Mar 18, 2025
Mar 18, 2025
by P C K Prem
As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 83
The arrival of Kumara Kartekeya unfolds the divine mood, the delusory power and the objective of the lord when he wishes to put to end the wicked forces.
‘Iniquity and malevolence’ has a predictable and virtual end. Taraka was a powerful asura equipped with the blessings of Supreme lord and therefore, a daitya of wicked nature was a cause of sufferings to the celestial and created beings. However, Shiva, the most compassionate and charitable lord of gods realised the sufferings of gods and agreed to fulfill the request and demand of gods.
Later on, after ages, when he was delighted at the intensity of penance of divine Parvati, he accepted her as his consort and thus, moments of immense celebration arrived in heavens as Kumara, the mighty Kartikeya took birth, attained divine knowledge and education and led the forces of gods to the battlefield to eliminate the most powerful daitya Taraka. No one can work against the injunction of time and providence – the dictates of the Supreme lord. Notwithstanding blessings and boons of the great lord, the destiny must reach its objective as premeditated and it lives to teach a lesson to powerful men and gods whether on earth or anywhere else. They must submit to intended goal because it is impracticable to disturb the rhythmic flow of life.
Sankara knew about the birth of Kumara from Ganges. Thereafter, Kritakas and other women brought up and took care of the child. As Kritakas reared up the child, so they named him Kartekeya. Later on, they brought the child to Shiva and Parvati. Sankara was pleased to see the child. He loved and held the child tenderly in the lap. The gods of heavens were very happy and provided comforts and precious articles of enjoyments to the child. Celestial beings imparted valuable knowledge of different vidyas (knowledge and education of various kinds). They also gave knowledge of astra-sastras to the divine child. Parvati’s love and affection for the child did not know limit. Innocence and divine light of the child simply enamoured.
She was cheerful and enchanted, and later, sanctified the child with eternity, divine blessings, comforts and riches of life. She offered a divine necklace to the child that added divine beauty to Kumara. Savitri was content with the child and therefore, educated him on various siddhis (art of perfection in a variety of fields). A great festival at the palace of Shiva indeed glorified every unit. Everyone was happy. Delight of Shiva and Parvati was incomparable. Times of pleasure and joys at Kailasa were unrivaled as the gods and sages enhanced its exquisiteness and splendeur.
In the meantime, the gods of heavens arrived at Kailasa and said to Sankara, “O lord, Kumara ought to kill daitya Taraka. It is destined. It is because of the reason that he is born out of the love of Parvati. It is a unique incident. Therefore, O lord, for the joys and contentment, you direct Kumara to finish Taraka an awful mighty daitya, the cause of sufferings to gods. All gods fully armed with astra-sastras must begin the journey to the battlefield to destroy Taraka.”
Shiva’s heart appeared sad. The face looked heartrending and empathetic. After a thoughtful pause, he acceded to the humble request of gods and handed over son Kumara so that he is able to destroy a dreadful and gigantic Taraka. It was an eagerly awaited decision and understanding of Shiva. Shiva did not object and allowed Kumara to fight against Taraka. Brahma, Vishnu and many gods gathered at one place, held consultations and under the command of General Guha, arrived at the palace of Shiva. Sri Hari and the gods believed in the divine child’s strength and therefore, reposed full faith (in Kumara). After he destroys and eliminates Taraka the great daitya, Kumara would not only lessen but also put an end to the sufferings of gods they thought. Under the influence of the delusory powers of Shiva, the gods under the command of Kumara Kartekeya began the journey to the battlefield to wipe out mighty Taraka.
It was obvious that the Great War with Taraka was likely to begin as Kumara Kartekeya led the army of gods to the battlefield. It was awe-inspiring in ferocity and enormity and certainly was an extremely violent clash of egos that left many dead as torsos filled the battleground
Taraka, the great daitya learnt about the intentions and efforts of the gods of heavens. He gathered forces, and immediately rushed to the battleground to confront the enemy. Gods were surprised to see the forces of monster Taraka. Earsplitting noise and loud cries for war instilled fears in the hearts of the created beings. Sankara’s inspired voice from the sky cautioned Brahma, Vishnu and other gods.
