
Nature Source and Destiny - 5

Continued from Previous Page

Foresight and Forward Outlook of Great Ones Make Life Better!

South-West Monsoon rain has converted Summer into Winter;
Winter believe birds and squirrels and play love games;
Games surely develop health and immunity to fight illness;
Illness has no place, when care is taken against infection!

Infection of smile improves good relations more than all;
All smile, laugh and Happy loving all like Nature does ever;
Ever love and friendship are better than enmity and revenge;
Revenge only animals indulge in but humans forgive as divine!

Divine is magnanimous to make all including enemies as friends;
Friends of same minds are like feathers flock together sure;
Sure friends in all walks of life create wonderful things...;
Things of beauty as in Nature, art and Poetry are a joy forever!

Forever foresight and forward outlook of aspiring ones are great;
Great achievements they only make in the world for better life!

Nature and Art Should Go Hand in Hand as Friends!

Nature is everything starting from our Solar system to Universe;
All over the world and Universe what Nature does is evolution;
But what man does by science and technology is revolution sure;
Natural process and artificial process serve their own purposes!

Man does revolutionary things using his technique as a catalyst;
But Nature does the work of evolution by its technique natural;
Man's work of genius is with matter and mind by will of heart;
But Nature goes on improving all by spirit to perfection sure!

Both Nature and Art of both should go parallel to each other;
Interference of man in Nature's work of perfection spoils all
Constructive activities to destructive activities to compensate
The impasse and losses Nature has to balance itself forward!

Nature and Art of God and Man are the great creations of both
Needing to be cherished so that both go hand in hand as friends!

What Have We Achieved Neglecting Best and Beautiful Things of Nature?

Guava, Chicku, banana and mango fruits welcoming all
On the dining table next to kitchen room stand enticing
For all to take and enjoy eating anytime of the day
Whether we eat break fast or lunch or supper or not!

Such delicious fruits evr satisfy anyone lacking good
Food regularly due to work load in the fast world sure;
Even though the fruits are ready for consumption ever,
Time is not enough to do so like we fail to see Nature!

Fruits of labour in science and technology we enjoy in
Daily work and life unable to appreciate and enjoy all
Fruits in all seasons and the morning and evening glory
Of Nature everyday though they are all close to us ever!

Neglecting all the best things and beauty of Nature, what
Have we achieved to get fulfilment in life, I don't know!

Abecedarian Nature!

All pervading Nature is like God everywhere in the Universe;
Beauty of Nature inspires all with best of mood, creativity;
Creative works of art and scientific inventions it inspires!

Diversities in Nature are unique features of Nature All admire;
Everything we see everywhere has come from Nature as source;

Fulfilment of all beings is assured after all evolutions in it!

God has manifested his attributes through beauty, music of Nature;
High spiritual state one can attain only in communion with Nature;
I, you, we and all have beginning and end only in Nature sure...!

Joy we experience in Nature is bliss and everlasting for all;
Kindness, gentleness and love natural to all comes from Nature;
Life, love, beauty, joy, peace and liberation are due to Nature!

Mountains, hills, sky, plains, valley rivers, sea and ocean are it;
New, old, eternal and novel things and lives thrive in Nature;
Open to all Nature loves, bears and compensates good and bad sure!

Power of Nature is known by storms, rains, tremors and floods;
Quick and slow changes are Nature's specialty in seasons ever;
Repetition, renovation, revival and renewals are for evolution!

Sustained growth despite destructions, Nature enliven all ever;
Teacher great Nature is besides being friend, mother and guide;
Universe with all Stars and planets with lives is Nature divine!

Verily Nature never leaves in despair remindling all to be so;
World, life, Nature, Universe and God are all in one forever;
X, Y andZ may be looking diverse but they all parts of Nature!

Young, old, new and eternal are processes of things in Nature;
Zeal of creativity covers all as process of evolution for perfection!

Nature has Programmed Love in All!

It looks strange how some animals too falling in love;
It is mysterious to know the attraction and falling in
Love between humans or animals or birds or fish ever;
Perhaps Nature has programmed love in all living beings!

Due to the thinking mind of man, his intellect over
Shadows feeling to forget love in life in the world
Full of violence, woes of various causes and duties
Not permitting time for love in world life perhaps!

