Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
I hope some of you may remember that some time back I wrote a poem on ‘Tears’. That truly reached a lot of readers and also the Poetry editor of
Yes. Tears mean a lot not only to me but every human and even for some animals.
I scanned through the innumerable big, small, crisp, touching quotes on Tears. Each one definitely conveyed some significant message directly or indirectly; yes. Tears express or bring forth several feelings from pain, gratitude, extreme happiness to agonizing sadness. So we could very well understand that all our emotions and feelings are in some way connected to tears.
True. There are some who don’t let out tears and are strong enough. Probably, their lachrymal glands must be inactive or their emotions are disconnected to them. In the same way, some shed tears at the slightest provocation. In such cases, some may be true and some show off as it turns out to be more like a habit like laughing.
Well, when one shed tears? I am not asking this question. I am trying to tell my personal experience with tears as an individual.
My life wasn’t a path of roses for a period, and I did cry alone a lot during such painful times. I know I didn’t develop a strong disposition too easily and it took time. The reason was simple; I was more empathetic than sympathetic. Tears are not always appreciated or accepted. There are several factors.
Well; let me share with you when I shed tears. Shedding tears when you are alone being always the best proposition. Most of the time, the grief or pain even for others becomes yours. So only you can feel it. I have cried while reading certain touching novels or stories many times. I have cried in some movies due to two reasons; one it was very emotionally disturbing or utter nonsense. Two of my friends vouch for that as long ago they burst into laughter after seeing me cry after taking me to a crap movie where at one point I started crying. Strange and funny, wasn’t it? Yes. It was.
Surprisingly, a few days back, I watched a conversation of Aamir Khan with Karishma Mehta in a program called ‘Humans of Bombay’ where he couldn’t control his tears while talking about his very young days when his family was in dire financial crisis. He apologized saying ‘Sorry I cry easily’.
We invariably come across a lot of cry-babies also. Well, I like one quote very much. ‘A Tear is made of 1% water and 99% emotion.’ Very true, when they are ‘real’.
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More by : G Swaminathan