A celestial voice said, “O gods, now that you fight under the leadership of Kumara, you will be the victors.”
Cheering voice from the sky, inspired gods and they felt quite fit, excited and energetic. No fear gave troubles and therefore, they roared as if they had won the battle. Motivation to fight gained momentum and as a result, all gods under the command of Kumara rushed in anxiety to the frontline. Many powerful demons with a huge army surrounding Taraka rushed to the battlefield. When Taraka arrived, clouds in the sky thundered and presaged a lethal devastation, and sounds of drum – beatings portended the beginning of war, as harsh and noisy war cries increased the intensity of impending ferocity.
Mighty daityas marched ahead under the leadership of Taraka, thumped earth with terrific sound and the thud of heavy and swift feet made the earth tremble. Gods heard dreadful sounds, thunders, roars and cries but they stood firm, fearless, and ready to strike. Indra, the lord of gods offered a mighty elephant, the king of elephants to Kumara, who along with Indra mounted the lord of elephants, stood in front of the army while strong lokapals (the guardians of heavens) and a huge army of gods encircled the mighty warrior to grant initial security shield. Later on, Kumara offered the king of elephants to Mahendra. Kumara looked luminous and incredible when he mounted an amazing aerial car fully decorated and bejeweled in artistic grandeur.
A fierce war began between the divinely inspired forces of gods as ego overwhelmed the gods and the mighty daityas, who looked furious and terrifying. It was a fierce war never witnessed before. Very soon, it filled the ground with heads and torsos defying identity.
Mighty Taraka eager to fight, speedily rushed toward the forces of gods. Indra and the powerful gods observed Taraka advancing and so, they quickly rushed forward and stood before the demon. It was an occasion of shrill uproar and rowdy drumbeating between the armies of gods and daityas. In a moment, fierce duels between the warriors of gods and demons terrified all created beings. In fact, frightful and bitter fight appeared to destroy powerful warriors as belligerent forces suffered grave losses. Brave fighters felt very happy and the cowards trembled with fear of death. At that stage, when the war had gained momentum Virbhadra appeared in the battlefield. The fight among the great warriors bewildered and terrified everyone, and as the chief of ganas remembered the lord even as inspiring courage, resilience and determination granted extra strength to gods
Virbhadra, the chief of ganas of Shiva with a vast army of pramathganas appeared to challenge Taraka. All mighty leaders of the ganas born of fury of Shiva looked enraged and menacing. Without wasting time, the terrifying ganas pushed the gods back and stood to face the wrath of gigantic Taraka. A fierce bloody duel erupted between the warriors of pramathganas and daityas. Formidable spirit of courage, fortitude and inspiration strengthened the resolve of gods.
The armies and the captains fought doggedly to the finish against one another irrespective of the consequences of war. A ferocious fight between Virbhadra and Taraka stunned the forces. Sensing danger to lives, the forces of daityas feared and trembled and death seemed certain if violence and destruction continued. Therefore, the soldiers of daityas appeared disinterested in war-efforts. Taraka observed soldiers running away in dread and uncertainty and therefore, anger and impatience filled hearts of warriors. Immediately, demonstrating immense power and adorned with ten thousand arms, he mounted a ferocious lion, surveyed vigilantly the soldiers and warriors of gods, calculated the strength, resolved and thereafter, was ready to devastate and kill the enemy. Without loss of time, he began to kill gods and threw the bodies of gods either alive or dead around in the battlefield in fury. The brutal and deadly hurling of bodies of gods and various celestial warriors whether dead or alive created a panicky situation.
The chief of pramathaganas observed Taraka, who fought fiercely and killed soldiers of the divine army. He was extremely angry and wanted to kill Taraka. Virbhadra thought of the holy feet of Shiva and picked up one of the greatest and powerful tridents. The intensity and incredible strength of trident filled all directions with radiance and vigour.
Continued to Next Page
More by : P C K Prem