Also, there are stories of love between unequals in

Spite of difficulties, enmities, obligations and
Destined to live in distant places to fulfil mission;
And there are cases of sacrifices by lovers for love!

The sensation of natural attraction and blooming of
Love are beautiful feeling of humans uplifting ever!

Without Love good Life and One World Not Possible!

Without love good cannot be lived and leave the world in peace;
Beauty, good heart, broad mind and loving words absorb all to
Like and love one as most favoured, lovable and trustworthy being
And make all do anything and everything without refusal in life!

Persons of such real love see no difference in anyone in world;
All are kith and kin to move, speak and do all works for the good;
Their loving words are great boost to anyone aspiring high in life;
All feel if the world is full of such encouraging ones, it's heaven!

Group and company of such really loving souls will help much ever
To make all differences, rivalries, enmities, hatred, violence,
Extremism and wars Null and void paving the way for human unity,
Creating one world of peace, prosperity and progress of humanity!

Friends of such noble ideas surely join together by friendship
And love to unite all for food, clothing, shelter and job for all!

Rain of Love Washes Rain of Tears!

Love and helping nature make one have a heart of gold;
Gold everyone accepts because of its richness as love;
Love is ever lively as Nature that gives all to all...;
All best things Nature gives free all take that for granted!

Granted things only good and truthful one remembers to return;
Return in business is common but in love it is rare ever;
Ever timely help a good person of gratitude only does in life;
Life living according to dharma lifts one up when one falls!

Falling rain water helps dure parched Earth to revive crops;
Crops watered by rain is natural love of Nature to sustain life;

Life is revived and sustained by rich crops at the harvest time;
Time never stops for the loving nature of all as rain in Summer!

Summer rain of love washes rain of tears of the poor farmers sure;
Sure all trades and industries make all rich, but farmers feed all!

Replacement of Mechanical Life of Civilization by Cultural Life A Must!

Love and Nature as part of cultural life have to replace
Mechanical way of life as part of civilization for good
Human life to revive respecting human sense in humanity
And democratic rule should replace military economic rule!

For, Social life of humanity develops only by democracy as
Govt. is for the people, of the people and by the people;
This is the need of the hour as industrial development at
The cost of agricultural one has brought all woes to world!

A free world of independence for individuals to live better
Human life freedom, liberty and rights are really necessary
And that can be possible by human culture supported by love
In harmony with Nature for clean, healthy and good world life!

To achieve one such world life, economic and social developments
Should go hand in hand like tree and creeper plants in Nature!

Only Migratory Birds Enjoy Life of Freedom in Nature!

The freedom migratory birds enjoy no one else enjoys ever;
For, world is their home and fly anywhere according to season;
Only well to do go to hills in Summer and tropical place in Winter;
But birds neither rich nor poor, live anywhere as in their home!

Birds only eternally live in harmony with Nature ans enjoy life
In love singing songs as they wish in freedom as poets only do;
Even after knowing the inspiring poems of poets and music of
Birds how people are forgetting to live in hell, I know not!

We are born free, live free and die free, if we live by the
Embrace of Nature, but unfortunately we have opted for a life
Of modernity and civilization shunning Nature and culture even

After studying world history and literature sans feeling sure!

Nature shows heavenly life to live in the paradise of Earth
That seemingly nothing beings live in joy and peace unlike men!

Nature only the Sure Remedy for the Revival of Human Spirit!

Are the flowers dancing by the wind divine beauties of heaven
To please the divine emperor of gods there or world men here?
It makes me wonder at them feeling whether it is heaven above
Or paradise below seeing the dancing beauty of bright flowers!

In Nature only flowers and birds capture heart and make mind
Think and dream so many ideas of romance, paradise and heaven;
These beautiful heavenly ones amuse heart and bring joyful
Thoughts in mind in such a way that all woes of world are nil!

All joyful things of Nature not only bring happiness but also
Inspire to aspire for great status of heart, mind and soul in
Pursuit of noble dreams for the betterment of humankind here
Bringing an end to material competition occupying mind ever!

Always engaged with mechanical works in competition with time
Humanity has lost human touch in all matters of life needing
Diversion in Nature to revive human feeling to feel the joy of
All beings living in harmony with Nature from birth to death!

Continued to Next Page  


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