against Shiva pierced Parvati deeply. She thought it a great crime to listen to the vituperation and the feelings mounted to despicable limits when she had served and worshipped a brahmin of a spiteful tongue.
Suddenly, she was enraged and said angrily, “O sinful brahmin, you said you know lord Sankara. I am certain that you do not know the eternal lord Shiva. Whatever you say about the ugly figure of lord Shiva or lord Rudra does not carry any substance. He may have numerous ugly images and faces but he, the eternal, the infinite and the formless, is the most revered beloved of saintly people, and he is my god, deity and everything. Even Brahma and Vishnu cannot equal him. Why talk of other gods of heavens because all gods are under the control of time and death. Thus, I reflected over the subtle matters and thought over the word tattva (essence of lord Shiva) and that is why, I came to the forest to meditate on him. The beloved of devotees, the lord of gods, lord Shiva is the Supreme lord. He is merciful, compassionate and generous toward the vulnerable and the poor. I fervently desire to attain lord Shiva.”
After truthfully saying ostensibly terse words, she was quiet and again concentrated on the image of Shiva. After he heard Parvati clearly, the brahmin got ready to say something but knowing the intention that goddess was not in a mood to listen to uncharitable words against Shiva, he kept mum.
Parvati turned to Vijaya and said, “O dear friend, help…and stop the adharmic brahmin (a brahmin of unrighteousness and untruth), who speaks against the lord. He will only speak against lord Shiva. He, who speaks against the great lord, not only commits a transgression but also the person, who listens to him, is equally a sinner. Therefore, let us not be a part of the iniquity. Devotees of Shiva should absolutely ostracise those who speak disdainfully of a benevolent lord. They should not be encouraged.”
At certain places, the scholars have used the word vadha (to kill or to assassinate). It means that the devotees must assassinate or kill those, who speak against Shiva. It is not the intent. The Vedas and various scriptures of Hindus speak of the religion of man that advocates universality, secular outlook and love for humanity, and do not recognise any class or creed. If a few scholars hold different thoughts, it astonishes. Parvati means it, and suggests that such evils be discouraged or ignored. One thing is clear at certain places that devotees of gods or deities do not wish to indulge in violence. In very rare instances, they resort to hostility and vengeance or talk of the path of violence but it is rare.
She said again, “If such a man is a brahmin, do not patronise. It is better one abandons him and then, leaves the place where somebody speaks ill of lord Shiva. Evil minded brahmin will again speak against the lord. As he is a brahmin, one cannot hurt or harm him so it is better to ignore or leave him alone here and ensure not to see him again. Leave the ashrama and let us go somewhere else so that the sinner does not get an opportunity to speak embarrassing words against lord Shiva.”
More by : P C K Prem